Week 2 Discussion Post


Review the resources in Weekly Guide/Week 2 and the Rating System for the Hierarchy of Evidence for Intervention/Treatment Questions in Chapter 1 of Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt’s (2015) textbook (p. 11. Box 1.3). Review the hierarchy Levels I-VII. (Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt 4th edition, see Box 1.3 on page 18 for hierarchy levels).The PICOT Questions used from week 1 this: PICOT question: In patients ages 45 years and older (P), how does the application of an influenza vaccine (I) compared to not obtaining the vaccine (C) influence the possibility of contracting pneumonia (O) during the period of flu season (T)?State the PICOT question from Week 1 using the intervention formatSelect one peer-reviewed nursing research article that supports the problem or intervention stated in the PICOT questionDiscuss the level of evidence found in the chosen article using Levels I-VII from the text.Needs three APA format references

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