Analysis and Systems Comparison


This assignment is an introduction to Analysis and Planning. A business case is provided to analyze, with the primary intent being to begin to uncover the challenges and propose a solution. Additionally, students will explore types of information systems.

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Analysis and Systems Comparison
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Assignment Instructions

This assignment is based on your perceptions of the following scenario and focuses on developing a SWOT analysis along with related questions. Minor research is required. You should consult the EBSCO database or any other databases for academic sources regarding the SWOT analysis.


The Green City Activity Center has asked you to help them understand their current business situation and create a SWOT analysis for them. You have been given this information:

Green City is a moderately small suburb of a major city, and it borders several other suburbs, a few of which have their own community centers.
There is a metro train that travels through Green City, but the station is not within walking distance of the Center. There is an active bus service within the city, however.
The Center is located on a main street in the community and is only about 6 blocks from the local high school. Nearby businesses include a bookstore, a busy doctor’s office, and a small preschool. There is a municipal pool at the other end of town.
The Center was built only 20 years ago, and the building has been well maintained. The parking lot is of adequate size and was last sealed about 8 years ago.
The center’s amenities include an indoor swimming pool, a wading pool, four tennis courts, a running track, a gym with several kinds of weight machines and cycles, and a basketball court. There is also a juice bar/coffeeshop on the premises, although it is mostly younger center patrons who visit it. The locker rooms are relatively small. There is a large storage room near the back of the building which has not yet been designated for a specific use.
The center’s services include yoga classes on Tuesday evenings, and children’s swimming classes on Saturday mornings.
Use of the Center is allowed by subscription only. Passes are purchased for 6 months at a time. Patrons are welcome to drop in from 9 am to 9 pm Monday through Saturday.
Many of the staff have worked at the Center for several years and know customers well. Typically, there is an opening for a new staff member approximately every six months due to natural attrition.
The Center has not yet tapped into social media.

Part 1 SWOT Analysis

Consider the above scenario and develop a SWOT analysis. Remember that strengths and weaknesses focus on company (internal) factors, and opportunities and threats come from external (non-controllable) factors. Follow these parameters:
Present your analysis either in a Word® table or bulleted list.
Clearly identify each section as S (Strengths), W (Weaknesses), O (Opportunities), and T (Threats).
Include 3 clear, statements for each section.
Examples of strong statements relate each area of analysis to the scenario. Focus as many of your statements as possible on components of the client’s system (network, database, web presence, etc.).





Things the business does well

Things your business lacks

Underutilized markets

Emerging Competition

Qualities that separate you from competitors

Things your competitors do better

Little competition

Negative press/media (or the lack of positive coverage)

Internal resources (specialized equipment, trained staff, unique programs)

Limited resources

Emerging need for new products or services you can provide

Poor customer communications

Tangible assets (IP, capital, technology, patents)

Unclear purpose or marketing

Enhanced communication and social media

Disrupted supply chain or market forces

Do not write questions. Write in full sentences.
Write entirely in your own words; do not copy wording from the scenario.
There is no need to cite the above scenario in your paper.

Part 2 Information Systems

Before you present your SWOT analysis to the client, you realize this is also an opportunity to learn about various kinds of Information Systems:

Find at least one appropriate Purdue Library source or web source to learn about different types of listed below.

Executive Information Systems (ESS)
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Management Information Systems (MIS)
Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

For each of the above:

Prepare a paragraph of at least 50 words that provides a definition of the system and its functions.
Provide an example of each type of system
Write in your own words (no quotes and no copying).
Provide the full URL of your source.

Place your SWOT analysis and Information Systems paragraphs in the same Word document. Format for easy readability; APA is not required for this assignment.

Review all instructions above and the rubric below before submitting to the assignment Dropbox.

Assignment Requirements

For more information on APA style formatting, go to Academic Writer, formerly APA Style Central, under the Academic Tools area of this course.