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Professional Military Subject Essay Final Submission
Professional Miltary Subject Essay
Inform learners they will write a two-page (maximum) essay addressing
Professional Military Subject each NCOA Commandants will determine the
theme/subject of the essay toallow learners to consider an issue, problem,
or event from a sergeant/team leader’sperspective and provide possible
solutions or expound upon thoughts and experiencesregarding the subject.
Commandants are encouraged to consider subjects and themes that
professionally affect Soldiers and junior leaders within their installations,
regions,or the NCO Corps.The winner will be selected by the commandant
and recognized with a certificate of achievement and coin during
Title: Professional Military Subject (Choose one)
I. Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
A. Opening statement
B. Background information
C. Purpose statement
II. Body (2-4 paragraphs)
A. (Point A)
B. (Point B) (Could be tied to point A)
C. (Point C) Supporting topic & evidence to support your main point.
D. (Point D)
III. Conclusion (1-2 paragraphs)
A. Summarize the main points.
B. Make a strong, memorable final statement.
• Essay must be 1-2 pages in length (title page does not count as a page).
• Essay is an individual activity (although peer editing is allowed).
• Essay must contain two references (ARs, personal interviews, peer review articles, etc.).
• Essay is due on Day 1 of the Assessment Phase (provide students with exact date and time).
• Commandant (or designated representative) will choose the best essay.
Question Concepts: What are the essential components of successful
team building at the military team/squad leader level?
Title Choose: Team Building in the Military (US Army)
A Title page (Center)
The essay must be 1-2 Pages.
Arial 12 points
The entire essay must be double-spaced.
Margins will be 1 inch all around
All paragraphs must be aligned on the left.
Two References minimum (MLA Format) (Work cited page & In-text
Note: No Plagiarism, No ChatGPT. Every reference must be cited MLA

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