Write a proposal for: The impact of applying AI in education for sustainable development in high school students


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Write a proposal for: The impact of applying AI in education for sustainable development in high school students
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The title
Introduction – justification
Research question (needed)
Research aim
Research objectives 4 (already I mentioned my objectives at the bottom of the page)
Preliminary Literature Review (key relevant Research papers
Research methodology
Work schedule / Gantt Chart
Main topics in the assignment: introduction, literature review, Methodology, design plan, references.
Introduction Approx 250 words
The introduction should develop and provide the following information.
Title of proposal, intro, research background, research question, research aim, research 4
The introduction should develop and provide the following information:
The general area(s)/topics of literature(s) in which the study will be grounded.
The focal literature on which the study will be concentrating/ examining.
The gap the student has identified in the literature.
Why the gap is important (in terms of knowledge development around it)?
A clear statement of one clear research question (not more) that will address this gap.
What contribution that answering that gap will make to the
Literature review Section:
What is the conceptional framework.
What is / Why I need a literature review
The general area in which the study will be grounded.
The focal literature on which the study will be concentrating/ examining.
What is descriptive literature review
What is a critical literature review
The gap knowledge the student has identified in the literature.
Why the gap is important (in terms of knowledge development around it)?
A clear statement of one clear research question (not more) that will address this gap.
What contribution that answering that gap will make to the
Methodology philosophy
Main Body
(Approx 1500 words)
Research Philosophy
The overall research methodological paradigm that the research will employ and why this is
being employed (e.g. inductive, deductive, positivism, interpretivism etc)
An elaboration of the literature surrounding this paradigm and a critical analysis of its strengths
and weakness.
An elaboration of why other paradigms have not been selected/are not suitable for/employed
in the study?
This section will contain a discussion of epistemology, ontology and axiology and their
relevance to the chosen research methodology.
Research Design
The research methods employed with the research methodology including:
An elaboration of the chosen data collection methods and a critical analysis of their strengths
and weaknesses for your thesis.
An elaboration of why other research methods have not been chosen.
The approach to data analysis:
What techniques and approaches will you be using to analyse your data? Why – provided
reasons and explanations (e.g. thematic analysis, discourse analysis, correlation etc.)
Ethical considerations
What ethical considerations will your thesis field work require:
e.g. consent protocols, data storage, usage and disposal, protection of respondents and
Gannt Chart: A timeline of actions and when they will happen. (table)
For example:
How long would it need to complete the literature review, methodology, finding and
analysis, conclusion and recommendation, reviewing editing, final draft
(Approx 250 words)
Summarise the key points of the terrain examined and the arguments made
Identify future possible directions of study based on the preceding discussion.
This is the general topic:
The impact of applying AI in education for sustainable development in high school students
These are my Objectives:
1. Improving students’ skills in using technology.
2. Enhance teachers’ ability to use recent technology tools.
3. Develop educational solutions that are accessible to all student segments.
4. Promote innovative teaching techniques to improve the quality of education.
The research question! (The impact of applying AI in education for sustainable
development in high school students)

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