Cultural marketing :3000 words report


Requirements: Students are required to provide a written report which contains an audit of the marketing strategy and programme(s) of a cultural/arts organisation of their choice (see list of suitable organisations below). For the purpose of the assessment, the organisation is known as the “target organisation”.

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In determining the grade to be awarded, examiners will take into account the following: use of academic literature on arts/ cultural marketing; use of cultural marketing terminology and frameworks; use of relevant market reports; use of relevant corporate data sources; thoroughness and critical distance of the analysis; consistent and accurate use of a suitable form of academic referencing, presentation and readability. Please see the marking grid below for a summary.

structure contents(3000 word hard limit)

1. Introduction to the report (briefing) – what, what, where, when (use data references)

2. Macro-environmental analysis (student has done)

Big trends (see your midterm paper analysis unless told you need a new case study)- copyand paste table from Assesment 1, not included in the word count

3. Micro-environmental analysis

Audiences,consumers, fans


4. Target/Focal organisation

Mission statement, values, philosophy, aims

Operating context/history of the organisation

Performance (how successful are they? Are they market leaders, profitable, well receievd?)

5. Cultural Marketing Strategy

Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning

6. Marketing Mix Analysis (4Ps/4Cs + SWOT

> Integrative Analysis (SWOT): Integrate Midterm Macro-Analysis (OT in SwOT)

7.Conclusion, implications, recommendations (Tows)

9List of references

Appendix (optional)

What is a Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) organisation? For the purposes of this module, a CCI organisation is an organisation operating in one of the following sectors. Your chosen organisation must come from one of these:

Advertising agencies






Film studios/distribution – video, film

Galleries – fine art

Video games

Video games developers and publishers


Live and recorded music – popular and classical


Performing arts – theatre, ballet, performance art


Publishing – books, magazines, newspapers

TV/radio broadcast/distribution

Arts venues

Visitor Attractions /Cultural Tourism

NB: Specifically excluded for this module are sports organisations.