Fundamental of Sociology, Soc 166


Part1) After viewing the film available here

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Fundamental of Sociology, Soc 166
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1) How do media advertisements effect peoples self image? Why do marketers do this?

2) How do these advertisements and media images work since the rise of social media?

3) What is the difference in the marketing towards men and women?

4) Should advertisements be regulated? How would you regulate them?

Remember to answer all questions fully and thoughtfully.

Part 2) Reaction Papers: You are expected to read all material and prepare a reaction paper of 1-2 full pages (min. 600 to 1000 words) for each reading assignment. These papers should discuss your analysis of the material and in particular how it relates to your life experience. First person, avoid summary and do not use quotes.

Section 3.1. Culture and the sociological perspective. In: Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Open Textbooks.

Section 3.2. The Elements of culture. In: Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Open Textbooks.

Section 3.3. Cultural diversity. In: Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Open Textbooks.