Advanced Java Powerpoint Presentation


Using PowerPoint create a How to guide that explains Software security with the following guiding questions below (Please give examples everywhere)

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Advanced Java Powerpoint Presentation
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1, What is the software development cycle (please show examples)

2. Explain the difference between the waterfall and the aigle software development cycle (please show examples)

3. Where does security fit into the software development cycle (Describe the software life cycle to include security injections) (please show examples)

4. Explain the difference between static and dynamic software analysis and testing.(please show examples)

5. Explain various ethical aspects related to software development, including vulnerability disclosure (please show examples)

6. Buffer overflows are more troublesome for some programming languages than for others. For example, C and C++ lack the built-in bounds checking facilities that Java provides. Some people have argued that this is a good reason to avoid C and C++ in favor of Java or other “safer” languages. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?

7. Countless currently running programs were built using C and C++. Buffer overflow vulnerabilities are often found in these programs, often after they have been in use for many years. Why should it be so difficult to find and fix buffer overflow flaws in software?

8. Buffer overflows can be troublesome if they are used by hackers to run their own code. What sort of things might an attacker try to do if he or she were able to run arbitrary code on a computer?