Apply Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis over NOUG Marketing Plan Project


Apply Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis over the same marketing project NOUG..Requirements: 1- Based on your assumption, 2-half a page or one-page max, Attachments:1- A file provided to understand Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis.2- The last version of the project which was submitted.

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Apply Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Analysis over NOUG Marketing Plan Project
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MKT 506: Marketing Management
Marketing Plan Project – NOUG Company
Due: 16th Dec. 2023
Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Company Description …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Target market: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Core Competencies: ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
Competitive Advantage: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Mission ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Vision …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Core Values: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Product or Service Description ………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Situation Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
SWOT Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Consumer Behavior Research ……………………………………………………………………………… 13
Critical Issues ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15
Limited Physical Presence and Market Reach: ……………………………………………………. 15
Supply Chain Challenges and Quality Assurance:……………………………………………….. 15
Consumer Awareness and Education: ………………………………………………………………… 16
Competition and Differentiation: ………………………………………………………………………. 16
Marketing Strategies to Create Value ……………………………………………………………………. 16
Segmentation strategy: …………………………………………………………………………………….. 16
Target Marketing: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 17
Positioning Strategy: ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 22
Capturing Value through the Marketing Mix………………………………………………………….. 23
Product/Service Features, Benefits, and Performance Characteristics ……………………. 23
Pricing Strategy for Noug Camel Milk Products …………………………………………………. 25
Distribution Strategy for Noug Camel Milk Products ………………………………………….. 26
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) …………………………………………………… 28
Controls and Contingency Planning ……………………………………………………………………… 31
Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 35
Executive Summary
Noug, the first Saudi camel milk brand, is positioned for strategic growth and market
leadership in the growing sector. Noug, backed by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), pioneered
premium camel milk products that meet Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goals. Noug has a firstmover advantage in a market expected to increase from US$ 256.0 Million in 2022 to US$
353.0 Million in 2028. Innovative products, sophisticated shopping experiences, and Saudi
heritage are its USPs. The brand attracts traditional and modern consumers, especially those
seeking healthier dairy options. A thorough SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces analysis
demonstrates Noug’s first-mover advantage, innovative product variety, and strong financial
backing. Opportunities include market growth, Vision 2030 alignment, and worldwide
expansion. Threats include a competitive landscape and changing consumer preferences, while
weaknesses include a limited physical presence and potential competition from traditional dairy
products. Noug is guided by strategic marketing advice, focusing on product differentiation,
innovation, and adaptability to market trends while promoting educational initiatives
highlighting camel milk’s nutritional benefits. The program promotes Noug as a consumerfocused brand, focusing on market awareness, supply chain management, customer
involvement, price competitiveness, sustainable sourcing, and ethical growth to appeal to ecoconscious consumers. Noug shows its national commitment by aligning marketing and
partnerships with Vision 2030. Noug can reach more people online by increasing its digital
marketing and e-commerce presence. Finally, the company should use consumer data to
improve products, services, and marketing strategies through feedback and continual
development. Combining these suggestions prepares Noug for long-term success in a changing
market, where innovation, quality, and sustainability match changing market dynamics and
consumer demands, assuring its continuous growth as Saudi Arabia’s premier camel dairy
Company Description
Noug is the first Saudi brand that specializes in camel milk products. It is owned by
SAWANI, a leading camel dairy company. Noug’s first store and lounge coffee is located on
Anas Bin Malik Street in Riyadh, and it offers a selection of premium dairy products, including
fresh, plain, and flavor-infused camel milk, butter, cheese, cream, gelato. Noug provides a wide
selection of products, catering to the specific needs and tastes of different consumers and
ultimately enhancing the growth and development of the Saudi dairy market. Products from
Noug are made available to customers by SAWANI through its mobile application as well instore snd pre-order also delivery. Nouq Company owns six million cubic meters of Agricultural
land in Shaqra that it uses produce the camel milk product.
Target market:
The company’s target market comprises Saudi and regional customers who value traditional
and locally sourced milk products.
Core Competencies:
Strong focus on using high-quality, natural ingredients to ensure superior taste and texture.
Competitive Advantage:
The company’s competitive advantage is attributed to its Camel milk products that are
associated with desired health benefits, including being lower in fat and lactose and having
higher levels of vitamins and minerals. This is a significant draw for health-conscious
Dedicated to delivering high-quality camel milk products, Noug is committed to the sustainable
growth of the camel dairy sector, thus contributing to the diversification of the national
economy. Through strategic partnerships and integration of best practices, Noug aims to
educate consumers about the health benefits of camel products and their role in societal
To become the Kingdom’s leading camel dairy brand, recognized for its unwavering
commitment to promoting Saudi heritage and sustainability throughout the value chain.
Core Values:
Distinction: Ensuring top-quality products from farm to store.
Authenticity: Building a brand deeply rooted in Saudi heritage.
Collaboration: Forging strong partnerships to invigorate the Saudi heritage.
Sustainability: Ensuring consistent availability of products in the market.
Community: Empowering individuals and communities to preserve the camel milk industry.
Product or Service Description
Noug’s camel milk and premium dairy products, such as including fresh milk and leban
and flavor camel milk, spreadables butter, cheese, cream ,gelato and Smoothies. Noug has
etched a significant presence in the niche sector of camel milk products. Noug’s camel milk is
an emblem of nutritional superiority, particularly suited to those with dietary restrictions such
as lactose intolerance, making it a healthier alternative for consumers with specific dietary
Noug dairy products and Innovative Fresh Milks
o Fresh Leban: The 220ml Noug Fresh Leban is a creamy delight that brings the coolness of
pure camel milk to the fore, promising a refreshing experience.
o Fresh Milk: Available in 950ml, 500ml, and 220ml containers, Noug fresh milk is a
testament to the enduring legacy of Saudi Arabian camel farming, enriched with nutrients
and tradition.
o Camel Milk with Lavender (300ml): aroma of lavender with the wholesome goodness of
camel milk, catering to a niche yet growing market for flavored, lactose-free.
o Camel Milk with Dark Chocolate & Orange (300ml): This orange has rich tones of dark
chocolate and a lactose-free twist.
o Camel Milk with Cardamom (300ml): aromatic cardamom with creamy camel milk,
creating a wholesome beverage that delights the palate.
Innovative Spreadable:
o Camel Milk Spreadable Cheese (180g): A creamy and versatile product that caters to the
growing demand for spreadable cheese alternatives.
o Camel Milk Fresh Creamy Labneh (180g): A fresh take on a Middle Eastern staple, this
labneh is both traditional and innovative, reflecting the brand’s culinary ethos.
o Camel Milk Fresh Cream (150g): A rich and smooth addition to the Noug family, designed
to enhance a variety of dishes.
o Unsalted Camel Butter (65g): A healthier alternative to traditional butters, offering the
unique benefits of camel milk fat.
o Mhallabiyyah (150g): This traditional Arabian dessert gets a Noug twist with the fresh
camel milk.
Noug Camel Milk Smoothies
Noug’s Camel Milk Smoothies blend, nutritious camel milk with a medley of delicious
flavors to create refreshing drinks.
o Green Apple: Crisp and tangy, with a sweetness that balances the smooth richness of camel
o Kiwi: A tropical twist with a tart edge, kiwi adds a vibrant zing and a dose of vitamin C.
o Lychee: Sweet, floral, and refreshing, lychee infuses a burst of subtropical flavor.
o Passion Fruit: Bold and tangy, its unique tropical flavor is both refreshing and invigorating.
Noug Coffee Collection
o Cameltado: A bold macchiato with a camel milk twist.
o Shathila Hot Coffee: Spiced Saudi coffee warmly paired with camel milk.
o Shathila Cold Coffee: Iced Saudi coffee blended with cool, creamy camel milk.
Noug Gelato Flavors
o Matcha: Matcha’s tea in creamy camel milk gelato.
o Saffron: Rich saffron woven into smooth gelato.
o Cardamom: Spiced cardamom in a velvety treat.
o Dark Chocolate & Orange: Citrus meets chocolate in a cool blend.
o Lemon: Bright and tart lemon gelato.
o Pistachio: Deeply nutty pistachio flavor.
o Dark Chocolate & Coffee: Mocha delight in gelato form.
o Coconut & Chocolate: Tropical coconut with chocolate swirls.
o Lotus & Berries: Sweet lotus meets tart berries.
o Almond: Pure almond in a creamy scoop.
o Tahina: Sesame richness in gelato.
o Saudi Coffee & Cardamom: Aromatic coffee with a cardamom twist.
Market Performance and Position:
Noug is performing well in its niche market, with a growing market share and strong finances.
It appeals to traditional and modern consumers, particularly health-conscious and ethical
shoppers. There is increasing interest in camel milk and gourmet dairy. This strategic move has
captivated the existing market and attracted a new demographic that seeks a fusion of taste and
Situation Analysis
Environmental and situation analysis for Noug entails a thorough examination of both
micro and macro environmental factors that impact its operations. On the micro level, the
availability and pricing of camel milk from suppliers are crucial for the smooth functioning of
Noug’s operations. Customer preferences, purchasing power, and acceptance of camel milk
products significantly influence the company’s market penetration and growth. The competitive
landscape also plays a key role, with existing players challenging Noug through various
strategies like pricing, product variety, and marketing tacticsdditionally, the effectiveness and
efficiency of distribution channels are vital for ensuring customer satisfaction and extending
market reach. In terms of internal capabilities, Noug’s ability to innovate and develop new
products remains a critical factor in maintaining its competitive edge.
On the macro scale, several broader factors affect Noug’s business. Economic conditions
directly influence the demand for its products, making economic stability a significant factor.
Sociocultural attitudes towards camel milk and modern retail concepts shape consumer
behavior, affecting how the market responds to Noug’s offerings. Technological advancements,
particularly in food processing and distribution, offer opportunities to enhance operational
efficiencies. Legal and regulatory factors, including compliance with food safety and other
relevant laws, are imperative for Noug’s lawful and ethical operation. Environmental concerns,
especially sustainable sourcing and production practices are becoming increasingly important
to stakeholder (Al-Ghaswyneh, 2022). Noug must also overcome camel milk preconceptions
through education and marketing. Noug can improve operating efficiency and expand its
market with food processing and distribution technology. Lastly, the political landscape,
including a stable political environment and government support for local industries, creates
the overarching environment in which Noug operates, potentially impacting its growth
trajectory. A broader situational analysis is highlighted through the SWOT analysis and porter
five forces.
SWOT Analysis
First Mover Advantage: Noug holds the
distinction of being the first Saudi brand
specializing in camel milk products, which
grants it a first-mover advantage in this
niche market.
Innovative Product Range: Noug offers a
variety of camel milk derivatives and
flavors, providing consumers with a wide 1.
range of options and an enriched shopping
Modern Retail Experience: By blending
traditional camel milk with modern retail
concepts like a camel milk cafe and a milk
dispenser machine, Noug is creating a
unique and engaging customer experience.
Backed by Public Investment Fund (PIF):
Having the backing of the PIF provides
Noug with significant financial and strategic
support, enabling it to execute its vision and
expand its operations.
1. Market Awareness: The camel milk market
might still need more consumer awareness
and education regarding the benefits and
uses of camel milk products.
2. Limited Physical Presence: Currently,
Noug has a single store in Riyadh, which
may limit its market reach compared to
other dairy brands with broader distribution
Market Growth: The camel dairy market in
Saudi Arabia is growing, with projections
showing a rise from US$ 256.0 Million in
2022 to US$ 353.0 Million by 2028. This
growth represents a significant opportunity
for Noug to expand its market share.
Alignment with Vision 2030: Noug’s
operations align with Saudi Arabia’s Vision
2030 objectives of diversifying the economy
and promoting local production, which
could open doors for more support and
incentives from the government.
International Expansion: With the aim to
provide high-quality milk products to both
local and international markets, Noug has
the opportunity to expand its operations
beyond Saudi Arabia and tap into the global
camel milk market.
Competitive Landscape: The presence of
other notable players in the camel milk
market like Desert Farms, Inc.,
Camelicious, and Aadvik Foods presents a
competitive threat to Noug.
Consumer Preferences: Changing
consumer preferences and the popularity of
alternative dairy and non-dairy products
could impact the demand for camel milk
Supply Chain Challenges: Ensuring a
consistent supply of high-quality camel milk
and managing the logistics of production
and distribution could pose challenges,
especially in a market dominated by
traditional cow’s milk products.
Competition from Traditional Dairy
Products: Camel milk competes with more
established dairy products from cows,
which might have a wider acceptance and
market share.
This SWOT analysis provides a snapshot of Noug’s market position and the various factors
that could impact its success in the camel milk sector. The brand’s innovative approach,
combined with the financial backing of the PIF and a growing market, presents a favorable
scenario for Noug’s growth and market penetration. Nonetheless, competition from other
players and potential supply chain challenges are factors that Noug would need to navigate to
maintain and enhance its market position.
Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
Threat of New Entrants:
Barrier to Entry: Camel’s milk production involves major infrastructure, technical, and
distribution investments. It includes buying land, building milking facilities, buying specialized
equipment, and developing cold chain logistics (Nagy et al., 2022). These high capital
requirements make it difficult for newcomers, especially those without substantial financial
backing. Noug, being backed by the Public Investment Fund (PIF), has a strong financial
foundation. They must also establish compliance procedures and systems, which take time and
resources (Assaad & Abdul-Malak, 2020). A company’s reputation and finances might suffer
from fines, penalties, and product recalls for non-compliance.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers:
Supplier Concentration: The supply of camel milk may be concentrated among a few key
suppliers, potentially granting them bargaining power. However, Noug’s affiliation with
Sawani, which specializes in the camel milk sector, might mitigate this risk.
Bargaining Power of Buyers:
Product Differentiation: Noug offers a variety of camel milk products and flavors, which
could decrease the bargaining power of buyers by providing unique products.
Threat of Substitute Products:
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Availability of Alternatives: There are many alternatives to camel milk, including cow’s milk
and plant-based milk products. The availability of these substitutes poses a threat to Noug.
Rivalry Among Existing Competitors:
o Number of Competitors: The camel milk market has several notable players like Desert
Farms, Inc., Camelicious, and Aadvik Foods, indicating a level of rivalry in the market.
o Market Growth: The growing market for camel milk products in Saudi Arabia could
potentially reduce rivalry by providing expansion opportunities for all players.
o Product Differentiation: Noug’s emphasis on modern retail experience and innovative
product offerings might provide a competitive edge in a market where differentiation could
reduce rivalry.
Strategic Implications:
In the dynamic and evolving market landscape that Noug operates in, strategic implications
play a pivotal role in guiding the company’s direction and ensuring its long-term success. These
strategies are not just about tackling current challenges but also about proactively positioning
the company for future growth and sustainability. From product differentiation to customer
engagement, and from supply chain management to digital transformation, each aspect of
Noug’s strategy is carefully crafted to resonate with its core values and business objectives.
These strategic implications are aligned with both the internal strengths and capabilities of
Noug as well as the external environmental factors, ensuring a harmonious balance between
what the company can offer and what the market demands. By implementing these strategies,
Noug aims to not only consolidate its position in the current market but also to pave the way
for future expansion and innovation, keeping pace with the ever-changing consumer
preferences and technological advancements. This strategic approach is integral to Noug’s
commitment to delivering quality, value, and innovation in its offerings, while also contributing
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positively to the broader economic and social fabric of Saudi Arabia. Noug can maintain its
competitiveness in the market through
1) Product Differentiation and Innovation: Continue to innovate in product development to appeal
to different consumer segments.
2) Building Strong Supply Chain: Develop a robust supply chain management system to
streamline procurement, production, and distribution processes.
3) Customer Engagement and Experience: Enhance in-store experiences, optimize online
platforms, and engage with customers through various channels.
4) Expansion into New Markets: Develop a phased expansion plan identifying key markets based
on consumer preferences and market readiness.
5) Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing: Emphasize sustainable practices in sourcing, production,
and distribution.
6) Alignment with National Objectives: Leverage alignment with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 in
marketing communications and seek potential partnerships or support initiatives from
government bodies.
7) Digital Marketing and E-commerce: Strengthen online presence, invest in e-commerce
platforms, and utilize digital marketing to reach a broader audience.
8) Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Implement feedback mechanisms to gather consumer
insights and continuously improve products, services, and marketing strategies based on datadriven decisions.
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Consumer Behavior Research
There has been a long tradition of consuming camel milk within Saudi Arabia, and it holds
a lot of cultural significance in the country as well. There are a number of factors that can
influence the behavior of consumers. They include:
Cultural significance:
The traditional Saudi diet includes camel milk, which is often consumed due to its perceived
health benefits. There is no doubt that cultural factors can play a significant role in shaping
consumer behavior, and the longstanding use of camel milk in the region could contribute to
its acceptance by many.
Health and nutrition:
There has been a growing interest in health and wellness in Saudi Arabia, similar to what has
been happening in other parts of the world. Consumers who are health-conscious may be
attracted to camel milk because it is a nutritious and healthy alternative to other kinds of milk.
Product Familiarity:
The Saudi Arabian diet has traditionally included camel milk; thus, consumers of milk in Saudi
Arabia are likelier to prefer this type of milk. Noug may benefit from this because people trust
and like familiar brands.
Figure 1
13 | P a g e
Figure 1 shows that the demand for fresh milk will continue to rise in Saudi Arabia in the
coming years (Saudi Arabia Dairy Market Insights, n.d.). Thus, Noug should leverage this
opportunity by providing customers with unique milk products to expand its market share.
Price Sensitivity:
A consumer’s behavior is often influenced by the price at which the product is sold. In
comparison to other dairy products, camel milk is more affordable compared to other dairy
products, which can influence purchasing decisions.
Availability and distribution:
It is extremely important to make sure that camel milk is available in supermarkets, local
markets, or specialty stores. In order for it to gain popularity, it needs to be easily accessible to
a wide range of consumers.
Evaluation of Alternatives:
Consumers might consider various alternatives, such as different brands of camel milk, other
types of milk, or even alternative beverages. Factors influencing this evaluation could include
taste, nutritional content, price, and brand reputation.
Purchase Decision:
Based on the evaluation, consumers may make the decision to purchase camel milk. This
decision can be influenced by factors like the availability of camel milk, brand loyalty, and the
perceived value for money.
This is the stage where the actual transaction takes place. Consumers may buy camel milk from
local markets, supermarkets, or specialty stores. The ease of purchase and the availability of
camel milk at convenient locations could impact this stage. Off-trade supermarkets and
hypermarkets held 61.92% of the Saudi Arabian dairy market 2022. Foodservice demand for
dairy-based dishes boosts the business. Milk dominates retail channels with a 30.6% market
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share (Saudi Arabia Dairy Market Insights, n.d.). Milk and other dairy goods are popular in
Saudi Arabian retail channels. Cheese, yogurt, and butter diversify and grow the dairy sector.
Cheese is particularly popular in retail due to its versatility.
Post-Purchase Evaluation:
After the purchase, consumers assess their satisfaction with the product. This evaluation is
influenced by factors such as taste, quality, and whether the product meets their expectations.
Positive post-purchase experiences can lead to brand loyalty and repeat purchases.
Critical Issues
Limited Physical Presence and Market Reach:
One critical issue facing Noug is its limited physical presence, currently confined to a
single store in Riyadh. It may limit the brand’s market reach compared to competitors with vast
distribution networks. In a market where ease and accessibility are key, Noug’s single location
may restrict its expansion. The company needs a comprehensive expansion strategy to expand
its market reach by building new outlets in essential cities and partnering with supermarkets or
specialized retailers. This would boost visibility and make camel milk products more
Supply Chain Challenges and Quality Assurance:
Noug also has supply chain issues, providing a stable, high-quality camel milk source.
From raw material procurement to delivery, camel milk manufacturing is complex, and any
disruption could impair supply and quality. Noug must create a strong supply chain
management system. This requires investing in technology, partnering with reputable suppliers,
and enforcing strict quality control throughout manufacturing. In a competitive market with
many dairy products, camel milk quality and consistency are essential for consumer trust and
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Consumer Awareness and Education:
Despite camel milk’s traditional importance in Saudi Arabia, consumers need more
information about its benefits and uses. Camel milk’s nutritional benefits and uses may be
unknown to the market. Noug should prioritize educational marketing to close this gap. Camel
milk’s cultural and health benefits must be stressed (Wendin et al., 2020). Noug may work with
health professionals, nutritionists, and influencers to educate people about camel milk.
Improving consumer awareness will boost demand and help Noug succeed in camel milk.
Competition and Differentiation:
Camel milk giants Desert Farms, Inc., Camelicious, and Aadvik Foods compete with
Noug. Noug must differentiate its products in an innovative market. Noug’s first-mover
advantage and unique retail experience require constant product differentiation and innovation
(Alaskar et al., 2020). The company should develop new camel milk derivatives, tastes, and
product uses to differentiate it from competitors. Noug should also market these advancements
to highlight its goods’ unique value proposition. Maintaining customer loyalty and staying
ahead in a competitive market requires this proactive attitude. The marketing plan should
include strategic activities to extend physical presence, develop the supply chain, improve
customer education, and maintain product distinction. The plan should include short- and longterm goals, resource allocation, and key performance indicators to evaluate strategy
Marketing Strategies to Create Value
Segmentation strategy:
Noug Company focus on camel dairy products, we can consider potential segmentation
strategies and identify meaningful smaller markets or submarkets based on common
characteristics. Here are a few possible segmentation approaches:
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1) Health-Conscious Consumers: This segment includes individuals who prioritize health
and wellness. They may be interested in camel dairy products due to the perceived
health benefits, such as lower fat content, higher vitamin and mineral content, and
potential digestive advantages. Noug Company could tailor marketing messages and
product offerings to appeal to this specific group.
2) Lactose-Intolerant Individuals: Camel milk is often sought after by those who are
lactose intolerant or have difficulty digesting cow’s milk. This segment could be
targeted with messaging emphasizing the lactose-free nature of camel milk products
and promoting them as a suitable alternative for individuals with lactose intolerance.
3) Alternative Dairy Consumers: This segment consists of individuals who are exploring
non-traditional dairy options. They may be interested in plant-based milk alternatives or
other dairy alternatives, and camel milk products could appeal to their desire for unique
and diverse options.
4) Ethical and Sustainable Consumers: This segment comprises individuals who prioritize
ethical and sustainable products. Noug Company could highlight their commitment to
sustainable camel farming practices, animal welfare, and environmentally friendly
production methods to resonate with this audience.
5) International Markets: Noug Company could consider targeting specific international
markets where there is existing demand or cultural acceptance for camel dairy products.
This could include regions with a historical tradition of camel milk consumption or
areas where camel farming is prevalent.
Target Marketing:
involves identifying specific segments within the market that are most likely to be interested
in. Therefor to evaluate market segments and determine which ones are worthy of investment
for development, companies typically consider several factors, such as:
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1) Size and Growth Potential of Noug would depend on various factors, including the
market demand for camel dairy products, competition within the industry, consumer
trends, and the company’s marketing and distribution strategies.
2) Profitability: The ability of Noug to generate sufficient revenue through the sale of their
camel dairy products is crucial for profitability. Factors such as market demand, pricing
strategies, customer acquisition, and retention efforts can influence revenue generation,
also Assessing Noug’s cost structure is essential in determining profitability.
3) The competitive landscape of the camel dairy industry may vary depending on factors
such as geographical location and market maturity. However, in general, Noug
Company might encounter the following types of competitors:
o Traditional Dairy Companies: Established dairy companies that offer a wide range of
traditional dairy products may also have a presence in the camel dairy segment.
o Niche Camel Dairy Brands: Noug might encounter other companies that exclusively
specialize in camel dairy products.
4) Fit with Expertise and Resources: To effectively compete in the market, Noug Company’s
expertise and resources need to align with the demands of the camel dairy industry. Here
are some areas where Noug Company’s expertise and resources can contribute to their
competitive advantage:
o Product Development and Innovation: Noug Company’s expertise in product
development and innovation can help them create a diverse range of camel dairy
products. Their ability to identify consumer trends, develop unique flavors or
variations, and continuously introduce new offerings can set them apart from
o Quality Assurance and Food Safety: Noug Company’s commitment to quality assurance
and food safety should be a core part of their expertise and resources.
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o Branding and Marketing: Effective branding and marketing strategies are essential for
standing out in a competitive landscape. Noug Company’s expertise in building a strong
brand image, storytelling, and engaging with their target market through various
channels can help them establish a distinctive position in consumers’ minds and by
leveraging their expertise and allocating r