Leadership in Non-Profit World


This is a take home examination. There are no time constraints. You may use your notes and readings. Read all the questions carefully. Remember to answer the question that is asked. In all the questions, you must reference (not in formal manner) relevant readings, speakers, or class discussions to construct your answers. Remember, the key is to answer the questions asked and provide references to the course material.Answer any FOUR of the five questions below. There is no mandatory length to your answers as long as you answer the questions completely, with appropriate sources. Remember four out of five. 1.What is Emotional Intelligence? Why is emotional intelligence important to a leader? Assess you own emotional intelligence. What insights have you gained regarding your own leadership capacities. Reference at least one of Goleman, Josh Joseph, Rabbi Sacks. 2, a.Reflect on the key issue that Lencioni is raising in “The Motive”.What does he say is the difference between a chief executive officer and a chief executing officer? b.What is Adaptive leadership? How does one manifest it? c.What does Amy Sacks mean by “dead ends”, “ripples”, and “Spirals”? 3. Discuss two definitions of leadership that we have encountered. Explain and reference them. What do you think of them? 4.Describe the roles that Integrity and Legitimacy play in Leadership (they are different from one another). You could reference West Wing, David Brooks, Henry Kressel, Professor Pava, Jonathan Sacks, Max Weber, and others. 5.Compare and contrast the roles of leader and manager. What are key differences? Can one be both? Can leaders be made or must they be born? Which role would you rather fill? Why? Cite sources.

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