Marketing Question


Review Box 1.1, “The Evolution of Leadership Definitions,” in Ch. 1 (pp. 24–27) of Leadership: Theory and Practice.

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Marketing Question
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Identify a problem in your organization or industry that can be explored or improved through a 21st-century leadership theory. You can use the problem you identified in your Week 1 assignment, or you can choose a different problem.

Write a 525- to 700-word analysis that includes the following:

Describe the organizational problem.
Describe the theory of leadership selected in relationship to an organizational problem using the Scholar-Practitioner-Leader model.
Explain how the leadership theory might help mitigate the identified organizational problem.

Support all assertions with citations from peer-reviewed articles.

Note: A well-structured scholarly paragraph contains 3–5 sentences. Please refer to the MEAL Plan as a guide. Avoid the use of first-person language. You will be writing this analysis from a third-person perspective.

Consider the following: How will you organize your writing? What specific topics might be appropriate? Use the 7th Edition APA Example template and appropriate level headings (subheadings) to help organize your assessment based on your specific topics.

Incorporate feedback from previous weeks.

Include APA-formatted in-text citations and references.

Format your analysis according to current APA guidelines. Refer to the 7th Edition APA Example template as a guide to ensure the assessment meets APA standards.

Note: Remember to proofread your document, including grammar, punctuation, citations, and formatting.

Submit your summative assessment.