Writing Question


Write Character Biography A (Three-page Character Journal Pre-play). Be sure to watch Lecture 5 – August: Osage County: The Character Biography before starting this paper. Choose a major character from a script read so far in class (Rabbit Hole, Vanya+Sonia+Masha+Spike, The Humans, or August Osage County) and read the script carefully to understand and imagine who this character is. You may choose to write the biography in the format of a letter, diary, journal, or memoir. However, you must be sure to use the voice of the character. You may write this paper in first person. While this may seem easy, success with this paper will require a deep understanding of the character, their motivations, the reasons they do what they do and say what they say. Focus on an event from the character’s life that happened BEFORE the play began. This may even be mentioned in the play, but do not focus on an event that is detailed in the play. For example: do not repeat Violet’s (from August: Osage County) story about the boots. We know what we need to know about that from the play. However, while the affair that Mattie Fae and Beverly had is mentioned, we do not know the details, so that could be an appropriate event to focus on. Remember, this is a creative assignment and the paper should “fill in the blanks” with character information that we don’t know or that is incomplete in the play. Please contact the instructor with questions.

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