Marketing Project


Three step marketing project. All details are included in the attachment.

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Company Name: Shortform
Shortform should become the place that people visit first every day to see what’s new and
relevant in the world.
Our ultimate goal is no less ambitious than to summarize and contextualize the entire
Internet, and to index every idea on Earth and make sense of it. That’s what we’re building
toward—an information utility that millions of people use to learn faster and discover more
Task 1: Researching Creators
The beginning of building partnerships with influencers is finding the right ones. In this task,
you’ll show how you would find fits for us.
Your Task
Summary: Compile a list of 6-10 creators that are most relevant for us and describe your
method of finding them.
In detail:
Collect at least 6 but no more than 10 creators that you believe would be the ideal partners for
us. Since we partner across several platforms, find 2x on YouTube, 2x social media platform(s)
you think would be a fit, and 2x newsletters/blogs.
For each, describe:
• What they do
• Their following size and engagement levels
• Why they’re appropriate for us
• Lastly, assume you want to sponsor the creator’s next published content. What flat rate
would you offer if you were aiming for an estimated $20CPM? Show calculations and
detail your logic.
o Tip: base your estimations on the performance of previously published content.
o YouTube’s view data is easily accessible. For other platforms, this might be
harder to discover (Eg. static IG posts, blog posts).
▪ For any platform that does not make this info publicly available, assume
the impressions/views of each of their posts is 25% of the number of
subscribers. Be sure to mention this if you do so.
Blogs and newsletters occasionally don’t make subscriber numbers publicly
available. If that’s the case for one of your proposed publishers, estimate your
own subscriber count. To find impressions to offer a rate, use your knowledge of
a typical open rate to base calculations on.
Include any details you like paying attention to.
Finally, describe your search method for finding these creators, and what you would do to find
more creators if needed.
Our suggestions: as you evaluate influencers, consider these factors:
• Audience fit for us
• Following size on different social media platforms
• Previous sponsored work—having regular partnerships with similar brands indicates
they’re 1) willing to work with sponsors, 2) sponsors find them effective enough to keep
working with them
• Engagement of audience
If you run across creators we have partnerships with, we heavily recommend against using
them as hints on what we’re looking for. The majority of creators we’ve partnered with aren’t
profitable, so an existing relationship is not proof that a particular niche or type of creator has
worked for us. In any case, we’re looking more for your process and justification.
How this is graded:
• Relevance of creators found
• Number of relevant creators found
• Quality and robustness of search method
• Accuracy and logic of offered rate
Task 2: Setting Up a Partnership
Finding a potential partner is just the first step. Once you find one, you’ll need to take them
through the development process until they sign on and produce content featuring us.
In this task, you will demonstrate your familiarity and expertise with building a partnership.
Your Task
Summary: Discuss in detail every step of building an influencer partnership. For each step,
discuss your personal insights into what works and doesn’t.
In detail:
Discuss every step of the process of developing a partnership. Our suggestions for the major

First contact
Follow-ups in case they don’t write back
Negotiating the terms of an agreement
First promotions
Studying ROI and KPIs
Iterating to evaluate current partnerships and experiment with new partnerships
You can modify these steps as you like.
For each step, describe in detail what needs to be done, important things to keep in mind, what
you have personally observed to work, and what is overrated. It would even help to provide
examples, for instance of initial emails, creative briefs, and ballpark rates for influencers. This is
essentially your personal playbook to getting partnerships to work.
The more detail you provide, the better. Don’t be shy about going deeply into the nitty
gritty. If you’re an experienced creator partnerships manager, this is how you’ll
differentiate yourself.
How We’ll Grade This
• Level of detail for each step
• Degree of unique insight beyond standard generic advice
• How well your insights overlap with our concept of creator partnerships strategy
Task 3: Analytics
Influencer marketing is art and science, and here we’ll examine the science.
In this task, you’ll show your familiarity with studying performance metrics for an example
Your Task
Summary: Given metrics for a promotion, calculate KPI such as profits, ROAS, and RPM, and
comment on the effectiveness of the influencer.
In detail:
We’ll describe a hypothetical campaign for a sponsored Youtube video. We’ll provide the raw
metrics, and you’ll calculate the requested KPIs.
About the partnership
• This is a brand new partnership. The first sponsored video was released on Feb 1, 2021.
• The channel has 10 million Youtube subscribers.
• The sponsorship cost $10,000.

The video content discussed the creator’s five all-time favorite books, then a 45-second
intro to Shortform at the end discussing how the creator likes learning from Shortform
To track metrics, the creator had a dedicated URL with utm_tags that she featured in the
video and in the video description.
Here’s a sheet with the raw data. An explanation of what’s in here:
• Explaining each metric:
o Youtube views = views on the Youtube video
o Site views = views on the Shortform web page
o Signups = users who created a free account
o Trial starts = users who started a free trial
o Payments = users who submitted a payment
• For each set of the four metrics above, we include two sources:
o Directly tracked from the creator link
o Visitors who landed directly on our homepage from a branded Google search
• Each row represents a cohort of users based on when the visitor first landed on our
website. In other words, on February 1 2021, of the 2168 visitors who visited us through
the creator link, 632 created an account anytime afterward, 65 started a free trial
anytime afterward, and 38 submitted a payment anytime afterward.
Your task is to calculate the following metrics:
• Total projected sales value from this campaign
• ROAS of this campaign using projected value
• CPM of the video sponsorship
• Individual steps:
o CTR from video view to site view
o Signup rate from site visit
o Trial start rate from signup
o Payment rate from trial start
Use these assumptions/notes:
• LTV of a customer who submits a payment is $200
• The data provided is only until the end of month Feb 2021, but the video may be live
indefinitely and keep performing.
Finally, study this campaign’s efficacy. You may note:
• Observations you have about the performance relative to what you’ve seen in the past what is performing well and what is underperforming
• What you would do with this influencer from this campaign forward
You are free to copy the spreadsheet with data and show your calculations there, but do
explicitly note your approach in writing.
How We’ll Grade This
• Accuracy of your calculations
• The quality of your reasoning behind your approach
• Any additional insights you provide beyond what’s requested
Submission Instructions
To give you a starting point for formatting, here is a project template you can use. We prefer
working in Google Docs and suggest you do the same.
Please use a timer to record your time spent on your work product. Start the timer when you
start working and stop the timer when you pause for breaks. This helps us understand your
rough work efficiency (though speed is far less important than quality).
When finished,
Please do not submit a PDF, as it’s more difficult for us to edit and take notes on.

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