English project part 2


.HelloCan you complete part 2 of english project as instructures?use the same notes you take before for part 1 to complete part 2 to do a summary.(maybe you need to take more notes from the video)https://www.studypool.com/discuss/65776416/english…ask me if you need anything.

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English project part 2
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Academic English Program
English for Academic Communication
ENGL 201
Project 1 – Step 2
Written Summary of a Seminar Discussion
Total Marks 10
After watching and discussing the video in class, write a Seminar Discussion Summary.
(1 – 2 pages maximum)
➔ Summary Structure
1- Title:
Write the title of the presentation at the top.
2- Introduction: (Short Paragraph of 3-5 sentences)
Begin the summary with an introductory paragraph about the topic of the video and the purpose
of the lecture.
3- Key Presentation Points: (3–5 key points in bullets)
Outline the main points of the video and summarize each key point of the video such as main
ideas, arguments, and perspectives presented by the Lecturer.
4- Key Discussion Points: (3–5 key points in bullets)
Summarize any perspectives or ideas that emerged during the group discussion session in class.
5- Personal Reflection (Short Paragraph of 5-10 sentences)
Include a brief personal reflection on your own thoughts about the topic presented in the video.
➔ Organization
● Use clear and concise language throughout the summary.
● Use at least 4 different Academic Language phrases or expressions from Units 2, 3 , 4 and 5.
(See Course Term Planner for page numbers)
● Organize the content in a logical and coherent manner.
● Follow the provided guidelines to structure the summary appropriately.
● Proofread the summary for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
Term 2, 23/24
Academic English Program
English for Academic Communication
ENGL 201
Written Summary Rubric – Project 1
Clearly stated the topic in paragraph form.
Key Presentation Points
Stated all key points from the video accurately.
Key Discussion Points
Summarized perspectives, ideas, or solutions
that emerged during the discussion session in
Personal Reflection
Included a brief personal reflection on student
thoughts about the topic presented in the video.
Mostly stated the topic in paragraph form.
Key Presentation Points
Stated most of the key points.
Key Discussion Points
Mostly summarized perspectives, ideas, or
solutions that emerged during the discussion
session in class.
Personal Reflection
Mostly Included a brief personal reflection on
student thoughts about the topic presented in the
Stated the topic but not in paragraph form
Key Presentation Points
Stated a few key points .
Key Discussion Points
Summarized some perspectives, ideas, or
solutions that emerged during the discussion
session in class.
Key Discussion Points
Included some personal reflection on student
thoughts about the topic presented in the

Used clear and concise language accurately.
Used 4 different Academic Language phrases
or expressions from the textbook.
Organized all content in a logical and
coherent manner which reflected the
guidelines provided accurately.
Fully addressed the guidelines provided to
structure the summary.
Proofread the summary for grammar,
spelling, and punctuation errors correctly.

Used fairly clear and concise language.
Used 2 different Academic Language phrases
or expressions from the textbook.
Organized most of the content in a logical and
coherent manner which reflected most of the
guidelines provided.
Mostly addressed the guidelines provided to
structure the summary.
Proofread the summary for grammar, spelling,
and punctuation errors but missed some

Used unclear language that doesn’t
demonstrate understanding of the task.
Used only 1 Academic Language phrase or
expression from the textbook.
Organized some of the content in a logical
and coherent manner.
Did not fully address many of the
guidelines provided to structure the
Proofread the summary for grammar,
spelling, and punctuation errors but
missed a lot of errors.

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