5 discussion board


Post an explanation of why advanced case management is an important function for an advanced human services professional practitioner. Then, describe one effective and one ineffective case management strategy, approach, or theory the advanced human services professional practitioner used in the Hart City scenario, and explain why each was effective or ineffective. Finally, assume the role of the practitioner in the scenario. What is one goal or objective you would propose for Sarah? Support your response with information from the Learning Resources and at least two scholarly sources from the Walden Library.

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Hunter, B. A., Lanza, A. S., Lawlor, M., Dyson, W., & Gordon, D. M. (2016). A strengths-based approach to prisoner reentry: The fresh start prisoner reentry program. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60(11), 1298–1314. https://doi.org/10.1177/0306624X15576501Links to an external site.
Oliver, C., & Charles, G. (2016).Enacting firm, fair and friendly practice: A model for strengths-based child protection relationships? British Journal of Social Work, 46(4), 1009–1026. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjsw/bcv015Links to an external site.
Schram, B., Mandell, B.R., Dann, P.L., & Peterson, L. (2020). An introduction to human services: Policy and practice (9th ed.). Pearson.
Chapter 8, “Interviewing” (pp. 207–236)
Chapter 9, “Direct Strategies: Working with People One-on–One” (pp. 237–254)
Walden University, LLC. (2020b). Hart City [Interactive media]. Walden University Canvas. https://waldenu.instructure.com

Note: Visit the Hart City Women’s Correctional Center and view the scenario about Sarah, who is meeting with her case manager to prepare for aftercare services

Using the Walden Library to Find Scholarly Human Services Resources
WaldenULibrary. (2018, November 8). Webinar: Advanced social work and human services library research [Video]. YouTube. Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 49 minutes.