St. John’s Medical Center


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MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
ASSIGNMENT (20% of the total mark)
Assigned at Week 4
Submission deadline: Sunday of week 12
Weight: 20% (of the total mark)
St. John’s Medical Center
St. John’s Medical Center is a private hospital located at the capital of your home country. It has
adopted the following core values,1 which are posted on signs in most hallways and lobbies of
the hospital’s facilities.
 Integrity: We are honest and direct and respect our commitments.
 Stewardship: We respectfully manage our natural, human, and financial resources.
 Spirituality: We acknowledge the central role of spirituality in facilitating mental,
physical, and emotional health.
 Imagination: We are creative and innovative in all we do.
 Respect: We respect all persons and honor the heritage and missions of our sponsoring
 Excellence: We strive to exceed the clinical quality, customer service, and cost
performance expectations of our customers.
 Compassion: We are sensitive and responsive to persons in need.
The Board of Directors at St. John’s Medical Center has hired you as a consultant to guide them
in establishing a results approach to measuring the performance of their registered nurses.
1. Discuss the key features of a results approach to measuring performance of registered
nurses. Base your discussion on the summary job description for a Registered Nurse
(Job 29-1141.00) from O*Net Online ( after (a) critically
reviewing the job description to assess its compatibility to your home county’s culture
and (b) modifying the job description accordingly (if any modifications needed).
After reviewing your proposal, the management at St. John’s realizes that, in some aspects, the
hospital’s nurses do not have control over many results, so they convince the Board to include a
behavior approach to measuring some aspects of performance.
2. The Board asks you to provide them with a discussion of the key features required to
include in a behavior approach to performance measurement. Use the job description
Although this is a fictional facility and case, we have borrowed from the Centura Hospitals Website for a
comparable listing of core values. Accessed January
10, 2019
MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
mentioned above, as possibly amended by you, to develop an example of each of the key
features of a behavior approach to performance measurement. A report, after an
officially filed complaint by a treated outpatient, on a recent incident is attached to your
assignment letter. It might be of help to you towards accomplishing this task.
Based on your performance in helping with establishing an appropriate performance
measurement approach, the Board of Directors at St. John’s Medical Center has asked you to
stay on as a consultant to help them implement the hospital’s new performance management
program. You understand that this is not the first time that St. John’s Medical Center has
attempted to implement such a program. From your conversations with various managers and
employees, you have heard that many people expect this program to be a total failure, just as
past programs have been. The root of the problem was that those past programs were unfair.
You have a sense that employees at various levels had no idea what the goals of the program
were and you have an uneasy feeling that, unless a number of activities precede implementation
of the new program, it is destined for failure too.
3. Write a memo to the Board describing what actions must be taken before the program
can be effectively implemented. Discuss the primary goal of each of these interventions
and explain how you will know that these goals have been met.
MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
Attachment: Incident report
Four weeks ago, Tuesday morning was exceptionally busy.
At about 10:15 a.m., an ambulance delivered Mrs Maria Neocleous, a middle-aged woman who
was a passenger in a motor vehicle accident. Her car had been rear-ended by a construction
truck while waiting at a stoplight. Mrs Neocleous had her seatbelt on but she was still shaken.
Her body had been rapidly shaken forward and back. She was conscious, had very high blood
pressure (180/110), said she had pain near her left shoulder blade and numbness in her left
hand, and she was clearly upset and frightened. She did not have any breathing problems except
a cough which she attributed to a cold and asthma. She was not bleeding and was capable of
walking, according to the paramedics who had checked her at the scene of the accident. Mrs
Neocleous was assigned to Room 3 where Andri Sofokleous was her nurse.
The following week, Mrs Neocleous filed a complaint to the hospital director in which she
clearly expressed her belief that the emergency room was operated in a way that was not
reassuring to patients and could be dangerous, citing potential for infection and injury. An
internal investigation that included: thoroughly checking the records and talking to both the
staff and the patient, determined that the following is an accurate account of the events that took
When Mrs Neocleous arrived, Andri asked the patient to change into a hospital gown, removing
her outer clothes, shoes, and socks. She took Mrs Neocleous’s blood pressure and temperature
and asked about her medical history, medication, and current pain, writing the information in
the patient record. Andri left Mrs Neocleous and worked with other patients, such as the 92year-old man in a wheelchair who had fallen and had a broken collarbone. When Andri checked
back in Room 3, the patient asked if she could use the restroom. Andri said, “Yes,” and pointed
to the patient toilets across the room. Mrs Neocleous clutched the open back of her hospital
gown around her and walked barefoot to the restroom. When she emerged, she walked up to
Andri and told her that the restroom floor was very dirty and sticky and needed to be cleaned.
Andri responded, “I’m not housekeeping,” and walked away. The patient returned to Room 3
and climbed back onto her cot and waited for the doctor to examine her.
After Dr. Michaelides examined Mrs Neocleous, he told her that she probably had some strains,
which should be treated with heat or ice and suggested that she use an over-the-counter antiinflammatory pain medication (such as ibuprofen) every six hours over the next few days. He
ordered X-rays to reassure the patient that there was nothing more seriously wrong.
Andri returned and told Mrs Neocleous that there would be a wait for the X-rays, but they
would take her as soon as possible. Mrs Neocleous asked for water and Andri said that no water
was allowed until after the X-rays, in case surgery was necessary. The patient asked to take her
MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
outer clothing, shoes, and socks with her to X-ray. Andri responded that these items could be
left in Room 3. Mrs Neocleous pointed to the signs on the walls that said the hospital was not
responsible for personal items and repeated her request. Andri said, “Oh, all right. I’ll get you a
bag”. She brought a bag to the patient, who climbed off the cot, placed her personal belongings
in the bag, climbed back onto the cot, and sat waiting to be taken to X-ray.
When Mrs Neocleous was brought back from X-ray about an hour later, no room was available
and her cot was placed in the hallway where her husband found her. At apparently his wife’s
request, he told Andri that Mrs Neocleous had some questions. Andri rolled her eyes and sighed
loudly while walking to the cot where she said, “You have some questions?” “Yes,” Mrs
Neocleous said, “What happens next?” Andri replied, “We already told you.” The patient
responded, “I’ve had a bad morning, and I don’t remember what you told me”. “We’re taking
you to X-ray,” said Andri. “I’ve already been to X-ray, and now I’m back”, responded Mrs
Neocleous. “I’m one of those people who need details, and I want to know what will be
happening next”. Andri responded, with her hands on her hips, “We’re waiting for the X-rays to
be examined. We’re waiting for the results”. Mrs Neocleous replied, “That makes sense. Thank
Andri walked back to the central desk area and talked to the doctor. She walked back to the
patient’s cot and said, “Well, the X-rays showed nothing wrong, so the doctor is writing up your
discharge instructions, and you can go”. Mrs Neocleous asked if she could take some of the
ibuprofen that she had in her purse, because her left side was starting to stiffen up, and the
doctor had suggested this kind of medication over an hour earlier. Andri said, “We can’t give
you anything without doctor’s orders but, if you want to take responsibility for taking medicine
you have in your purse, you can do that.” She had already turned away when the patient asked
for water. Andri shrugged her shoulders and brought Mrs Neocleous a small cup of water and
the discharge paperwork. Mrs Neocleous swallowed two pills and the water.
Speaking rapidly, Andri reviewed the three-part form with Mrs Neocleous and asked the patient
to sign in two places. She tore off and kept the original and gave Mrs Neocleous the yellow
copy underneath. The patient looked at the page and commented that she could not read part of
it because the writing was too light. Andri took the paper back quickly, wrote different words
over the original writing (making parts illegible), handed the paper to Mrs Neocleous, and
walked away.
Mrs Neocleous put on her shoes and socks and climbed down from the cot. Clutching her
hospital gown around her and carrying the bag of clothes, she walked back into the patient
restroom that she had complained about earlier. After she was dressed, she walked up to Andri
and said, “I know you don’t have a high opinion of me, and I’m sorry for offending you. It’s
been a tough morning. I do have one favor to ask”. Andri replied, “What?” Mrs Neocleous
replied, “Don’t let any more patients walk barefoot into that restroom. It’s still dirty.” Holding
her husband’s arm, she walked away, and Andri went back to work.
MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
During the next week, Mrs Neocleous followed the doctor’s directions. Use of the ibuprofen,
rest, and a visit to a physical therapist eliminated the stress, stiffness, and pain within the week.
She described her experiences at the emergency room to many friends, describing the sticky
restroom floor and Andri’s behavior, exclaiming that she would never approve being taken to
that emergency room again. Several friends expressed concern that walking barefoot over the
floor could have also exposed her to broken glass as well as a variety of drugs and infections.
Assignment Rules and Guidelines
The report should clearly justify all proposals and choices.
The assignment should be submitted in the form of a report of 4500 (+ or − 10%) words
(excluding appendices, diagrams and references). Students may be allowed (upon confirmation
by the tutor) to work in small groups of 2 or 3. In these cases, the report should be 6500 (+ or −
10%) words. Shorter and longer reports will be penalized.
The paper will have to cover the relevant theoretical concepts but also demonstrate the
students’ ability to apply these concepts in practice. Students should tackle the report in an
analytical rather than descriptive way.
Students are also welcomed to perform an internet search and to find plans related to their
choice, but are warned that if they make use of such plans without proper referencing and/or to a
degree that constitutes plagiarism, they will automatically fail the project. Students are advised
to consult with their lecturer if they are uncertain about issues relating to referencing or
plagiarism. Furthermore, if the lecturer has any suspicion that any student has resorted to
plagiarism or that the work submitted is not his/her own, appropriate measures will be taken
including the requirement for the student to submit a hard copy of the sources he/she has used.
If the lecturer proves to be correct, the student automatically fails the project.
As a guide, the report can have the following structure and main headings.
Additional subheadings may be included.
Front cover page Table of contents List of figures (if any)
List of tables (if any)
Introduction 100 words, Task 1 1500 words, Task 2 1400 words, Task 3 1400, Conclusion 100
Guidelines for the Assignment
The report must be a Word document, with a spacing of 1.5 lines and font size 12. It should be
written in a report style (not essay form). The report should have a cover page including title,
MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
name, course & section, deadline, students’ name, tutor’s name etc. A table of contents should
follow this.
A good presentation is important, and special attention should be paid to diagrams, charts,
tables etc. Students must nevertheless avoid excessive use of colours and ornamental designs.
The report must use proper scientific style and expression. Furthermore, proper use of the
English language (quality, spelling, grammar, syntax, etc.) is important. In case students are not
confident with their level of English, they are allowed to give their work to someone else to
proof-read it for them (only in relation to language).
Referencing should follow the Harvard system and all secondary data used must be clearly
and explicitly referred to, with proper and complete citations. Examples are given below:
(a) Books in the text
According to / as stated by Vrontis and Thrassou (2013) or Vrontis and Thrassou (2013)
in the reference section
Vrontis, D. and Thrassou, A. (2013), Innovative Business Practices: Prevailing a Turbulent
Era, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
(b) for chapter in edited book in the text
According to / as stated by Vrontis (2009) or Vrontis (2009) outline…etc.
in the reference section
Vrontis, D. (2009), “Internet Consumer Behaviour”, in Singh, S. (ed.), Handbook of Business
Practices and Growth in Emerging Markets, Singapore: World Scientific Publisher, pp. 433452.
(c) for articles in the text
According to / as stated by Vrontis (2003) or Vrontis (2003) outline…etc.
in the reference section
Vrontis, D. (2003), “Integrating Adaptation and Standardisation in International Marketing,
The AdaptStand Modelling Process”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.19, No. 4, pp.
(d) more than two authors
When the authors are more than two then you include in the text Kagel et al. (1981) and in the
MBAN 742DE – Performance Management
Course Assessment Guide
reference section at the end of your work the following:
Kagel, J., Battalio, R., Rachlin, H. and Green, L. (1981), “Demand curves for animal consumers”,
Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 96, No. 6, pp. 1-15.
Final exam (60% of the total mark)
The final exam is 60% of the whole mark. The exam is comprehensive.
The exam format, techniques and guidelines will be provided in Moodle.
Participation (10% of the total mark)
Interacting with your tutor and fellow students is of paramount importance. You are expected to
actively participate in course forums, chats and live sessions (WebEx), contribute to course
discussions and comment on your fellow students’ postings.

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