supply chain issues


I am in need of help with a project that involves key logistics and supply chain issues. I have attached everything that is needed to complete this project. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank!Requirements: Enough to meet outline, project overview, and rubric criteria | .doc file

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supply chain issues
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Final Project Presentation:
Title Page/Introduction/References: 1/1
History of Company: 1/1
Product Ingredients: 1/1
Competition: 2/2
Supply Chain Strategy: 5/5
Infographic of Product SC: 2/2
Infographic of Info Systems: 2/2
Infographic of Financials: 2/2
Promotional Activities: 2/2
Future Issues: 1/1
Recommendations: 1/1
Narrative/Executive Summary: 5/5
Total: 25/25
Project Outline

Cover page/Introduction
History of company/product
Product Ingredients
Supply Chain Strategy
Infographic of product supply chain
Infographic of information systems
Infographic of financials
1 slide
1 slide
1 slide
1 slide
1 slide
1 slide
1 slide
2 slides
– Pricing in the supply chain
– Pricing in the channels
• Promotional Activities
1 slide
– Trade/Consumer
• Future Issues
• Recommendations
1 slide
1 slide
Assignment 5: Final Project (Week 8)
You are expected to produce materials (executive summary, report,
powerpoint, spreadsheets, etc.) that would be presented to your boss/leader
demonstrating your knowledge and understanding about the key logistics and
supply chain issues. In developing the PowerPoint presentation, please include
narration within the Notes section of the presentation. All documents should
include appropriate citations and a reference list using APA style.

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