collaboratively collect, compare and contrast economic data on two countries


This work challenges to collaboratively collect, compare and contrast economic data on two countries (one rich, one poor) and write an international comparative study that includes two policy recommendations for the poor country on ways it might try to improve its economic performance.

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collaboratively collect, compare and contrast economic data on two countries
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This work challenges to collaboratively collect, compare and contrast economic data on two countries (one
rich, one poor) and write an international comparative study that includes two policy recommendations for
the poor country on ways it might try to improve its economic performance.
Select two countries (one poor; one rich,United States and Ethiopia). Then write the study (About
2800 words) using the following structure:
Study’s structure
Part A: Theoretical overview
Comprehensive overview of economic growth theory (describing the role of factors of
production, technology and fundamentals in economic growth disparities).
Part B: Application of theoretical
insights to a pair of countries
(one poor; one rich)
Collect and present relevant data (aim for 20 years of data) to describe developments
in ‘key variables’ from Part A for both countries in order to understand differences in
economic growth and sustainable development between the two countries.
Part C: Make economic policy
recommendations to the poor
Draw Parts A and B together, i.e. make two policy recommendations (using your
findings in Parts A and B) to the poor country, which should help to improve its
economic growth.
The study’s criteria are provided in the rubric below.
Part A
Part B
Part C
Demonstrates little or no evidence
Demonstrates a mastery of
economic growth theory relevant of understanding of economic
growth theory, or much of the
to the research questions,
information gathered has no direct
captivating the reader.
relevance to the research
Demonstrates the skill to make a
Fails to demonstrate the skill to
comprehensive and original
make a standard selection of
selection of economic indicators
economic indicators for the
relevant to the selected countries. selected countries.
Originality refers to the skill to
incorporate complexities specific
to the selected countries in the set
of indicators.
Demonstrates the skill to make a
Fails to demonstrate the skill to
convincing, evidenced based, set
make an appropriate set of
of economic policy
economic policy
recommendations, which should
recommendations, which should
help economic growth in the poor help economic growth in the poor
Comprehensive demonstration of
integration of Parts A to C of the
Failure to integrate findings from
Parts A and B into Part C.
Demonstrates skilful use of quality
research evidence from a wide
array of highly relevant sources to
support ideas that are appropriate
for the style of writing with
accurate referencing.
Fails to demonstrate basic use of
relevant research evidence from a
sufficiently broad array of sources
to support ideas that are
appropriate for the style of writing
and / or inappropriate referencing.
Team work
5 marks
Works in a highly constructive and
cooperative learning with team
members, evidenced by the
fluency of the various parts of the
study and adherence to deadlines.
Fails to demonstrate the basic
ability to work in collaboration
with others towards a common
purpose (i.e. the study).
The study must evidence:

an appropriately formatted reference list.

formal acknowledgement of sources where ideas have been substantially derived from another
person or source (even if not quoted directly).

an ability to analyse information within an economic framework. A study which presents only a
small collection of facts, provides educated guesstimates of the rest and then uses economic theory to
analyse those facts/guesstimates will almost certainly do better than one which simply provides page after
page of facts – none of which are ever analysed within an economic framework.

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