Discussion question


Answer questions 1-3 for an elderly patient with comorbidities.1 What are the 4 types of HTN?2. What is the pathophysiology of HTN?3. What would the clinical presentation of a patient with HTN look like?Please feel free to use this information as well.Unger, T., Borghi, C., Charchar, F., Khan, N. A., Poulter, N. R., Prabhakaran, D., Ramirez, A., Schlaich, M., Stergiou, G. S., Tomaszewski, M., Wainford, R. D., Williams, B., & Schutte, A. E. (2020). 2020 International Society of Hypertension global hypertension practice guidelines. Hypertension, 75(6), 1334-1357. Sharma, G., Ram, V. S., & Yang, E. (2019, Nov.) Comparison of the ACC/AHA and ESC/ESH hypertension guidelines. Qaseem, A., Wilt, T. J., Rich, R., Humphrey, L. L., Frost, J., & Forciea, M. A. (2017). Pharmacologic treatment of hypertension in adults aged 60 years or older to higher versus lower blood pressure targets: A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, 166(6), 430.

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