
Details will be attached!! I attached the previous 2 papers to help with the topic! Also attached the feedback from instructor for Paper labeled “WK2Assgn_Arias_J PSYCH 6393” has feedback from the instructor (please view before starting task)!Link for textbook if needed publication-manual-of-the-american-psychological-association_7th edition:…

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PART 1: Discussion
There are often two primary challenges when researching a problem: an overabundance
of articles that result from the search process, or very few articles that result from the
search process. Search strategies involve specific keywords so that your problem is the
central focus of the articles that you find. The Walden University Library has helpful
materials for how to search for your sources. The librarians are also available to answer
your questions about finding the articles that you need. Since the Capstone Project is a
research paper, nearly all of your sources should be peer-reviewed articles. One simple
way to research peer-reviewed articles is to check this box when creating a search in the
Walden University Library. For this Discussion you will explain some of the challenges or
strategies that you used in your search for scholarly articles.
Task for part 1: Post a description of your efforts to identify relevant scholarly articles
about your Capstone problem; explain the challenges that you encountered in your
search process. Also explain what resources, tips, or organizational advice you have for
others with this process.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning
Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.
REVIEW These Before Completing
Required Reading

Literature Review Matrix Template (File is attached)!
Required Media

Walden University Library (Producer). (2019, November 30). Determining
reliability and credibility: Evaluating the author and publisherLinks to an external
site. [Interactive media]. Retrieved from

Walden University Library (Producer). (2019, September 16). How to read a
scholarly articleLinks to an external site.. Retrieved from

Note: Approximate length of this media program is 4 minutes.

Walden University Library (2019, November 30). What makes a resource
scholarly?Links to an external site. [Interactive media]. Baltimore: Author.
Retrieved from
PART 2: Task
Organization of your search for scholarly resources is of key importance. A matrix, such
as the one created for this course, can aid in this process. A matrix is not meant to hold
all of the details about the articles that you found, but it should contain the information
that you need in order to decide which articles you will use for your weekly assignments.
For this part, you will examine information from your resources in order to organize the
information within the matrix.
Task for part 2:

Place the 12–14 scholarly sources that you have researched into the
“Literature Review Matrix Template.” (file is attached)
Remember that 8 sources must be mainly current peer-reviewed journal
articles. An article is considered current if it was published within the past 5
You will use this matrix to help prepare the Week 5 Literature Review.
PSYC 6393/FPSY 6393/IPSY 6393/DPSY 6393: Capstone
Literature Review Matrix Template
References (complete APA format):
©Walden University 2019
Peer reviewed?
Yes or No
What are the main ideas or themes from
this article?
How do these main themes relate to
your Capstone problem?
PSYC 6393/FPSY 6393/IPSY 6393/DPSY 6393: Capstone
References (complete APA format):
©Walden University 2019
Peer reviewed?
Yes or No
What are the main ideas or themes from
this article?
How do these main themes relate to
your Capstone problem?
Arias 1
Establishing a Working Treatment for managing severe depression among Elementary
Jose Arias
PSYC – 6393
Dr. Jane Lyons
Walden University
Arias 2
Establishing a Working Treatment for managing severe depression among Elementary
The incidence of major depressive disorder, an often debilitating condition, has increased
at an alarming pace among youth in the United States. Recent epidemiological analyses reveal
deteriorating youth mental health, with the prevalence of depressive episodes and clinical anxiety
reaching unprecedented highs. Specifically, survey data collected in 2022 found that over 15% of
children and teenagers reported experiencing significant symptoms of major depression within
the year, representing a notable increase in 2021 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
2023). Concurrently, professionally diagnosed anxiety and depression among individuals under
age 18 also hit record levels as of 2020, affecting around one in ten and one in twenty young
people, respectively (Mental Health America, 2023). The escalating burden of depressive
disorders, especially among adolescent and school-aged populations, constitutes an urgent public
health crisis warranting systemic action across institutions. Symptoms range from persistent
sadness, low self-esteem, and changing eating patterns to sleeping problems. The link between
depression levels and student misbehavior has been explored in various studies. For instance, a
study involving 49 students in grades 3-6 in a Midwest elementary school found no significant
difference in the number of detentions received by students with high levels of depression
compared to those with lower levels (Erdem & Koçyiğit, 2019). This suggests that traditional
disciplinary measures may not effectively identify or address depression in students. The
effectiveness of depression treatment is a key area of concern. Family cognitive behavior therapy
(CBT), family therapy, exercise, and spirituality have been identified to minimize depressive
symptoms in adults, while studies indicate that combining psychotherapy and medication is the
most effective approach to treating children’s depression (American Academy of Pediatrics,
Arias 3
2023). The unique requirements, situations, age, developmental phase, and cultural heritage must
be considered when devising treatment strategies. These insights underscore the necessity for a
holistic, evidence-based strategy to recognize and address depression in elementary school
students efficiently. This approach should encompass training for healthcare professionals in
regular depression screening and implementing tailored treatment plans. One proposed approach
is the application of technologically rooted psychotherapy, like internet-based cognitive therapy,
in managing severe depression among elementary learners.
Arias 4
American Academy of Pediatrics. (2023). Supporting Students with Depression in School.
Erdem, C., & Koçyiğit, M. (2019). Student Misbehaviors Confronted by Academics and Their Coping
Experiences. Educational Policy Analysis and Strategic Research, 14(1), 98–115.
Arias 1
Internet-based Cognitive Therapy in managing severe depression among Elementary
Jose Arias
PSYC – 6393
Dr. Jane Lyons
Walden University
Arias 2
The selected topic is the Application of Internet-Based Cognitive Therapy in managing
severe depression among elementary students. Internet-based cognitive therapy has become a
new model of psychotherapy that is rooted in the use of technology. According to Karyotaki et
al. (2021), therapist-guided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy is centered on interacting
with patients who view internet-enabled devices like phones, tablets, or computers. Herein, the
therapist engaged in an online session either virtually or through email. Programs such as
MoodHackers or e-Ouch have been developed to help facilitate the intervention process,
allowing the patient to access their condition through these online programs and connect or
interact with their therapist (Karyotaki et al. 2021). Elementary students have been the most
targeted population when it comes to online treatment due to their high affiliation with
technology and poor response to traditional one-on-one therapeutic sessions. This is often
attributed to low attention span for young children and a lack of interest in treatment procedures.
Thus, this research is centered on addressing the use of internet-based CBT in managing severe
depression among elementary students, exploring why therapist applies this psychotherapy
technique, how elementary students respond, and the outcome of the treatment in managing their
severe depression (specific problem). Therefore, the topic provides an analytical approach to
how elementary students suffering from depression manage their condition when exposed or
introduced to internet-based cognitive therapy as a form of psychotherapy.
The study’s central problem is severe depression among elementary students, and what
this paper specifically explores is their ability to correspond to treatment, which is centered on
factors they can relate to in meeting their needs. According to Li et al. (2022), depression,
anxiety, stress, sleeping disorders, and suicidal ideation are some mental health issues common
among first-year college students. A study by Lutrick et al. (2020) indicated that 3% of children
Arias 3
aged 6-12 might have major depressive disorders, and 30% have mild to severe depression. In
most cases, depression among elementary students may not be noticed by their teachers or
parents because of how children cope with their environment in different behaviors. Depression
among elementary students was associated with low performance, low self-esteem, and
interference with social interaction. The studies also found that elementary students were dealing
with self-esteem issues, little optimism, and a low sense of self-efficacy, which were discovered
as primary predictors of depression. In this regard, it was observed that the depression effect
manifested differently among each child, which would require a more progressive method to
detect and treat. Besides, the effect of depression among elementary student is severe and can
even result in suicidal ideation and interfere with their growth into adulthood if not well treated.
Interestingly, Brunelle et al. (2020) record that young children experience depression due to
various factors, among them being unstable families, especially divorce. Elementary students
may find it difficult to express their mental state and seek help. This makes it challenging to
address mental health issues among this cohort. Therefore, exposure to internet-based cognitive
behavioral therapy is considered effective in handling cases of depression among younger
Given the context of this study in addressing depression among elementary students, it
was found that the application of internet-based therapy has been considered effective among
younger people due to their high interest in technology and its use in almost every aspect of their
lives. Therefore, the use of internet-based cognitive therapy is considered a more progressive
way to manage depression among a cohort that is socially withdrawn and already experiencing
the pressure of social interaction and acceptance during their younger developmental ages. This
Arias 4
study will therefore seek to prove the effectiveness of this Internet-based CBT as a
psychotherapy in managing severe depression among elementary students.
Arias 5
Brunelle, K., Abdulle, S., & Gorey, K. M. (2020). Anxiety and depression among
socioeconomically vulnerable students with learning disabilities: Exploratory metaanalysis. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 37, 359-367.
Karyotaki, E., Efthimiou, O., Miguel, C., genannt Bermpohl, F. M., Furukawa, T. A., Cuijpers,
P., … & Forsell, Y. (2021). Internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: a
systematic review and individual patient data network meta-analysis. JAMA
psychiatry, 78(4), 361-371.
Li, W., Zhao, Z., Chen, D., Peng, Y., & Lu, Z. (2022). Prevalence and associated factors of
depression and anxiety symptoms among college students: a systematic review and meta‐
analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 63(11), 1222-1230.
Lutrick, K., Clark, R., Nuño, V. L., Bauman, S., & Carvajal, S. (2020). Latinx bullying and
depression in children and youth: A systematic review. Systematic reviews, 9, 1-10.
Walden Academic Skills Center. (n.d.-b). ASC success strategies: Critical thinking.
Retrieved November 21, 2019, from

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