Debrief and Progress Report 3


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i upload all my last assignments so you can now my SMART goals.

1. Briefly describe your SMART goals that you set at the beginning of the semester. (Write 1-2 sentences)

2. Now, briefly describe your progress toward those goals. When the semester is over, do you think you will meet your goal or miss your goal? Or, will you meet it in part and miss it in part? (Write 3-4 sentences)

3. If you did well this semester, and achieved those goals, why do you think you did well? If you did poorly this semester and did not, why do you think you did poorly? (Write 3-4 sentences)

4. What is the most important idea you learned about SMART goals this semester? How will you use the SMART goal process in future to improve your goal setting and accountability procedure? (Please write at least 3 sentences)

5. Choose one skill or idea discussed in our course textbook that could be useful for you in the future, in terms of, first, helping you identify goals and, then, holding yourself accountable to those goals. Please a) name the skill or idea, b) explain the basic idea of it in your own words, and c) describe how it might be useful in your life. (Please write at least 5 sentences)

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Name: Abdulaziz Balobayid ID: 202101323 Course: Learning Outcome Assessment I Section: 114
Instructor: Dr. Todd Alan Rygh
Debriefing and Progress Report, Part 1
The second step of your SMART goal process for the semester is to answer the following
questions regarding your goals and your accountability strategy. To receive credit, you must fill
out the SMART Goal Worksheet before you complete the debrief assignments. You may
download the MS Word and type your answers; alternatively, you may print the document and
fill it in by hand and then upload a scan of the assignment. Depending on your class, this
assignment is worth either 3.75 or 5 points.
1. Briefly summarize your SMART Goals you set. Explain why each goal is important to you.

Goal 1: Achieve a final GPA of 3.6 or higher to maintain my academic standing and
qualify for scholarships. The goal is important since it allows me to access financial aid
and academic opportunities. It is also a reflection of my commitment to academic
Goal 2: Obtain a project management certification to advance my career and increase job
prospects. This goal will enhance my qualifications making me competitive in the market
and open up new career opportunities.
2. In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that are outside of your control you’ll face
this semester as you attempt to make progress toward your goals? What can you do to change
your thoughts, feelings, or reactions to those circumstance?
Some of the biggest challenges include factors such as unexpected personal emergencies,
health issues, changes in course requirements and family or work commitments. I can
change my reactions by better handling these emergencies through prioritization of selfcare and stress management. I can also communicate with professors proactively and
seek extensions when necessary while also maintaining a flexible study schedule. I will
manage the commitments by balancing my time effectively.
3. What obstacles do you think you may face in accomplishing these goals that are within your
control? What kind of strategy or plan could you (or have you) put in place that helps you
measure the success of that plan?
Procrastination, lack of effective study habits and time management issues may hinder
my progress. I can measure the success of the plan by setting weekly study goals,
creating a study timetable, and tracking my adherence to it. Additionally, I can seek
accountability from a study partner or mentor. I also can assess my progress regularly
through quizzes and practice exams.
4. Is there anything going on in your life outside of classes and/or outside of PMU, if
appropriate, that will affect your ability to achieve your goals? How does this change your
ability to achieve your goal or its relevance to your current life situation?
Some of the factors that may affect my ability to achieve my goals include creating a
balance between work, family responsibilities, and personal life. These factors limit the
available time and energy making it difficult to achieve my goals. However, they are
relevant to my current life situation as they provide financial support and fulfill family
5. Learning how to access resources and help are a key component to the SMART goal process.
What resources could you access to assist you as you reach toward your goal? If necessary,
do some research. Are those resources available to you now? What could you do to access
them, if not? If you need access to resources that you don’t have or don’t know how to reach
your goals, who do you think you could ask?

For Goal 1, I can access resources such as academic advisors, professors and tutors
tutoring centers, online resources and study groups available at my university. These
resources are readily available.
For Goal 2, I can access online courses, textbooks, and professional associations related
to project management. I may need to do some research to find the most suitable
resources. If I face challenges in accessing these resources, I can reach out to my
professors or peers for recommendations and guidance.
Name: Abdulaziz Balobayid. ID: 202101323. Course: Learning Outcome Assessment I. Section: 114
Instructor: Dr. Todd Alan Rygh
Debriefing and Progress Report, Part 2
The third step of your SMART goal process for the semester is to answer the following questions
regarding your goals and your accountability strategy. To receive credit, you must fill out the
SMART Goal Worksheet before you complete the debrief assignments. Depending on your
class, this assignment is worth either 3.75 or 5 points.
1. Briefly review your progress towards the SMART Goals you set earlier in the semester. Are
you on track or off-track to research your goals?
 Goal 1: Achieving a GPA of 3.6 or higher
Based on my current GPA which is moving towards 3.6, I am on track towards achieving my
goal. I have been consistently studying for 3 hours each night, seeking help from tutors and
professors, and turning in my assignments on time. I have maintained a consistent study routine
and have seen improvements in my grades.

Goal 2: Obtaining a project management certification
I have been actively pursuing my project management certification by studying each night,
attending courses and workshops, utilizing online resources and participating in study groups.
Therefore, I am on track to achieving this goal. I am making progress in my preparation for the
certification exam.
2. How are you tracking your progress toward these goals?
I am tracking my progress towards achieving a GPA of 3.6 or higher by maintaining a
detailed daily study schedule and organizing my assignments and study sessions using a planner.
I have created a checklist for my assignments and their due dates to ensure timely submission. I
also keep record of my grades and assignments to monitor my GPA and ensure that I meet my
academic targets. I regularly check my GPA in the University’s grading system to note any
changes and trends.
For the project management certification, I am keeping track of the time spent studying each
night. I keep a record of the workshops and courses that I have completed. Additionally, I
document any online resources used while noting what I have learnt from each resource. I also
maintain a log of study sessions attended. This ensures that I am organized and that I am making
progress towards obtaining the certification.
3. How are you holding yourself accountable for those goals?
To achieve a GPA of 3.6 or higher,

I have set specific milestones such as achieving specific grades in courses to gauge my

I adhere strictly to the study schedule and timelines.

I have a study and accountability partner to help me stay on track.

I hold weekly reviews to check on my progress.
To achieve a project management certification,

I have a study partner who is also preparing for the certification whom we can regularly
check on each other.

I have set up a reward system for reaching milestones and consequences for not meeting

I regularly assess my knowledge and skills by taking practice exams and quizzes.

I have enrolled in courses and workshops with set schedules and deadlines.
ASSE 2111: Learning Outcome Assessment 1 and 2
Debrief and Progress Final
Name: ____________________________________ ID: ______________________ Section: ____________
This report is worth 5 points or 3.75 points (depending upon your class.) Please answer the following
questions in full and thoughtful sentences.
1. Briefly describe your SMART goals that you set at the beginning of the semester. (Write 1-2 sentences;
worth .5 point.)
2. Now, briefly describe your progress toward those goals. When the semester is over, do you think you will
meet your goal or miss your goal? Or, will you meet it in part and miss it in part? (Write 3-4 sentences;
worth 1 point.)
3. If you did well this semester, and achieved those goals, why do you think you did well? If you did poorly
this semester and did not, why do you think you did poorly? (Write 3-4 sentences; worth 1 point.)
4. What is the most important idea you learned about SMART goals this semester? How will you use the
SMART goal process in future to improve your goal setting and accountability procedure? (Please write at
least 3 sentences; worth 1 point)
5. Choose one skill or idea discussed in our course textbook that could be useful for you in the future, in
terms of, first, helping you identify goals and, then, holding yourself accountable to those goals. Please a)
name the skill or idea, b) explain the basic idea of it in your own words, and c) describe how it might be
useful in your life. (Please write at least 5 sentences; worth 1.5 points)
Crafting S.M.A.R.T. Goals are designed to help you identify if what you want to achieve is realistic and determine a deadline.
When writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals use concise language but include relevant information. These are designed to help you succeed,
so be positive when answering the questions.
Write the 2 or 3 goals you have in mind

What do you want to accomplish? Who needs to be included? When do you want to do this? Why is this a

I will achieve a GPA of 3.6 or higher by the end of this current semester to maintain my
academic standing and qualify for scholarships.
I will obtain a project management certification within the next 12 months to advance my
career and increase my job opportunities.
How can you measure progress and know if you’ve successfully met your goal?

Achieve a final GPA of 3.6 or higher.
Complete the required certification courses and obtain the project management certification.
Do you have the skills required to achieve the goal? If not, can you obtain them? What is the motivation for
this goal? Is the amount of effort required on par with what the goal will achieve?

To achieve a GPA of 3.6 or higher in my current semester.
To obtain a project management certification within the next 12 months.

I will collect all the resources and course reading materials, study a minimum of 3 hours each night, seek
help from professors and tutors when needed, stay organized with my assignments and deadlines.
I will gather study materials, study a minimum of 1 hour each night, attend courses and workshops, utilize
online resources, join study groups and seek help when needed.
Why am I setting this goal now? Is it aligned with overall objectives?

It allows me to maintain my academic performance and qualify for scholarships. It aligns with my objective
academic excellence.
I am setting this goal to advance my career. It aligns with my objective of professional growth and job
What’s the deadline and is it realistic?

The goal will be achieved by the end of this semester. It is realistic given the duration of the semester.
Within the next 12 months. It is realistic considering the availability of certification courses.
Review what you have written, and craft a new goal statement based on what the answers to the questions
above have revealed

As part of my commitment to maintain my academic standing and qualify for scholarships, I will track my
learning progress to achieve a final GPA of 3.6 or higher. I will study 3 hours each night, seek help from
professors and tutors and turn in my assignments on time.
As part of my plan to advance my career and increase my job opportunities, I will obtain a project
management certification. I will study each night, attend courses and workshops, utilize online resources and
join study groups.

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