Communicate a line of science reasoning using evidence from one or more recent primary research articles.


In your own words (not quoting) write a small (500 word minimum, 750 word maximum for the body of the essay) detailed essay on your approved topic, adapting graphical evidence from one or two primary research articles to support the line of reasoning. Things you might consider: Is there a reason for this to be studied? What are the reasons for studying the phenomenon this way or that way? How have authors of the primary research article(s) reasoned from the evidence in their discussion or conclusion? How reasonable do you find the data or its interpretation? Do you see a reason for next steps in the utilization of the findings? Use APA style in-text citations as you refer to a study and its evidence. Use APA style full citation at the end of essay. Neither title nor the full citations count towards the minimum word count. APA citation guides you might find useful……My topic is based on how microRNAs had help the evolution of Octopus brain. My primary article is and…

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Communicate a line of science reasoning using evidence from one or more recent primary research articles.
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