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ADHA Prospectus Form
Students | Complete your doctoral prospectus within this form. Write your responses in the white spaces using a scholarly tone and include in-text
citations and APA reference entries where appropriate. You can click on underlined terms and headings for descriptions, resource links, and
examples located in the Appendix. For additional prospectus information and resources, refer to the Doctoral Research Coach. Complete the
Research Design Alignment Table within this form using the information from earlier sections and self-assess your research design alignment.
Submit this completed form into MyDR for formal evaluation and feedback when your committee chair indicates that you are ready to do so.
Student’s Name | Shaterri Bush
Student ID | A00987525
Program and Specialization* | DDHA
Submission Date |
*Remember that your study focus must be within the realm of your program and specialization area.
Evaluators Only | Complete this section and provide feedback on responses and rubric scores in the form where noted.
Committee Chairperson Name: Dr. Sallie Marie Willis
Second Committee Member Name: Click or tap here to enter text.
PhD Program Director: PD DHA DQ Dr.Kristin Wiginton
Overall Assessment: Choose score.
Overall Assessment: Choose score.
Overall Assessment: Choose score.
In 12 words or less, what is the working title for this study? Include the topic, variables, relationship, and the most critical keywords.
Leadership implementation of strategy to achieve organizational growth
Supporting Literature
The first step in developing your prospectus is to search the literature related to the general area related to healthcare administration you want to
investigate (see the social problem below). In your review of the recent empirical literature, what keywords did you search and in what
Turnover, Healthcare, Benefits, incentives, Texas, Staffing, Compensation, management, positive, impact, training performance
Database Search Terms
Results Notes
Provide ten summaries of recent, scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles and empirical literature. The summaries should include: a) 3 – 5 summaries
within the last five years that justify a current and relevant problem in your discipline or professional field; b) article(s) that support your
theoretical/conceptual framework; c) article that supports your Nature of the Study section; d) additional articles that support that your problem is
current and relevant to your discipline or professional field for a total of 10 summaries.
Include the complete APA reference entry and (a) an in-text citation; (b) what was studied; (c) what was found; and (d) why this research is
important concerning your study. This evidence justifies your research problem.
HSO Problem Supporting Sources
Framework Literature.
(Minimum of 1 source that aligns with the research variables)
Nature of Study Literature Methods and Analysis
(Minimum of 1 source for the methodology and type of analysis)
Nature of Study Literature Dataset *
(Minimum of 2 source for the dataset)
Rubric Standard | Justified > Is evidence presented that this problem is significant to the discipline and professional field?
What social and healthcare administration problems prompted you to search the literature to find out more? Write in complete sentences using a
scholarly tone.
Based on all of the above justification and supporting information (literature, social problem, healthcare administration problem), in one sentence,
what is your operational/research problem?
Now that you have read and summarized some recent literature, what significant gap in the literature aligns with the HSO research problem your
study will address? (What is still not known?)
Rubric Standard | Meaningful > Has a significant problem and gap in the research literature been identified?
Rubric Standard | Original > Does this doctoral study have the potential to make an original contribution?
To address your stated research problem, what is the purpose of your study? Will you compare, explore, examine, etc.? Complete the purpose
sentence below and be sure to clarify your dependent and independent variables of interest.
Framework (Conceptual or Theoretical)
What theory(ies) and concept(s) support (frame) your study, and who are the original authors? Provide an in-text citation with your response and
the complete APA reference entry with a summary in the Supporting Literature section.
How do these theories and concepts relate to your research problem, purpose, and the nature of your study?
Rubric Standard | Grounded > Is the problem framed to enable the researcher to either build upon or counter the previously published findings
on the topic?
Research Question(s) and Hypotheses
List the question(s) that you plan to use to address the research problem. Your questions must align with your study purpose and include the
dependent and independent variables and how they will be examined.
Nature of the Study
What systematic approach (methodology and research design) do you plan to use to address your research question(s)?
What is the possible secondary data source(s)?
What specific data points from these sources do you plan to use to answer your research question(s)?
What limitations, challenges, and barriers might you need to address while conducting this study (e.g., access to participants, data access, data
storage requirements, separation of roles or other ethical considerations, instrumentation fees, etc.)?
Rubric Standard | Feasible > Can a systematic method of inquiry be used to address the problem, and does the approach have the potential to
address the issue while considering potential risks and burdens placed on research participants?
How will your study address the significant, discipline-specific issue you identified and contribute to your field, discipline, professional practice,
etc., to positive social change?
Rubric Standard | Impact > Does this doctoral study potentially affect positive social change?
Rubric Standard | Objective > Is the topic approached objectively?
Partner Site Masking Self-Check
Walden capstones typically mask the identity of the partner organization. The methodological and ethical reasons for this practice and exception
criteria are outlined here (link to posted guidance).
☒ Check here to confirm that you will mask the organization’s identity in the final capstone that you publish in ProQuest.
☒ If you perceive that your partner organization’s identity would be impossible to mask or if there is a strong rationale for naming the organization
in your capstone, please check this box so that your Program Director can review your request for an exception. If granted, the IRB must confirm
that exception during the ethics review process. The IRB will also ensure that your consent form(s) and site agreement(s) permit naming the
Research Design Alignment Table | Using an alignment table can assist with ensuring the alignment of your research design.
Research Design Alignment Table Video Tutorial (YouTube) | Doctoral Research Design Alignment Appointments or Office Hours
Note. At the prospectus stage, not all items in the table below can be identified (e.g., data points, data analysis). Please complete the things that you
have placed in this prospectus form. You will revisit this form to adjust as needed during proposal development and finalize your research design.
Research Problem,
Purpose, and Framework
Provide one sentence for
each. These must align
with all rows.
Healthcare managers
require effective financial
strategies to deal with
employee turnover in
healthcare industries,
helping retain staff while
improving patient care
quality and cost efficiency.
This research endeavors to
evaluate the efficacy of
various financial strategies
employed by healthcare
managers (independent
variable) as a method for
mitigating employee
turnover within healthcare
industries, with an eye
toward increasing retention
rates while optimizing care
quality and optimizing cost
Research Question(s), Method,
& Design
List one or more RQs, as
needed; select method; identify
design. Use a separate form for
additional RQs.
RQ1: To what extent have
healthcare managers adopted
financial strategies in order to
limit employee turnover within
their organizations and how
have these techniques affected
employee retention, patient care
quality, and cost efficiency?
Data Collection Tools & Data
List the instrument(s) and
people, artifacts, or records that
will provide the data for each
Data Points
List the variables,
specific interview
questions, scales, etc.,
for each RQ.
Variable: Type of
Healthcare Setting
(e.g., hospital, clinic,
long-term care
Independent Variable:
Financial Strategies
employed by
healthcare managers.
Dependent Variable:
Employee Turnover,
Employee Retention,
Patient Care Quality,
and Cost-Efficiency.
Method: Quantitative
Design: .

RQ2: How does
financial strategies
employed by healthcare
managers vary across
healthcare settings?
What effect have such
Data Analysis
Briefly describe the
statistical or
qualitative analysis
that will address each
Research Question 1
will use quantitative
methods, including
correlation and
regression analyses, to
explore statistical
relationships between
financial strategies and
dependent variables
(Employee Turnover,
Employee Retention,
Patient Care Quality
and Cost-Efficiency),
while qualitative
interviews provide
further insights into
their qualitative
Research Question 2
will take an analytical
comparative analysis
approach using
descriptive and
inferential statistics to
variations had on
Conceptually, this study
employee turnover and
draws upon knowledge
patient care quality
management and loss.
Method: Quantitative
Daghfous, Amer,
Design: descriptive research
Belkhodja Angell & Zoubi design
(2023) conducted an indepth literature review on
managing knowledge loss
to provide the framework
of this study and
demonstrate how
knowledge management
principles may be utilized
to reduce employee
turnover in healthcare
industries such as
pharmaceutical. Knowing
how knowledge
management principles
apply within an
organization to address
employee turnover is
integral for mitigating
employee attrition issues;
understanding this aspect is
paramount for effective
Dependent Variables:
Employee Turnover,
Employee Retention,
Patient Care Quality,
and Cost-Efficiency.
explore differences
among financial
strategies in various
healthcare settings and
assess the resulting
variations on
employee turnover,
retention rates, patient
care quality and cost
efficiency, together
with qualitative
interviews data
analysis for
contextualizing any
observed variations..
Note. The information in the first column must align with all rows, and each RQ row must show alignment across the columns.
Once your Research Design Alignment Table is completed, reflect on your design alignment. Ask yourself:
Is there a logical progression from the research problem to the purpose of the study?
Does the identified framework ground the investigation into the stated problem?
Do the problem, purpose, and framework in the left-hand column align with the RQ(s) (all rows)?
Does each RQ address the problem and align with the purpose of the study?
Does the information across each row match/align with the RQ listed for that row?
By row, will the variables listed address the RQ?
By row, will the analysis address the RQ?
By row, can the analysis be completed with the data points that will be collected?
Rubric Standard | Aligned > Do the various aspects of the prospectus align overall?
The Doctoral Prospectus
The Doctoral Prospectus is a brief document that provides preliminary information about your doctoral research and is used in two ways:
It serves as the tentative plan for developing the proposal and is evaluated to ensure doctoral-level work (e.g., feasibility, alignment, etc.).
It provides information used to assign the committee University Research Reviewer.
Prospectus approval from the committee chair, second committee member, and a program-level designee is required for you to move forward and
work on your proposal. The plan is subject to change, and parts of your research design may need to be adjusted after you complete your exhaustive
literature review during proposal development.
The Relationship between Nurse Leader Self Efficacy, Burnout, and Intent to Leave
Supporting Literature
The most important step in the research process is searching recent, peer-reviewed literature and reading articles related to the general area you
want to investigate. The site is based on an identified social problem. As you read and learn, you will narrow your focus. This is how you will locate
a discipline-specific research problem.
[Note: Scholarly, empirical articles and how to find them.]
First, you will need to determine your search terms or keywords and the databases you should search. As you conduct your search of the literature,
stay organized by keeping a search log.
Example for this Form
The keywords and databases searched included hospital nurse leader retention, nurse leader intent to leave employment, nursing burnout, nursing
stress, and nursing turnover in MedLine, PubMed, and NIH.
Search Log Example
Search Terms
nurse leader turnover, nurse manager turnover, nurse manager burnout,
nurse manager, limited to peer-reviewed, 2016-present
Search too broad; Narrow by using multiple terms
nurse leader turnover, nurse manager turnover, nurse manager burnout,
nurse manager, nurse leader self-efficacy, self-efficacy, and burnout; 875
limited to peer-reviewed, 2016-present
Still too broad
Combined the above terms; limited to peer-reviewed, 2016 to present
Much better, several relevant articles found
As you read and evaluate literature, you must also organize your research. A literature review matrix is one way to help you visualize what has and
has not been done in your field. It will help you understand the scholarly works related to your area of interest. The importance of organizing and
recording your review of literature cannot be overstated. You will refer to your notes as you write, so start on the right track from the beginning!
[Suggestion: If you keep your search log in an Excel workbook, use the second tab in the same workbook for your literature review matrix.]
For this prospectus form, include the complete APA reference entry and (a) an in-text citation; (b) what they studied; (c) what they found; and (d)
why this is important concerning your study. This evidence justifies your research problem. These sources explain that this problem is meaningful to
the discipline or professional field. The background literature must include the following:
3-5 credible sources within the last five years that all talk about the same professional practice problem
Reference entries related to the framework
Reference entry related to the Nature of the Study.
Additional reference entries that support and justify the research problem.
[Note: During proposal development, you will conduct an exhaustive review and synthesize your sources rather than summarize.]
Supporting Literature Examples
Justification Literature
William, C. & Looker, H. (2020). The influence of frontline manager job stress on burnout, commitment, and turnover intention: A cross-sectional
study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 49, 1800-1833.
(a) William and Looker (2020); (b) studied the relationship between nurse manager job strain, burnout, lower organizational commitment, and
higher turnover intention; (c) they found that nurse leaders have a high turnover, job strain, and burnout; (d) this in important concerning my
study because establishes a direct relationship between an operational problem and conditions influencing the problem.
Heido, S., Bron, P., Frazer, K., & Wing, C., (2019). A quantitative analysis of factors influencing nurse leaders’ intent to stay or leave employment.
Journal of Nursing Management, 23, 105-106. 12252
(a) Heidi et al., 2019; (b) studied the prevalence of nurse leaders intending to leave their jobs; (c) they found that up to 40% of nurse leaders will
leave their jobs in the next two years as a result of burnout and work dissatisfaction; (d) this is important concerning my study because it supports
the currency and significance of the operational problem.
Adral, J., Link, A., & Borg, T. (2018). Predictors of occupational stress, health and well-being in nurse managers: A cross-sectional survey study.
International Journal of Nursing Studies, 12, 81-92. ijnurstu.2017.05
(a) Adral et al. (2018); (b) studied predictors of occupational stress with nurse leaders; (c) they found that nurse leaders are making the difficult
decision to leave their jobs while reporting increasing levels of burnout due to increasing occupational stressors; (d) this is important concerning
my study because it justifies the operational problem and future magnitude of the problem.
Wing, C. & Lasky, H. (2019). The influence and impact of frontline manager job strain on burnout, commitment, and turnover intention: A cross-
sectional study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 18, 1500-1533.
(a) Wing & Lasky (2019); (b) studied the causes and influences of nurse leader burnout and commitment; (c) they found that job strain and stress
had a direct relationship to nursing leaders’ commitment to employment and intent to leave employment; (d) this is important concerning my
study because it justifies that an operational problem exists with job stress, burnout, and intent to leave employment for nurse leaders.
Supporting Literature
Teal, Y., Zack, S., Gate, X. Andrew, Z., Wang, S., Link, H., Lang, Y., Goatz, L., Lutz, L. & Donalds, Z. (2020).
General self-efficacy modifies the effect of stress on burnout in nurses with different personality types. BMC Health Services Research, 81,
367-385. DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018
(a) Teal et al., (2020); (b) studied self-efficacy as one type of self-influence that moderates burnout in professionals who serve others; (c) they
found that increasing self-efficacy may serve as a protector against burnout or a way to heal from existing burnout; (d) this is important about
understanding the connection between protecting and healing from the burnout that results with intent to leave employment.
Figueroa, C., Harrison, R., Chauhan, A., & Meyer, L. (2019). A rapid review of priorities and challenges for health leadership and workforce
management globally. BMC Health Services Research, 1, 1-11.
(a) Figueroa et al. (2019); (b) studied challenges healthcare leaders are facing with workforce management; (c) they found that healthcare
executives are challenged with sustaining a health services leadership workforce that provides safe, accessible, high-quality, people-centered care
across the health care services continuum; (d) this is important about my study because it supports the social health problem facing healthcare
McFitz, G., Jackvilee, D., Vickson, M., & Williams, L. (2019). Surviving workplace adversity: a qualitative study of nurses and midwives and their
strategies to increase personal resilience. Journal of Nursing Management, 24, 123-131.
(a) McFitz et al. (2019); (b) studied how strategies used by nurses and midwives to increase personal residence to workplace stress; (c) they found
that nursing professionals can survive workplace adversity using their internal self-motivation, self-organization, and involvement in support
networks; (d) this is important about my study because it supports the positive impact intrinsic motivation, organization and support network may
have mitigated the negative effects of burnout.
Framework Literature
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company.
(a) Bandura (1997); (b) studied the ability of a person to regulate one’s level of motivation and behavior; (c) he found that individuals who could
regulate one’s motivation and behavior were defined by their destiny whereby and not an external environment that might cause them to fail due
to stress; (d) this is important about my study because it establishes a framework that connects the conditions surrounding employment burnout
and to possible intent to leave employment.
Nature of Study Literature
Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
(a) Frankfort-Nachmias, Leon-Guerrero & Davis (2020); (b) published textbook on quantitative linear regression research design; (c) found how
a Pearson correlation can help to understand the magnitude or impact of one variable on another; (d) this is important about determining a
statistical significance between the dependent and independent variable in the study.
AONL (2019). American Organization of Nursing Leadership. Database for nursing employment, job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and retention.
Retrieved from
(a) AONL (2019); (b) the AONL houses secondary data on nurse leaders; (c) will provide access to secondary data collected from nursing
managers using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS) and Leader Efficacy Questionnaire (LEQ); (d) it is important about my study because
it will provide data points for the dependent and independent variable to be analyzed.
Rubric Standard | Justified > Is evidence presented that this problem is significant to the discipline and professional field?
Social Problem
The situation or issue experienced by a population or within your discipline that prompted you to search the literature to find out more is sometimes
called a social problem. It is the issue that students see “on the ground.” The social problem often prompts students to think about a topic of interest.
Usually, such a topic is one that students identify with, sometimes having personally experienced some aspect of the problem as it exists in the world.
Social Problem Example
The issue that prompted me to search the literature is that hospital executives are challenged with sustaining a health services leadership workforce
that provides safe, accessible, high-quality, people-centered care across the health care services continuum.
Research Problem
A research problem is a focused topic of concern, a condition to be improved upon, or a troubling question that is supported in scholarly literature or
theory that you study to understand in more detail, which can lead to recommendations for resolutions. It is the research problem that drives the rest
of the dissertation: the purpose, the research questions, and the methodology.
Research Problem Example
In one sentence, the specific research problem is that hospitals struggle to retain nurse leaders due to increasing levels of nursing burnout due to
increasing occupational stressors.
The need to address an identified gap in the research literature must be clear and relevant to the discipline and area of practice. Keep in mind that a
hole in the research is not, in and of itself, a reason to conduct research. The gap relates to the rubric standard: Meaningful.
Research Gap Example
Although researchers have investigated this issue, there is very little, or no literature on the role self-efficacy plays in nurse leader burnout,
employment stressors, and intent to leave employment.
Rubric Standard | Meaningful > Has a significant problem and gap in the research literature been identified?
Rubric Standard | Original > Does this doctoral study have the potential to make an original contribution?
To address your stated research problem, what is the purpose of your study? Will you describe, compare, explore, examine, etc.? Be sure to clarify
your variables/concepts of interest. For example: In quantitative studies, state what needs to be studied by describing two or more factors (variables)
and a conjectured relationship related to the identified gap or problem.
Purpose Example
This quantitative study aims to examine if there is an association between the self-efficacy of nurse leaders and self-reported burnout, occupational
stress, and intent to leave.
The framework includes the theories and concepts relevant to your topic. Align the framework with your study’s problem, purpose, research
questions, and background. This theoretical or conceptual framework is the basis for understanding, designing, and analyzing ways to investigate
your research problem (data collection and analysis). Provide the original scholarly literature (citing original authors) on the theory and concepts,
even if it is more than five years old. Please do not cite secondary sources.
Example Theoretical Framework
The theories and concepts that ground this study include Bandura’s (1997) theory of self-efficacy, focusing specifically on one’s perception of how
well one can achieve something that appears beyond their reach.
Next, explain how these theories and concepts relate to your research problem, purpose, and the nature of your study. Your topic/approach should
align with the identified framework so that you will either build upon or counter the previously published findings on the topic.
Example Connection for the Conceptual Framework
The logical connections between the framework presented and my study approach include Bandura’s (1997) theoretical work, which shows that an
individual can influence self-efficacy. Further, subsequent research application of Bandura’s theory offers guidance that increasing self-efficacy may
protect against burnout (Teal et al., 2020).
Rubric Standard | Grounded > Is the problem framed to enable the researcher to either build upon or counter the previously published
findings on the topic?
Research Question(s) and Hypotheses
List the overarching question and a series of related questions that are informed by the study purpose that will be used to address the research
problem. A research question informs the research design by providing a foundation for generating null and alternative hypotheses in quantitative
Research Questions Example
RQ1 – Is there a correlation between higher self-efficacy scores for nurse leaders and lower scores for burnout, occupational stress, and intent to
H₀1 – There is no statistically significant correlation between higher self-efficacy scores for nurse leaders and lower scores for burnout,
occupational stress, and intent to leave.
Ha1 – There is a statistically significant correlation between higher self-efficacy scores for nurse leaders and lower scores for burnout,
occupational stress, and intent to leave.
RQ 2 – Are self-efficacy scores for nurse leaders associated with scores for burnout, occupational stress, and intent to leave after controlling for age,
gender, and race/ethnicity?
H₀1 – There is no statistically significant association between self-efficacy scores for nurse leaders and self-reported scores for burnout,
occupational stress, and intent to leave after controlling for age, gender, and race/ethnicity.
Ha1 – There is a statistically significant association between self-efficacy scores for nurse leaders and self-reported scores for burnout,
occupational stress, and intent to leave after controlling for age, gender, and race/ethnicity.
Nature of the Study
Explain the systematic approach (research design) you plan to use to address your research question(s). Examples of study design are as follows:
Quantitative—for experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental methods; treatment-control; repeated measures; causal-comparative;
single-subject; predictive studies; or other quantitative approaches
Research Design Example
To address the research questions in this quantitative study, the approach I plan to use will include a Pearson Correlation that will be used for RQ1 to
understand the correlation between the independent variable and each of the dependent variables (Frankfort-Nachmias, Leon-Guerrero, & Davis,
2020). A multivariate multiple regression analysis will be used to address the second research question in this quantitative study (FrankfortNachmias, Leon-Guerrero, & Davis, 2020).
A reference entry for the work on which this approach is based:
Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Then, for your planned research design, present the type of data you need and a list of possible secondary data sources that could be used to address
the proposed research question (s). At this point, you should know the type of data needed to address your research question(s). Identify the data
source and how the data will be accessed. Possible secondary data sources, by program, are available on the Center for Research Quality website.
[Note. This is your tentative plan, so keep in mind that things might need to be modified during the proposal stage—particularly after you have
completed your exhaustive literature review.]
Data Source Example
For my planned research design, I will need to request access to the American Organization for Nursing database. The secondary data exist for the
Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey (MBI-HSS) and Leader Efficacy Questionnaire (LEQ).
Next, provide the specific data points you plan to use to answer your research question(s). Data points are the particular variables or types of
information that you will use in your analysis. For example, items on a survey or types of interview questions (not the actual survey or interview
questions). When using secondary data, you must ensure the data include the dependent and independent variables or data points you need to address
your research question.
The MBI-HSS will provide data points for nursing leader burnout, occupational stress, and intent to leave, and LEQ will offer data on nursing leader
self-efficacy ratings.
Finally, provide information on limitations, challenges, and barriers that may need to be addressed when conducting this study. These may include
access to participants, data, separation of roles (researcher versus employee), instrumentation fees, etc. If you are considering collecting data on a
sensitive topic or from a vulnerable population, early consultation with the Institutional Review Board (IRB; [email protected]) during your
prospectus process is recommended to gain ethics guidance that you can incorporate into your subsequent proposal drafts and research planning.
[Note. Find more information on research ethics and potential “red flag” issues in the IRB Guides and FAQs.]
Limitations include participant responses that may vary from one organization to another and are not captured in the existing dataset. Also, the
statistical analyses include multiple variables from two different scales. Both challenges can be overcome; however, the researcher must take time to
work through the challenges when conducting the study. The researcher has consulted with an instructional specialist from Walden’s Center for
Research Quality (CRQ) and will continue to work with committee mentors and CRQ tutors during the doctoral study process.
Rubric Standard | Feasible > Can a systematic method of inquiry be used to address the problem, and does the approach have the potential to
address the issue while considering potential risks and burdens placed on research participants?
Here you explain how your study addresses the significant, discipline-specific issue that you identified and will contribute to your field, discipline,
professional practice, etc., to positive social change. Detail how your findings might support the professional practice or allow practical application
(answer the So what? question).
This study is significant because it will add to the growing knowledge on self-efficacy, burnout, occupational stress, and turnover of nurs