Our Iceberg is Melting – Kotter’s Steps One through 4


Kotter tells a story in Our Iceberg Is Melting about a situation that needs change intervention. Create a presentation that addresses how Kotter’s first four steps apply to the story. DirectionsYour assignment must include the following critical elements:Analyze and state how Kotter’s first four steps applied to the story.Provide evidence of being able to lead a change effort.Apply Kotter’s first four steps to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the change effort.What to SubmitYour presentation must have 6–8 slides and cite sources using APA style. For assistance, use the Shapiro Library Research Guide: APA Style.

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Our Iceberg is Melting – Kotter’s Steps One through 4
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Changing and Succeeding Under any ConditiorlS
Changiog Hnd Succeeding Under lIllY Condition:;
Holger Ralngeber
Is Melting
VItat People Are Saying
“Our Ial>n!l Is mセュBャ@
is Nオセイ「@
It セ ュ「ッ、ゥ@
… ーッ L ᄋ セ イヲオャ@
… that
can ィ セ ャー@ a broad 。オ、ゥ
セ ョBN@
セ GB@
aU the Nエ セ ーウ@ to . u = in a chan.in.
,,·orld, from find in. the .ubstantial issu … , aliltnin. with a ーッエ セ ョエ@
champion , chartin. the cou,””” N セ エゥョN@
buy -in, 、 セ 。ャゥョN@
with th””, who
want no chan.e, and”, on. ‘
_ClIO,. H …,””
CmGwn Gw”,,- .’-n!l Is mセュBャ@
ma ke ・ G M セ イケッョ
is fantastic_ offbut, but riltht on . We .hould
in W..hin.ton , D.C. , “,ad it .’
Z ュセ@
y”” Pnm>,,-r
“1’,, , Dttc, l’-.:.
“I came a crou Our Ial>n!l Is mセュBャ@
in May , ッイ、
セ BM
and 、ゥウ M エイゥ「オセ@
. ixty copi… in J une, ・ ョャオ。エセ@
its イゥヲ エ@ セ・
on our chan.e rifor t , and エィ
セ BM
fi,-e hund”””- mo,”” copi… in s セ ーエ セ ュセイN@
This is a N セ ュN ᄋ@
セ ョ@
_ H mll i:rcG
DD….nao–ro:r セ@
‘ This is the セ 。ウゥ@
one of ュ。ョQャNᆪ
_ a ーイッ 「ャ セ ュ G ⦅
Colc 0″,
l BtゥiャQセ@
Z ュ
y”” セLMイ@
Cillo….'” g

Is Melting
C/u”‘lIi”ll and S1JCC«di”ll
Undo- Any Conliitions
John Kotter
Holger Rathgeber
S,. Marlin>, Preu •
OE…””..” ”” 11”””. Cop)”ri£ht セ ッU@
b)” John ゥZッエ
セ イ@ and h セッャF
セ セイN@
fo ,””,,·ord cop)”ri£ht ‘ll b)” Spn!l 15 mセュョァ
UndO’ Ad!:O’…, Conditions
Z@ Changi”” and S1Jccadi””
B)” sセョ

Johruon, M.D .
…. uthor of Who MOH d M)” cィ セ
_ B@
Coauthor of The One Minute Man 1I.£e r”
On the .urfa””, this ,,·onde rful book 。ーセLN@
to be a . imple fable that is
e M)” to read and unde ,..tand. But that is jmt the tip of the p,,,,·e rbial
Workin& with John i:atte r , at the Harnro Bmineu School , 1 learned
that h e know. mo,”” about ehan&in& o,..anizatioru than an)”one,
an)”whe”,. Leade ,.. and man1l.£e ,.. around the ,,·orld hHe BLセ
、@ his hilthl)”
book, /Lading cヲオjョァセL@
and hHe disc”,·e red. that u.in& his Eiltht
Ste ps is the bnt wa)” to e ruu ,”” a .uoctofu.’
Well, with Our l””be,.. Is Meltin&, e ,·e r)”one ,,·orkin& in an)” kind of
o,..anization-and that is mo>t people-ean now disc”,·e r how to u.., the
…. m e Eiltht Ste ps, and e njo)” mo,””.uocatiorudon’t.
ItudiOatiooal Gm&rAphic “n’ mull b& for イoudセ@
child,..,n, you’ll won _
this book is .bout ,..,al -life proble rru that
frmtrate nearly e ,-e ryone in or&anizations.
For ,..,ade ,.. who ,,·ould prfl’e r to be&in by le .rnin& about the history of
this book, its intellectual unde rpinninv, the Ei&ht Ste p chan&e me thod,
or e xactly how this fable can h elp you .uOCffd in an e r a of chan&e, ,,·e
h.,.e placed that mate rilll afte r the .tory on P”lte , 2 8. If that donn’ t feel
needed now, jmt find a comfortable chair and ,..,ad on.
Our Iceberg Will Never Melt
On”” upon a time a rolon)” of セョFオゥイ@
WIU H,·in& in the f”””n
.’lntaretic on an ゥBセ
nur what ,,·e call toda)” c。セ@
The ゥBセ
had セョ@
thu” for many , man)” )”u,… It WIU Nオイッョ、セ@
b)” a “,a r ich in food. On its .uria”” B N セLN@
hu&e walb ッヲ セ エ セ イュ ^NQ@ .now that
&He セョFオゥイ@
Nィ セ
from druMul win tu .torrru .
…. for b.ack IU an)” of the セョ
rould LNュセイ
L@ the )” had alwa)”.
on that ゥBセ
“This is our home, ” the )” ,,·ould エ セ ャQ@ )”ou if )”ou rould
・ L ᄋ セ イヲ ゥ ョ、@
エィ セゥ イ@
,,·orld of i”” and .now. The )” ,,·ould abo …. )” , quite 10&i=11)”
from エィ セLNゥ イ@
セ ・エゥL
ᄋ ・L@
” and this will alwa)”. セ@ our ィッュ
セ N B@
the )” hL ᄋ セ L@ a wlUte of セ ョ セ
the )” ョセ@
to huddle エッ Fセ エィ セ イ@ to Lオイjᄋ
on u ch ッエィ セ
The )” ッヲエ セ ョ@ セィ。L
ᄋ セ@
can セ@ both &ood and b.ad).
kilb. eG ᄋ セ イj ᄋ ッョ ・@ in the colon)” kne w
ゥL ᄋ セ N@ $0 the )” had ャオイョセ@
to 、 セ セョ、@
Hke a bi& famil)” (which , of rou,”””
The birds B N セ LN@ trul)” buutiful. c。ャセ@
ゥ@ …. , the )” B N セ LN@
the la,….. t of B G セ ョエ セ ョ@
of .’lntaretic animals that _m
to ,,·ur エオクセッN@
T,,·o ィオョ、セ@
‘ ixt)”–e him IU セゥ エィ セ イ@ ‘ cute ” or G 、ゥFョヲセ
L G@ unl …. )”ou セ。ャIB@
animals. But fセ@
WIU 、 ゥヲセLNョエ@
from moot セョNオゥイ@
in one B セ イIB@
im portant wa)”.
TItil iI Fred.
He iI wo.ching
w .. unmually curious and ッセイョエN@
セ イ@ セョFオゥウ@
B ᄋ セ ョエィオゥF@
for c”,atu,…. in エィオ
. in”” thue w .. no othu food in .’lntaretiCll.. fセ@
the ゥBセ
and the .u mo”,.
セ 。M\ャオゥエ
I…. and Nエオ、
othu セョFオゥウ@
much of エィ セゥ イ@
time with ヲイゥ セ ョ、ウ@
and “,lab’·ft.
w .. a&ood hmb.and and ヲ。エィ
セ イ L@ but h e “”‘iali=ll…. than h
セ イセ
セ N@
He ヲGBャオ
セ ョエQケ@
B ᄋ セ ョエ@
offby hi”””lf to take notft on what h e had ッセBGN@
You mi&ht think that fセ@
w .. an odd bird, セイィ。@
the wrtof セョFオゥ@
セ LN、
ゥ 、@ not want エッNセョ、@
time with. But that wlUn’ t “,ally エイオ セ N@
w .. ju.t doin& what セュ@
ri&ht to him . …. a ,….ult, h e w ..
Ncomin& in c”,.. in&!y 。ャイュセ@
by whathuaw.
had a b r iri”””, Nエオヲセ@
full of ッセBLᄋ。エゥョウ
ゥ 、 セ@
.., and ronclu.ions.
(Yes, a briri”””,. This is a ヲB「ャ
セ NI@
disturbin&. The information WIU セFゥョ@
The information WIU i n c,””lUin&! y
to cry out:
The Iceberg Is .Melting and .Might Break
Apart Soon!!
that Nオ、
セ ョャIB@
in to man)” ーゥセ@
,,·ould セ@
the セョFオゥウ
L@ … セゥ。ャIB@
if it ッ」オイセ、B[ZョF@
the キゥョ
エ セ イ@ in a
.torm. Man)” of the ッャ、 セ イ@ and j ᄋ ッオョF
セ イ@ birds ,,·ould .u”,l)” d ie. Who could
“‘J. what all the 」ッョウ・アオ
セ ョBG@
,,·ould セL@
Like all unthinuble ・ G ᄋ セ ョエウ L@
エィ セLN@
W1U no plan for how to 、 セ 。ャ@ with .uch a ]エQuイッーィ
セ N@
セ イヲッ@
f セ@
did not panic セ QuゥャjᄋN@
・@ オョ
セ イjBセN@
mo,.., h e セュ
But the mo,.., h e Nエオ、
his ob>u,·ations, the
f セ@
kne w h e had to do BGュ
セ エィゥョFN@
But h e was in no po>ition to make
エウ@ or d ictate how othu••hould a ct. He WM not one of
an)” ーイッョオ
the ャオ、
セ LN@
of the colon)”. He wasn’ t ・ G ᄋ セ ョ@
a “,n , 「イッエィ
セ イ L@ or ヲ。エィ セ
イ@ of one
of the ャオ、
セ LN@
of the colon)”. And h e had no track “””,rd M a ・セ
セ イN@
f セ@
also BGュセ@
h e on”” Gu・Nエセ@
セ ョ@
no ッョ ・ ⦅ュセ@
His riforts B N セLN@
セ ョ@
how ヲ セ ャッキ
ᄋ セョFオゥ@
Harold had セョ@
that エィ セゥ イ@
home W1U セュゥョF@
mo,.., fr … ゥャ セ N@
in tu … エセ L@ Harold エLN[Zセ@
to IUSemble “,me ・ Gᄋゥ、 セ ョBN@
” Harold, )”ou ,..,all)” do ,,·orr)” too mu ch. HaJ”e a ,,!uid , )”ou1l ヲ セ
セ イN B@
” Fr … ゥャ セB@
J ump up and down Harold. HaJ”e fift)” of u. jump up and
down at the “,me エゥュ
セ N@ Do an)”thin& ィ。ーセョG@
Huh ”
‘ Your ッセイjB。エゥオ@
in four G ᄋ セ イIB@
セBG ョエ@
a,.., f1Ueinatin& Harold. But the )” can be ゥョ エ セ イーBGエセ@
wa)” •. You _ , if one make. the MSumption …”
to t”,at Harold 、 ゥヲセBGョエャケN@
Some birds “,id nothin&, but the )” セF。ョ@
The ehan&e was .ubtle, but f セ@
had _n it. It was 、・ヲ [ョゥ エ セ ャIB@
ehan&e for the セエ
セ イN@
not a
found h;”””lf ヲ セ
イ。エィ セ
イ@ ャッョ
セ ャjᄋN@
What Do I Do Now?
The colon)” had a l オ 、 セ LNィ
L@ ャセ@
b)” the Hud セョFオ[N@
セ イ^エッIBN@
&rou p, but that’> 。ョッエィ

Council. It was also 」。ャセ@
(The エ セ ョ@ …セ LN@ had 。ョッエィ
セ イ@
the Group of
name for the
.•..n”” was one of the エ セ ョ@ bos=. She was a tou&h, practicall>;ro who had
a ,..,putation for F セ ュョF@
thin&> 、ッョ
セ N@ She was also cl””, to the colony ,
unnke a fe w ッヲィ
セ イ@ セ
who ….セGB@
mo,”” aloof…..ctuall)” ,,11 of エィ セ[ イ@
of セョFオ[イ@
look a b it aloof, but the )” don’ t all セィh
・@ that wa J..
F,..,.j 、セ
[ 、セ@
that ,…n”” …·ould セ@ 1…. ョォ セ ャIB@ to dismiu his .tor)” than
イ@ mo,”” “,n;or セョFオ[イN@
$0 h e …ᄋ セ ョエ@
to “‘” ィ セ イN@ ,…n”” セ[ョF@
,…n””, h e
d id not haJ·e to ^」ィセオャ
・@ an 。ーッ[ョエュ
セ ョエN@
ッエィ セ
F,..,.j told ィ セ イ@ of his .tud;n and his conclu.;oru. Sh e ャゥウエ セ ョセ@
carflully ,
thou&h, frankly , .he …ᄋ ッョ、
セ LNェ@
;f F,..,.j was haJ·;n& “,me wrt of
・ j ᄋ セ ョ@
Problems with the wife?
Earing tOO much squid
with high mercury levels?
&ut .._’1 i”” セゥョF@
.’1i””, .he d id not i&no”, f セN@
lrutud, .he …. id,
.ke pticaU y, “T.ke me to the pb”” th.t you thin k mo>t durl J” .how. the
セ ュN


Th.t “Vb”,,- W1U not on the オーセイ@
.uri.”” of the ゥBセLN@
セ QエゥョF@
.nd its イッオ・ア
セ ョBG@
B N セLN@
h.rd to _ , but オョ、
、 セ N@ f セ@
セ クー「ゥョセ@
this to .’1i””. Sh e ャゥウエ ・ ョセ
L@ .nd not セゥョF@
ofbirds, …. id, ” Fine, fine, ヲゥョ セ N@ Loot’> &0.-

the mo>t
a”, “ulnuable キィ セ ョ@
the )” lup in to the wa tu セオ^
l..,paro ..,als and ォ ゥャ セ イ@ whal … hide to catch ca,..,l …. biros. Without &oin&
セ ]ョエ@
&raph ic 、 セ エ。ゥャ
L@ ャ セ ィ@
ju.t …. )” that )”ou ,..,all)” don’ t
in to an)” オョーャ
want to be cau&ht b)” a ォ ゥャ セ イ@ whale or l..,paro ..,al. So wh.,n F,..,.j and
.•..li”” jump«! into the ..,a, the )” B N セ BL@ ゥイオエョ
」 エゥB
セ ャIB@
of 、
セ イ ゥッ
M セ@
the .uria””, F,..,.j ーッ ゥョ エセ@
イ 。エゥッョ@
cau-‘. b)” ュ セ QエゥョFN@
to i&no”, th…., ‘i&ru.
out fissu,””, and ッエィ セ
,”‘li”” W1U 。ュセ@
dur .)”mptoms
at how .he had
,”‘li”” 」ッョエゥオセ@
to follow F,..,.j 1U h e エオイョセ@
in to a la,..e hole at a
. ide wall of the i””be,… Throu&h a canal a fe w ュ セ エ セ LN@ キゥ 、 セL@ the )” . wam
、 セ ー@ in to the hurt of the i””, ・ B セ ョエオ。ャIB@
,..,achin& a ‘paciou. ca,’e ヲゥャQセ@
with キ。 エ セ イN@
,”‘li”” エイゥセ@
セ LNィ
セ クセ@
ゥ ー@
to look 1U if .he totall)” オョ、
セ LNエッ、@
what .he was ..,.,in&, but
w .. ィ セ イ@ ‘po on. But whe n he IUked a fe w
of the olde r m e mber> of the colon)” about the Group of Te n , h e lurned
• T ,,·o of the birds on the Lu de r>h ;p Council lm ‘ed to dehate the
nlidit)” of an)” ,tatistics. And the )” lm ‘ed to dehate for hou r> and hour>
and hour> and hour>. Thne t,,·o ” ‘e,,, the mo”, “ocal ad,’ocate->
lobb)”in& for lon&e r m eetinv.
• One of the Lu de r>h ;p Coun cil m e mber> ” ‘ould u,m,l1)” b .ll IUleep-or
at le lUt come awfull)” cl—.durin& a lon& ー セョエ。ゥッ@
with ,tatistics.
His ,oorin& could be disrupti,’e .
• Anothe r bird WIlS ,’e r)” uncomfortable with number>. He tried to hide
his feelinv, u,uall)” b)” nOOdin& his hud a &”,at de al. All the hud
nOO-ite r mu ch thou&ht, f red chose an approach to the upcomin& m eetin&
that WIlS d i{fe”,nt from his ori&inal plan.
f セ@
」エ セ@
a ュッ、
セ ャ@ of エィ セゥ イ@
It WM four ヲ セ エ@ by {;,·e ヲ セ
and made of “,al i”” and .now. The constru ction WM not セ mjᄋ@
for f セ@
(… セゥ。ャケ@
. in”” h e had no hands, サ[ョF
セ LN L@ and oppmable thu m ln).
セ ョ@
h e WM done, f セ@
kne w it WM not perfect. But ,…Hce thou&ht it
WM a G ᄋ セ イjᄋ@ c “,ati,·e idu and 、イゥ ゥョ エ セ ャケ@ &ood セ ョッオFィ@
to ィ セ ャG@ the ャオ、
セ LN@
to セ@
the ーイッ「ャ
セ ュN@
The ni&ht brio,.., the ュ セ エゥョF
L@ f セ@
and his ヲイゥ セ ョ、ウ@
ᄋ セ@
t h e ュッ、
セ ャ@ to
the ャオ、
セ LNィ
tum ュ セ エ L@ wh ich , オョヲッイエ。
セ ャケ
L@ was on the
hi&h … t mountain of the ゥBセ
Halfway up the hill, the &rumbHn&
ᄋ セュゥョ
、@ m e why I’mdoin& this” was one of the kinde r 」ッュ
セ ョエウ@
from his ヲイゥ セ ョ、ウN@
If セョ
F オゥイ@
could &mnt and &roan, thu” ,,·ould hHe セョ@
pl” nt)” of
The n” ,t mornin&, the Iud” ,.. ” .,,'” al,..,ad)” . tandin& around the
moo”l wh” n F,..,.j arri,..,d. Some ” .,,'”” ” n&1I.£.,.j in a H,·”l)” dd …. t” . oth” ,..
look.,.j mJ·. ti{;.,.j .
••..n”” introduc.,.j F,..,.j to the &rou p.
Louis . tart.,.j the m””tin&, M the Hud p.,n&uin Illwa)”. did. ” F,..,.j, ,,·e
want to h ” ar about )”our disco,·” r)”. · F,..,.j bo,,·.,.j “”P”Ctfull )”. He could
“,rue ッセョNL@
from Louis and … me m” mJ,.,,.. of the &rou p. oth” ,..
=m.,.j n” utrlll . …. fe w made little .,(fort to hide th”ir .k” pticism.
F,..,.j &ath” ,..,.j his thoulthts-.and cour1l.£e-.and th” n told the . tor)” of his
disco,·” rJ·. He ” ,plain.,.j the m” thods h e had de ,·;,.,d to . tud)” th”ir hom” .
canals, the b ilt
He dnerib””‘- how h e had found the d” t” rioration, the ッセョ@
“,p< セ@ wont' He "'J"' the キ。 エ セ イ@ in the c,,,"e will fr"ffu" But malll>< セ@ will not' He "'J"' frffl:in& watu alway. セ クー。ョ、ウ@ in L B ッャオュ セ B@ But malll>< iIL "s wrong' And ・ G B セ ョ@ if all h e "'J"' turns out to be true , is our i""be,.. ",ally", fra&ile that frffl:in& キ。 エ セ イ@ in a c,,,"e can b",ak it in to 、。ョF セ イッオゥャケ@ .mall ーゥセG@ How do "'" k now wha t ilL ""liS'" not ftJ5t-;0:>;0, )”ou
nitwit ‘ ”).
f セ@
h … itated, エィ セ ョ@ ..,.id , ” Hon … tl y, no. 1cannot &i,·e )”ou LFオ。イョエ

:>;0, 1 am not .. 00 pe=nt .u”‘. But .hould our ュ セ QエゥョF@
b”,a k in to
L@ it will セ@
in キ ゥョ エ セ イ L@ キィ セ ョ@
it is dark both day and ni&ht,
man)” ー ゥセ
セ ョ@
the エ セ イ ゥ 「ャ ・@ .torrru and winds m. ke u. moot L ᄋ オャョ セ
セ N@ Wouldn’ t
m.n y, m.n)” of u. 、 ゥセ _ B@
T …·o of the birds .tandin& nur f セ@
=med ィッイゥヲセN@
d i””,tion and ..,.id , ” Wouldn’ t it happen ?”
s セゥ
He looked in エィ
セゥ イ@
th.t moot of the l オ 、 セ LNィ
ゥ ー@ Coun cil .till Gpセイm@
to セ@
G ᄋ セ イj ᄋ@
Ali”” &He :>;0..”,,0 • h.rd look .nd ..,.id: ” lm,..ine p””,nts who
loot エィ セゥ イ@
child”,n. lmO&ine エィ セ ュ@ romin& to u•• nd “,kin&, ‘ How could
this hHe h.ppened’ Wh.t ….セGB@
)”ou doin&’ Wh)” d idn’ t )”ou ヲッセ@
N ォセ
It WIU )”our job to ーイッエセ@
the colon)” ‘ >Wh.t …·ould )”ou エ セ u@ エィ セ
G w セ u L@
)”n, >orr)”. We h.d hurd th.t エィ セ BL@
mi&ht セ@
a proble m , but the
information WIU not .. 00 pe=nt 」セ
She pau=! to ャ セ エ@ ィ セ イ@ 」ッュ
セ ョエウ@
. in k in.
NG ᄋ@
That ,,·e had ィッセ@
.uch a エイQャNᆪセIB@
appropriate to a ct until ,,·e B N セBL@
,,·ould not ィ。ーセョG@
.. 00 セBGョエ@
.u “,”
“‘&ain, .nowfl. kn could .lmo>t be ィ セ Nイ、@
That it w .. not
cr ..hin& onto the around.
IIenuth ィ セ イ@ 、セョゥヲ@
セ クエ セ B[Zッイ
L@ .•..n”” w .. ‘” .n&r)” .he キNョ
the i”” ュッ、
セ ャ@ .nd throw it .t ;’;0;’;0.
to take
ゥョ L@ ョッエゥセ@
• ch.njte in the &roup’. mood. He
Louis, the h セ 。、@
“,id, ‘ 1f F,..,.j is corr«t, エィ セ ョ@ ,,·e onl)” h.,.e the “,m.inin& t,,·o months
until キ ゥョ エ セ イ@ be&ins to “,.ct to this th”,at. ”
One of the ッエィ セ
イ@ セョFオゥ@
セ LN@
“‘id, ‘ We ョセ@
to form” 」ッュゥエ
from ュ セ ュ「・LN@
of this tum to .nal)”u the . itu.tion .nd look in to possible
“,lutions. ”
M.n)” of the b irds ョッ、セ@
in QiNᆪ

セ ョエN@
セ イ@ one of エィ セ ュ@
told the &roup, ‘ Yes, but ,,·e mu.t do ・ G ᄋ セ イIBエィ ゥョ
possible “, th.t the colon)· ‘. routinn “,m.in intact. Our ch icks ョセ@
of food now to &row, .nd ,,·e ョセ@
to .,.oid confu.ion. So, ,,·e m=1 ォ セ
• セBLエ@
until ,,·e h.,.e L ᄋ ッイ ォ セ@ out. &ood “,lution. ”
• lot
ー@ this
.poke with •• t_ l)” BィM
セ N@
,…n”” clu,..,.j hu throat loudly , エィ セ ョ@
セ ョ@
,,·e h.,.e . ーイッ「ャ
セ ュ
L@ formin& • 」ッュゥエ
.nd tr)”i,,& to protect
our colon)” from オョーャ
セ NBョエ@
ne w. is wh.t ,,·e norm.ll)” do. But this … jar,
fm” from. norm.l ーイッ「ャ
セ ュN
G wィ
The ッエィ セ
w ..: ャ |セ@
ォ セ@
.t ィ セ イN@
The um.. ォ セ@
quntion on ・ G ᄋ セ イL
ᄋ ッョ
・G N@
“”‘” SM goi”” wilh Ih … h”” of セョゥBLG@
,…n”” “‘id, ‘ We mu.t ゥュセN
エ セ ャIB@
call • F セ ョ セ
…..,mbl)” of the colon)”
.nd com-in”” .. m.n)” .. possible th.t エィ セ BL@ is • 「セ@
セ ュN@
We mu.t
F セ エ@ セ ョッオFィ@
of our ヲB[Z セ ョ、ウ@
.nd fammn on our . ide ‘” th.t ,,·e h.,.e •
ch.n “” of findin& • “,lution th.t m.n)· will .c«pt .”
;’;orm.ll)” セョFオゥウ@
the )” .'” l オ 、 セ LNィゥー@
beh.,.e in qu ite . 」ッョエイャセ@
m.nnu, np;0..””,0. ‘ You rna)” be onto
セ エィゥョF
ᄋ@ h e “‘id, · but.,, ·
He was mo,”” orl …. ゥᆪョッセN@
Louis “‘id, ‘ Loot the ッエィ セ
セ ュ@
the topic IB セ エN B@
know ,,”e will hHe an ….,mbIJ· . Do not エ セ ョ@
The colon)” ‘. birds B B セGB@
curiou. about the ,..,,,,,,n for the ….,mbl)”. But
.•..n”” made .u ‘”” the lッ。
、 セ LNィ
ゥ ー@ Coun cil ュ セ ュセLN@
ォセ ーエ@ エィ
セゥ イ@
.hut_ wh ich built up a b it of ゥョ エ セ LNエ@
and N ュセLN@
an the adults Nィッ
セ 。イャIB@
on エィ
セゥ イ@
ᄋ ヲセ
ョ N@
is F セ エゥョF@
up. Mont of the tal k was about normal life
fat. Too mu ch fish, too little セ ク セ BG
• ….hh , now lfuJI is an ゥョ
Louis ]ョセ@
L B セ@
the ュ

エ セ LNエゥョF@
to ッイ、
.tor)”. ”
セ イ@
and qu ickl )” エオイョセ@
it m·u to .•..n””.
,…n”” told ッヲィ
セ イ@ . wim with f セ
L@ the man)” .i£ru of ュ セ QエゥョF
L@ and the
c,,,·e ヲゥャセ@
with キ。 エ セ イN@ f セ@
L B セ@
his ュッ、
セ ャ@ of the ゥBセ
セ クーQ。ゥョセ@
wh)” h e thou&ht the )” B B セGB@
in dan&u. Budd)” told the .tor)” of
the &1 … 「ッエャ
セ@ …..nd Louis, as h セ 。、@
ゥョ L@ セ ョ、セ@
the ….. ion b)” “‘J·in&
that in his opinion the )” had to a ct , and thou&h h e was not .u ‘”” how , h e
was 」ッョヲゥ、
セ ョエ@
the )” ,,”ould find a “,lution.
B)” the time ・ G ᄋ セ イj
cl=, to ask both f セ@
the ュ

had ャ。ウエセ@
ᄋ ッョ
had a chan “” to _ the ュッ、
セ ャ@ and the bottle up
and ,…n”” quntioru, and to hur more from Louis,
mo>t of the mornin&.
The birds B N セ BL@
L@ ・ B セ ョ@
th””, who normally セーッョ、@
anythin& by “‘J’in& G G G セ ャ@ yes, but …. ” The rompla””nt “”””’ that all is
ju.t エゥョ セ M エゥョ セ M エゥョ セ M エィ。ョ
ォ M ケッオ@
to drain in to the ,· .. t “””an. f セ
Louis, and .•..li”” B N セBL@
“”rtainly not awa”, of it _ prof=ional ehan&e
セ クー\イエウ@
the y B N セBL@
not_ but by セオ
」 ゥョ
rompla””n cy and in crn,in&
」 ケ@ the y had エ。 セ ォセ ョ@
」 エャケ@
the ri&ht tint Nエ セ ー@ in ーッエ セ ョエゥ。ャケ@
the rolony.
セ ョ@
the ュ

broke up, エィ

So enough with
the talk. Let’s do
I never really
liked Fred,
now I know why!
StOp complaining
about missing
lunch. THINK!!
Oh boy.
Boy. oh boy.
I mean boy.
Ix’y. oh boy.
.. ,.h
Harvey. be real.
Wimer is o nly a
few mondu away!!
I Cannot Do the Job Alone
The ョ セ クエ@ mornin& a ヲイゥ セ ョ、@ of:>;o..””o’••lid up to Louis. セョ
ins ClI.n ilide
on エィ セゥ イ@ .tomachs, thou&h it looks bizar”, to humans. He .UU… ted that
1U the Hud セョFオゥ
L@ it W1U Louis’. DUTY to “,he the ュ セ QエゥョF@
「ャ セ ュ@
b)” hi”””lf. ‘ That’> what ャオ、
セ LN@ do. You a”, a &,..,at ャオ、
セ イN@ You
no ィ セ ャーN ᄋ@ The b ird エィ セ ョ@
il id (one mi&ht “‘J’ ゥャ ゥエィ セ イ・、I@
セ イ@ pen&uin .UU… ted that Louis 、 セ ャ セ ャエ。
・@ the ーイッ
「ャ セ ュ@
to the J’oun&
on i””. Louis pointed out, ー。エゥ
セ ョエャ
that th””,
b irds who B N セ BL@ the セ クー・イエウ@
b irds had no credibilit)” in the colony , had no known lud” ,..h ip iI,ill.,
B N セ BL@
B セ イIB@
L@ and a fe w B N セ BL@
not L ᄋ セ Q@ h ォ セN@
The b ird makin&
this .uu… tion “‘id, ‘ So what’> )”our point?”
Louis thou&ht about what ョ セ クエ@ Nエ セ ー@ h e .hould エ。 ォ セL@ エィ セ ョ@ ClI.lled .•..
spot on the
Fred, Budd)” , and a pen&uin named Jorn…n to a アオ ゥセエ@
north,,·… t . ide of the ゥBセ
Jordan W1U known 1U the · Prof…..,,.” . in””
h e W1U the cl=t the lオ、
セ LNィ
ゥ ー@ Coun cil had to an ゥョエセuオ。QN@
If a
セ LN ゥエIB@
B N セ BL@
located on エィ セゥ イ@
LN L@ Jorn…n ,,·ould ha” e セョ@
エ セ ョオイ・、@
ュ セ ュセイ@
of the fa cult)”.
The Hud セョ
“‘id, ‘ The colon)” ョセ@
a G セュ@
throu&h this difficult period. I ClI.nnot do the job 。ャッョ
u. a”, the bnt tum for the task ahud. ·
セ N@
ofbirds to &u ide it
I セh
・ B ・@ the t;” e of
nodded ・ B セ イ@ ‘” ili&htl)”. Budd)” looked con -fused.. Fred W1U
.urprised that ィ セL@ a mo”, junior pen&uin , W1U セゥョF@
But the
Prof…..,r W1U the t;,..t to .peak.
‘ Wh)” do )”ou ma ke the …. umption that the t;,-e ofu. ClI.n s uOCffd?” h e
Louis nodded in his normal ー。エ
セ イN@
hid ィ セ イ@ irritation. If
.he had had a watch , wh ich .he didn’ t , .he ,,·ould haJ”e セョ@
lookin& at it
while tappin& ィ セ イ@ foot.
” It is a “,,,,,,nable qu … tion,” the h セ 。、@ セョFオゥ@
“‘id. ” Look a t the {;,·e of
us, Prof…..,r. Dli£htl)”. 8udd)” was Ios.t.
The Prof…… r “‘id, · You _ , for u., …. + 8 is additi,-e-that is to “‘)” ,
mo”, cap>lble than t ,,·o indi”iduab b)” エィ セ BィMョ
⦅ \ュャIB@
if …. and 8 can
,,·ork .. a tum. y セ エ@ ,,·e LNーッョ、セ@
to Louis’. task .. indi,·iduab. He did
not “‘)” ,,·e couldn’ t ,,·ork エッF セ エィ セ イ L@ could not tal k or tou ch u ch ッエィ セ
You _ , flotbottom’. th«>r)” of &roup.,, ·
The h セ 。、@
ーエ セ@
the .p«qu id for lun ch ?” This .topp«! the ュ M セ BL ᄋ セ ゥᆪィエ@
prof…… r , wh= &rumblin& .tomach セ@ .. il)” trump«! his brain. 8udd)”
“‘id, ‘ What a &,..,at idu. ·
LOV E >qu id, th= “,a c”,aturn that come in . Un ran&in&
from .. la,..e .. a bu._ like Juln |G セ イョ
・G N@ morutu in 20,000 ャl。ァuセU@
Undo- イィ セ@ Sro _ to Nュ。
ャ セ イ@ than a mou..,. But the tin)” >quid ‘” ャゥ ォ セ@
b)” the
ェ セ エ@
pquid in &roups.
Louis jump«! into the “,a fint, quickl)” ヲッャ
L ᄋ セ@
b)” the ッエィ セ
ョ@ .
.-.Jthou&h plbilitin do not a
>quid catch.
The fint >quid the )” セ ョッオエ
to ,,·ork エッ
pculSed be{o,”” the Prof…..,r ーッ ゥョ エセ@
that with 1111 2 68 birds セ
ォ ゥョ F@ awa)” 24 hour> ada)” , the )” ,,·ould b,..,a k
throu&h to the c,,,·e in U N セ@ J·ur>.
セ クエN@
セ イ@
bird ‘UU… エセ@
the )” find a セイャ・エ@
;’;0 ュ セ QエゥョF
L@ no
c,,,·es, no f;.su,…., ju.t L ᄋ ッョ、
セ イャオ@
in ・ G ᄋ セ イjᄋ@
wa)” Hl that エィ セゥ イ@
child,..,n and &randchild,..,n ,,·ould ョ ・ G ᄋ セ イ L@ ・ G ᄋ セ イ@ haJ”e to fa”” a crisis like
this 1I.&ain. セ イィ。ーウ@
if the )” 。ーッゥョエセ@
a セイャ・
エ M ゥBセLN@
セ G@
f ッイエオョ。
セ ャケ L@ ,”‘li”” was not around to hur this.
セ クセ@
Anothu idu: BGュ
セ ィッキ@
mOJ·e the colon)” toward the “”n tu of
AntaretiCll. キィ セLB@
the i”” is エィゥ 」ォセ
イ@ and NエイッョF
セ イ@ . .’I.1thou&h none of the
had an)” idu of the . iuof the 」ッョエゥ セ ョエ
⦅ ュッBL@
than one and a
half tim… the . iu of the uョゥエセ@
States’ –ne G ᄋ セ イjᄋ@
hU’·J·..,t bird “‘id,
F セ エヲゥウィ
G B@
” Won’ t that take u. a lon& wa)” from watu’ How キゥャQ
セ クエN@
One セョFオゥ@
on the l オ 、 セ イ^ィ
out of kiUu-whale 「ャオセイ@
ゥ ー@
Coun cil ‘UU… エセ@
c ,..,atin& a “,rt of
and u.in& it to &Jue the ゥBセ
セ エィ
” r”,,1 ti&ht. ” He 。、ュゥエセ@
セ イ@
F セョセ
セ ュ@
of ュ
セ QエゥョF
that this ,,·ould not “,h·e the mo”,
L@ but it mi&ht h
セ イエ@
エ ・@
セ イN@
セ ョ@
an ッャ、 セ イ@ and hi&hl)” LNー\・エセ@
ュ セ ュセイ@
of the colon)” ‘UU… エセ@
that the )” tr)” BGュ
セ エィゥョF@
ne w. B m。IBセ@
you .hould do what fセ@
d id キィ セ ョ@
h e found our エ セ イ ゥ「ャ・@
セ ュN@
Wal k around, ォ セ ー ゥョ F@ your e J·… and
minds op famm… do. The )” ュ ᄋ セ イィB、@
and fish. The )” ャゥウエ セ ョセ@
to birds who ョセ@
セ ョ@
セ イ@
” Up エィ
セ LN
wall> of .now. The )” saw famm…
セ ]エ
ゥッ イオ@
about ュ セ QエゥョF@
to .ha”, エィ セゥ イ@
セ エゥ@ ….
an hour or “‘, F,..,.j, in his t)”picall)” “”‘p and hour>. If ….セ N B@ But エィ セ ョ N B@ How …·ould ….セ@ . .,
:-‘;0, you _ .” Yn, but …·e could.” Wh)” not . .’ Ju.t ma)”be.”
Budd)” .. ォ セ
The Hud セョ
” So what do …·e do ョ セ
to thin k this throujth carflu11y. ·
“‘id, ” We ョセ@
The Prof…..,r “‘id, ” But qualit)” of thou&ht is mo”, im portant than
.•..H”” イッョエゥオセ
and now. ‘
” Fir>t …·e ョセ@
to lurn mo”, about that f1)”in& b ird,
write on. tィ
f セ@
セ ョ@
the )” all B B セ ョエ@
to “,areh for the “‘1l£ull.
had in him a bit of s ィ セ イャッ」
ォ@ Holmes, the famous
ᄋ セ N@ So within a half hour, the )” found the “‘1l£ull .
、 セ エセゥG
.’1i”” キ
to Budd)” , ” Sa)” G ィ セ ャッ
F オゥョ@
G@ to the biro. ”
In the warm and F セ ョエQ ・@ ,’oi”” that came natu r ally , Budd )” ..,.id, · Hi.
This is .’1i””. ” He pointed at ィ セ イN@ ‘ That’s Louis, f セ
L@ and the Prof…..,r.
I’m Budd)”. ”
‘ Whu” do )”ou rome from'” Budd)” “,ked. • …nd what a,.., )”ou lookin&
The “‘1l£ull ォセ ー
エ@ its distan””, but did not fl)” a wa)”. Finall)” h e ..,.id, “I’m
a scout. 1fl)” 。ィ セ 。、@ of the clan lookin&for キ ィ セ LN@ ,,”e mi&ht li” e ョ セ クエN B@
The Prof…..,r セ F 。ョ@ to “,k qu … tioru_ usriul qu … tioru, thou &h h e did &0
セ ョエウ@
OOC/Uionall)” (Ill wa)”. brou&ht back b)” You -i:nw-Who).
off on エ。ョF
F オゥイ@
of his clan’. nomadic
In “”‘porue, the “‘1l£ull told the セョ
セ ョBN@
He tal ked about what the )” ate (which , frankly , wunded to the
F オゥイ@
like just about an)”thinz). He .poke of what it was like to セ@
scout. wィ
セ ョ@
h e セ F 。ョ@
to turn blue and hHe trouble N セ。
ャエゥ ョF
L@ h e ..,.id
&ood-b)”e and fle w a way.
セ クゥウエ
The Prof…..,r and Budd)” B B セ LN@ not totall)” rom-inced th ” t what wllS
a ppropriate for “‘1l£ull. rould possibl)” セ@
ri&ht for セョ
F オゥイN@
” We ‘,..,
セ LNョエ
B@ “The )” fly. ” ‘ We ut 、 セ ャゥ 」 ゥッオ
N@ f,….h fish. ” ‘ The )” “”,m to ut,
L Bセ ャ
N B@
“Of rou,””, ,,”e ‘,.., 、ゥヲ
セ LNョ
エ L B@
.’1i”” ..,.id with イッオゥ、セ
イM 。「ャIB@
di plomac)” than u. ulll. ‘ That muru ,,”e can’ t just rop)” th.,m. But the
ゥ、 セ 。@
is G B セ イjG@ ゥョエ セ LNエゥョ
F N@
1 can almost..,., how ,,”e mi&ht ャゥL
B セ N@
We ‘d lurn to mo,”e around. We
,,·ouldn’ t . tIt)· in one pla”” ヲッLN
ᄋ セ イN@
We ,,·ouldn’ t tr)” to fi x ュ セ Qエゥョ
N@ We ,,·ould ju. t fa”” u p to the fa ct that what . u. tltins u. cannot
&0 on ヲッLN
ᄋ セ イN ᄋ@
The Prof…..,r .. ked d=ru of quntioru. Louis “,id little b u t thou&ht a
&,..,at 、 セ 。ャ@ about the discmsion and its impHcatioru .
セ イ@ wh)” wm«>ne didn’ t thin k of this idea .. >ron ..
.•..H”” “‘id, “1 L ᄋ ッョ、
,,·e ,..,aliLed that our ゥBセLN@
w .. ュ セ Qエゥョ
F _ B@
The Prof…..,r “‘id, “Su,..,l)” som«>”” in the colon)” did. It is “,.”lo&ical. ·
The Prof…..,r turned his hud to the ri&ht. Whathe “,w was:
M;t.ybe we should
pray 10 “Roland the
Round,” the belo….!
founder of au.
;::,..”colon y.

セ u L@
the Prof…..,r thou&ht, ma)”be not.
The h セ 。、@ セョ
“‘id, • mエ セ イ@ H,·in& one wa)” for”, lon&, w h)” .hould it
be セ QujN@
to thin k of a whole ne w wa)” ッヲh
セ G B@
The Prof…..,r “,aliMd that no one had ッヲ セ LBM
a “,Hd th«>r)” about wh)”
セゥ イ@
home was ュ セ QエゥョFN@
He had セョ@
MSumin& that ュ セ QエゥョF@
、 セ Fイ。、エ
mmt ha,·e occur'”””‘- dowl)” oj ᄋ セ イ@ a lon& セイゥッ、Nヲ@
セ N@ But
what if that B ᄋ セ BGョ
G エ@ エイオ
セ G@
What if BGュ
セ エィゥョF@
had Cll.u= the ーイッ「ャ
セ ュ@
セ ョャIBG@
that pouibl)” be’ Should h e ha,·e オLNセ@
his ヲ セ ョッキ@
time and be mo,”” GjᄋNエ
セ ュ。エゥ
」@ in thin kin& about エィ セゥ イ@
But エィ セ LB@ W1U ‘” little エゥュ
セ N@
ᄋ セ LBM
But what could
to to ke mo,””
i””be,.. ーイッ「ャ
セ ュG@
quntioru disturbed the Prof…..,r &”,atlJ· . But that
“,markabl)” L ᄋ セ ョ@ オョ、
セ イ@ the dreurrutoncn. He 「・h
・ L ᄋ セ@
the エ セ 。ュ@
in c”,atin& a ,·ision of a ne w futu”” and one that
He was be&innin& to _ how the )” could c”,ate that
futu”,. He was (oddl)”) 」ッュヲイエセ@
that Louis, Ali””, f ‘”””‘-, and Budd)” B N セ LB@
thin kin& the “,me way.
・ G ᄋ セ ョゥF
h e 、 セ ーエ@
had Nオocᆱ、セ@
A ……… ooIoy..
Frot, …;th …, 6xod …,.”.,
W. “‘” Irarn r.セNL@
Getting the Message Out
The followin& day , Louis 」。ャセ@
for a ュ セ エゥョF@
at noon of the セ ョエゥBL@
colony . …. you ,,·ould セ クセエ@
at this point, nurly ・ G ᄋ セ イケッョオィ
L ᄋ セ@
エィ セLN@
,,·ould be 1I.&ain no lun ch for the in cru.in&!y d … セ イ。エ・@
lort of
97->lide pッ B ᄋ セ イpッ
p,-….,ntation for Louis to use in communicatin& エィ セゥ イ@
,·ision. The Hud セョFオ
ォ セ@
ュ ᄋ セ イ@ the ュ。エ
セ イ ゥャ
L@ wh ich WIU G ᄋ セ イjᄋ@
ーLN ゥG
ᄋ セL@
エィ セ ョ@
&aJ”e it to Buddy. m エ セ イ@ .tudy in& the Profeuor’. ,,·ork,
Buddy “‘id, · I’m >orry , but I’m a little lomlL’·
;’;0;’;0′. blood p,..,..u,.., hit セT P@
ᄋ セ イ@
, 60.
8)” the セ ョ、ッヲ@
the ュ セ エゥョF
L@ if you could ha,·e carflull)” Nエオ
of the ero,,”d , you ,,”ould probabl)” ha,·e 」ッョャオ、セ@
、 ゥセ@
the e J·…
• 30 セBGョエ@
of the colon)” could””, a ne w wa)” of H,·in&,
com-in”””‘- the ,·ision had ュ セ イ ゥエ L@ and B B セ LN@ LNh・
• 30 セBGョエ@
B B セ LN@
di&… tin& what the )” had hurd and _n;
B B セ LN@
• ‘ 0 セBGョエ@
B N セLN@
• ‘ 0 セBGョエ@
B N セLN@
like Xo..’o, イッュBゥョセ@
The Hu d セョ
h e セ ョ、・@
the ュ
“‘id, ” Follow ュ
but not ho>tile ; and
this WM all イッューャ
セ エ セ ャIB@
thou.ht to hi”””lf,
セ ョッオNィ@
for now ,’ and ‘”
•. .•..li”” .rabbed f セ
L@ Buddy , and the Prof…..,r, and
セ N ᄋ@ !lein. セBGゥ「ャ
・@ birds, the )” d id “‘.

Sh e quickl )” セ クーQ。ゥョ・、@
ィ セ イ@ lat… t idu: to rome up with do.”,.. to be put
on ゥB ⦅エ
セ LN@
” We ョセ@
to ,..,mind the birdsofwhat the )” hH., hurd, and
“,mind エィ セ ュ G G l@ T H E Tl.fE. The ュ セ エゥョN@
this morn in. WM brief. Some
ofthe rolon)” B N セLN@
not ィ セBL
N@ The mcuts probl” m
],.,.an to ta ke th”ir toll.
Xo..””,o and a fe w of his fri” nds ‘””w the olntacl.,.. and ….,,'” ” noour ….,.j.
Ma)”]'” if the )” …·ork.,.j a little hard” r .”
Amanda WIU one of the moot ” nthmilUtic and hard …·orkinll: of the birds
in the .roup of plann” ,… Sh e ]”‘He ,-.,.j in the “ision of a ne ,.. wa)” ofHf” .
Sh e …·ork.,.j fourt””n -hour da)”. to h “lp make it a ,..,alit)”. But th” n h ” r
husband, unn” “,.,.j b)” Xo..””,o’. pronoun “”m”n ts, d” mand.,.j that .he .top.
Lon., difficult com”” ,..,.tions ” nsu.,.j. Th” n hu child’. ni&htma,..,.
],.,eame ‘” ch i1Hn. that .he found h ” ,…..,lf Nセョ、
ゥョ N@
hlllf the ni&ht
t” ndin. to the little bird. Wh” n .he h ” ard about the f”””‘-i”.-th,,->oouts
probl” m , h ” r le ,-“I of frmtration ou!:&rew h ” r initial ” . cit”lJl”nt. F””Hn.
po …·” rl”‘” to d,,1ll with foren ]”‘)”ond hu control, .he Nエ。イセ@
to .kip the
plann in. m””tinp.
And .he WIU not alon” .
B)” Thur>daJ’ that …·””k, th “”, oth” r birds ….,,'” al”, m;”in. the
m””tinp. B)” Fr iday , that num],.,r had .rown to ” i&h t ; b)” Saturday , to

The bird ehai”;n& th.,.., plann in& ュ セ エゥョカ@
to .top the outflow of
セ ュセLNィゥー@
with a 」ャ セ 。イ@
セ ュ セ ョエ@
of the fa cts. lal>n!l “”,mng . .1″”,
Hac”” a good c”ision. n””, for impk””,n’aoon. Th e 10&ic was
セ N@ And it had no イゥヲ エ@ セ・
on the droppin& 。エ セ ョ、。BN@

.•..n”” ‘””w that man)” of the mo,”” セ ョエィオNゥQu
」@ birds ….セB@
b)” the mountin& olntacl …. ” We ha,·e to dul with this,’
.he told Louis, ” and quickl )”. · He ,..r«d.
G ᄋ セ イjᄋ@
Budd)” , f セ
L@ the Prof…..,r, Louis, and ,…n”” discu.-d the . ituation ,
what ョセ@
to セ@ 、ッョ
セ L@ and ,..r«d upon what role u ch of
エィ セ ュ@
…·ould play. Su ch quick BGイヲュ
セ ョエ@
W1U not ョセイゥャIB@
a’i&n of
panic, but cl.,.., to it.
ゥ 、 セ ョエゥヲセ@
“The &ods a,”” G ᄋ セ イjᄋ@ mad,” h e told ero …·d 。ヲエ セ イ@ ero …·d. “The y will “,nd a
mouth will bite our
&i&antic killu whale to ut all our fish. Its セ ョッイュオN@
in to ー ゥセ@
and eru.h our ehild”,n in its awful jaw •. It will c”,ate
fi,·e ィオョ、セ
M ヲッエ@
waJ’ …. We mu.t .top this no,…,,…, about ‘ nomads’
Louis ーオャセ@
:-:0..,0 1Uide and told him (truthfull)”) that …ᄋ オエィセ
fo””””tin& …·ould セ@ mo,”” im portant in the futu,”” and that the )” ョセ@
to add mo,”” ^」 ゥセョB@
to エィ セゥ イ@
:>;0..”,,0 an&ril)” エオイョセ@
al”,ad)” bnide him.
” Did )”ou セ。、@
“I セh
Prof…..,r ヲッョL
In a
p LNゥ、
セ ョエ@
・ L ᄋ ・@
around to i セ h
and found the Prof…..,r WM
the article b)” HimHsh on ゥBセGャエ@
trauma?” the Prof…..,r
it WM ーオ「ャゥウィセ@
in the late 19 6ite r ィ セ イ@ chat with Buddy , the kinde,..arten te a ch e r NBエィ
・ セ@
youn£ .tude nts to&e the r to teU the m tal … of huoic a ction to h elp othe ,..
unde r difficult and ehan&;n& dreurrutan””,. Sh e found “,me .,..,at
.tori…. Sh e told the m with e nthmi .. m.
Sh e ・ クーQ。[ョセ@
that the colony ,,·ould be ョセ[N@
h e ron to de al with ne w
ehalle n&… , and that anyone, includin& the younjtntofthe m , could h elp.
Thutude nts lOH d i t .
The number of セョNオ[ウ@
a cti,-ely ,,·orkin. ;n the co”, £roup had
from thirty -fi,-e to ・ ゥᆪィエ
セ ョN@
But now, .. obstacles to ehan&e
…·e ‘” !>ein& ,..,moHd, M fe ,,”e r and fn”e r of the rna,”” e nthusiastic birds
” “e ,,, ヲ セ hョN@
L@ 、ゥウエイ。
」 エセ
L@ or po” ·e el …. , the numk,.. be&an to
rise 1I.£ain.
Louis cャNQ」オ。エセ@
that the y ” ‘ould ョセ@
around fifty birds to do aU the
” ‘ork that had to be comple ted quickly. He didn’ t hHe fifty ye t , but at
i セ mエ@
the t”,nd WM in the ri£ht dir«tion.
SaU)” Ann WM ju.t a ォ ゥョ、セLN。イエ@
セ ョエN@
h セ イ@ mind WIU ヲゥャQセ@
aU the ne w .tori… of huoic a ction. While waddlin& home f rom >chool,
.he “,w .•..n”” . ….. IBッオョカエ
セ LN@
do キィ セ ョ@
the )” don’ t know any セエ
セ イ L@ .he
」 ィセ@
this important bird and “‘id, “£ , cu.., ュ セ N@ How can {セュ
a ィ セ イッ_ B@ .•..n”” .topp«! and ャッ ォ セ@
at hu. pn\^ocオーゥセ@
with the ュ セ QエゥョF
the F セ ョ セ
mood of the colony , and the ヲセゥョ
F ᄋ エィ セ M^ッオエウ@
「ャ セ ュ L@ .he
1>0.”,1)” hurd the quntion. The IBッオョカエ
セ イ@ BLー\。エセ@
it. [rutn.d of “,)”in&,
セ イ L G@ ,…n”” told ィ セ イ L B Qヲ@ )”ou could ma ke )”our
“Ju.t &0 home to )”our ュッエィ
p””,n ts オョ、
セ LNエ。ョ、@
that the Hud セョFオゥ@
セ ゥイィ
セ ャ ー L@ npcouts B N セ LB@ o,..aniMd and lrit the ョ セ
The )” B N セ LB@ . tron&, bri£ht, and hi£hl)” セ ョエィオ
da)”. fセ@
N ゥQuエ
」 N@
had ch””,n L ᄋ セ uN@
11fe was boring.
This is FUN.
The tou&h … t . in&le ・ィ。ャ
セ ョF
・@ fa cin& the colon)” WIU &athuin& セ ョッオFィ@
f,….h ficouts.
;’;0..””,0 ーLNェゥ
」 エセ@
half ,,”ould ョ ・ G ᄋ セ イ@ make it hack. ” Whale food,” h e told 1U
man)” 1U ,,”ould ャゥウエ セ ョ@ to him. “The foob will N セ エ@ lcout LNエオイョセ
L@ one 。ヲエ
セ イ@ the ッエィ セ
イ L@ althou.h ” fe w ャッ
ォ セ@
like the )” B B セ LN@ at duth’, door, .nd one WIlS セB[ZッオゥャI@
hurt . .•..li”” W1U
waitin. with a L B セ uMッLN。ョゥ]ャ@
c,..,w to ca,.., for .n)” injur)”. Which the )”
did .
L@ the )” セN。ョ@
to エ セ u@ .mOJ:in. taln
.’lmcouts 。イB[ZG
.bout the セ。
L@ about ,wimmin. Ion. distanC
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