Writing Question


IntroductionBecause of the glowing review you received for your job aid, your
boss has charged you with assessing a workplace incident involving
several CapraTek employees. The incident occurred in the lunchroom and
was observed by a valued customer who happened to be onsite. In the
aftermath of this incident, there have been complaints of harassment by
employees, and the customer has declined to do further business with
CapraTek.ScenarioCapraTek combines years of engineering experience with production
that is continually achieving new efficiencies. The company is committed
to living its values through initiatives that focus on development of
human capital, commitment to being a good corporate neighbor, and
support of green technology initiatives. Founded in 1984, CapraTek has
been profitable every year since its inception.With operations centers in Silicon Valley, South Carolina, New
Mexico, and Illinois, and partners in Singapore, India, and Taiwan,
CapraTek is positioned for continued worldwide growth in the coming
years. As the organization has grown, however, the management plan has
not always reflected best practices. A recent workplace incident offers
an opportunity for analysis and improvements to the HR management plan.All of the details you need are provided in the following interactive media piece: https://media.capella.edu/CourseMedia/hrm-fpx5118e…Your ChallengeAs an HR professional at CapraTek, you have been tasked to assess and
restructure CapraTek’s HRM policies and procedures to better protect
the organization, its employees, and stakeholders. Use all of the text,
documents, and interviews in the interactive media, CapraTek: Workplace
Discrimination, to inform your perspective and guide your actions.InstructionsWrite a 4–5 page report to evaluate CapraTek’s discrimination
policies and procedures, identify the key issues, and recommend how to
address workplace discrimination at CapraTek. Include all of the
following in your report:
Analyze how the policies and mission are currently communicated to employees at CapraTek.
Analyze CapraTek’s training and artifacts and identify at least
two gaps in the current content that could subject the company to legal
risk. (Artifacts are the core business day-to-day activities and values
that you will find described in the media scenario.)
Evaluate CapraTek’s reporting and investigation procedures in
relation to how they currently, as stated, protect the company, its
employees, and its stakeholders.
Propose modifications to CapraTek’s policies and procedures, where
needed, to better protect the organization and its stakeholders.

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Length: Your report should be 4–5- typed, double-spaced pages, including the resources page.

Organization: Make sure that your assignment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Resources: Use two scholarly, peer-reviewed or academic sources.

Evidence: Support your assertions with data and in-text citations, and create a reference list at the end of your documents.

APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.

Written communication:

Support recommendation with relevant and credible evidence.
Write for a specific audience, using the vernacular of the profession.
Use spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.