8-2 Final Project: Submit Integrated Review


For your final project, you will compose an integrated review based on the work you did in the milestone assignments. In this review, you will discuss the criteria necessary for inclusion or exclusion in the research study, critique the quality of each study, and present a synthesis of the results.

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8-2 Final Project: Submit Integrated Review
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See the Supplemental Lecture Notes for additional guidance and information on how to complete the integrated review.
This integrated review will address the following course outcomes:
1. Critique ethical issues in healthcare research for their influence on compliance with rules and regulations
2. Evaluate basic research strategies applicable to healthcare settings for informing research proposals
3. Assess the appropriateness of utilizing secondary databases in healthcare research as an alternative to conducting original research
4. Justify the selection of specific data analysis methodology in published healthcare research for informing healthcare research methodology
5. Select healthcare administration issues to research in validating the need for program evaluation


Using the six peer-reviewed research study articles from your annotated bibliography, (please research six peer-reviewed research study articles for Pico research question below) compose an integrated review that focuses on a clinical issue of interest. Ensure that the topic of this integrated review is viewed from the perspective of a healthcare professional who is looking to validate the need for program evaluation at your hospital, even if your annotated bibliography was not this focused

*Pico question for project :

In older adults (P), how do exercise interventions (I), as compared to no exercise interventions (C), affect their fall rates (O)?

What to Submit
Submit the integrated review as one complete document, including the title page, abstract, written components, references, and any necessary appendices. The written components of the review (excluding the title page, abstract, references, and appendices) should not exceed 12 pages, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Be sure to adhere to formatting guidelines from the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) reference manual

Specifically, your integrated review should focus on the following critical elements:
I. Abstract
A. Craft a well-drafted abstract. Be sure to adhere to the guidelines from the latest edition of the American Psychological
Association’s style guide. Consider the appropriate length for your audience.
II. Introduction
A. Explicitly state the purpose, aims, or objectives of the integrated review. What do you wish to achieve through the drafting of this review? Be explicit in your answer.
B. Explain why the topic you chose is the focus of the review.
C. Introduce the research question and hypothesis. The research question is the PICO guiding research question you chose. Include explanation of what is behind the hypothesis. If you were to prepare a research proposal, what would your hypothesis be? Why?
D. Explain labeled variables of interest to you. Include how these variables will be of help throughout this integrated review.
Labeled variables to introduce include independent and dependent variables.
E. Discuss the background and significance of the problem to healthcare administration.
III. Literature Search
A. Evaluate which keywords and combinations used in the initial search provided the most useful results. Include an explanation for why this is true. What keywords and combinations were used? Which were the most effective? Explain why these keywords and combinations provided the most useful results.
B. Assess which databases were chosen. Also assess what characteristics made these databases most reliable. Specify which databases were searched and why you chose them. State the characteristics that make these databases the most reliable.
C. Comprehensively evaluate the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the sample. Describe your process. How did you decide to narrow the search and focus the review? How was the final sample determined?
IV. Methodology Analysis
A. Logically evaluate the efficacy of methodology used in the research study articles. What methodology was used in this research? Was the methodology effective for the research question and hypothesis? Why or why not? Consider including improvements for the methodology.

B. Logically evaluate the appropriateness of the statistical data analyses used in the research articles. What statistical data

analyses were used? Were the statistical analyses used appropriate for the research question and methodology? Why or why not?

C. Comprehensively evaluate the literature for any gaps that exist. Include possible explanations for those gaps. Why do you think these gaps exist? Consider factors such as the location of the research, time the research was conducted, and so on.
D. Comprehensively evaluate the literature for any inconsistencies that exist across the studies. Include possible explanations for those inconsistencies. Why do you think the inconsistencies you found exist? Consider factors such as the location of the research, time the research was conducted, and so on.
V. Synthesis and Interpretation
A. Create a comprehensive evidence table of your results. Be sure to include the following criteria for each study:
1. Report citation
2. Design
3. Method
4. Sample
5. Data collection
6. Data analysis
7. Validity and reliability
B. Compare and contrast the study findings. Be sure to include pertinent conclusions and statistical findings only.
C. Comprehensively evaluate the research strategies used in the articles, as applicable to a healthcare program. Was the research design appropriate for the study conducted? Was the statistical analysis employed the best choice for the research questions posed?
D. Evaluate research articles for how possible ethical issues may have limited clinical investigations. What ethical issues are pertinent specifically to healthcare research? How can these issues influence the research strategies chosen to investigate clinical topics?
E. Analyze patterns and trends in the research. Draw generalizations from these patterns and trends.
F. Evaluate the use of secondary data. Evaluate if sources or researchers were biased or objective, with support for the answer.
Did the articles you reviewed use primary or secondary data? Do you think the researchers were biased or objective? Why?
G. Comprehensively synthesize the main findings of the research articles. What were the hypotheses of the research studies? Did the research add any new scholarly information to the existing body of knowledge?
H. Assess whether utilizing secondary data is a feasible alternative to the researchers’ original research. If it had been an option, what resource(s) would be the most appropriate to use. Also include the strengths and limitations of using secondary data.
I. Comprehensively assess the literature for ethical concerns. Consider things such as conflicts of interest between the researcher and the study sponsors, or the lack of an IRB approval for the study.

VI. Conclusion

A. Thoroughly evaluate the studies for patterns in strengths. Evaluate any patterns you found in the articles that you chose
regarding their strengths.
B. Thoroughly evaluate the studies for patterns in limitations. Evaluate any patterns you found in the articles that you chose
regarding their limitations.
C. Assess the findings and conclusions for reliability and validity. Logically support your answers. Were the findings and conclusions reliable and valid? Why or why not?
D. Thoroughly analyze the implications of the research. Include how the research will influence the clinical topic in the overall picture of healthcare research

*Pico question for project :

In older adults (P), how do exercise interventions (I), as compared to no exercise interventions (C), affect their fall rates (O)?

What to Submit
Submit the integrated review as one complete document, including the title page, abstract, written components, references, and any necessary appendices. The written components of the review (excluding the title page, abstract, references, and appendices) should not exceed 12 pages, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. Be sure to adhere to formatting guidelines from the latest edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) reference manual