Communications Question


5 PAGE Ethnography Essay on the Subculture of HIPHOP/FASHION

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I. Introduction:

• Provide a brief description of the Fashion/Hiphop subculture (including the characteristics, attributes, etc. that unite member of this group).

• Introduce your informants (not necessary to include their names, but describe their roles or positions in the subculture and some brief details about them).

II. Worldviews, Ideals and Beliefs:

• Describe some of the worldviews, beliefs, values, attitudes, etc. shared by members of this subculture. Consider whether they share a common way of thinking, philosophy, ideology, religion, etc. (e.g. superstitions,

discrimination, common goals…)

III. Cultural Rule:

• Discuss several examples of this groups’ culture riles, and possible unwritten rules ( this might be harder to uncover, as unwritten rules are those which people don’t really recognize).

• Describe some of the status differences that exist in this subculture, or examples or stratification.

• Discuss any gender-related issues present in this community

IV. Traditions, Rituals and Symbols

• Include detailed descriptions of at least two traditions, rituals or other activities describes by your informants and/or that your observed or participated in.

• If possible discuss a ritual (religious or secular/non-religious) in detail, including an explanation of why it qualifies as a ritual (i.e. what makes it ritualistic in nature?).

• Choose a particular aspect of a ritual/tradition/activity – such as an action, object article of clothing, color etc. – for which you can discover and describe:

o It’s symbolic significance (emic perspective) and the practical reason(s) behind it, or a cultural materialist explanation for it (etic perspective). Choose an action, object , piece of clothing, color, etc.

V. Communication:

• Consider whether this subculture used specialized terminology, codes, jargon or slang that is unique to this group. If so provided several examples with a brief description of each. OR:

• If this subculture uses a dialect of English, provide some detailed examples and description.

• Explain how style shifting is used in this subculture and provide some detailed examples

• Describe at least one example of kinesics (non-verbal communication) you observed.

VI. Conclusion:

• Briefly provide a description of this subculture using an etic perspective. Think about ‘’outsides’’ view this group, their traditions, cultural rules, beliefs and/or ways of speaking (positive or negative).

• Use cross-cultural comparison, to compare and contrast one or more aspects of this subculture to mainstream American culture (or a subculture to which you belong). Describe some of the similarities and differences between the two groups.

• Discuss the importance of practicing Cultural Relativism when studying, observing and learning about a culture that is different from your own.