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College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Course name:
Health Planning
Course number:
PHC 274
Students enrolled in PHC 274 in Spring 2024 will plan and conduct a community
needs assessment within the school to prioritize community service activities.
Students will be provided a data collection tool survey to gather information from
their peers in the course regarding community needs.
Assignment title or task:
After gathering relevant and actionable information for community service
planning, students will consolidate their findings from the community needs
assessment in a unified structured report. They will be evaluated on their ability to
create a link for the tool, data collection, data entry, data consolidation, and plan
Students enrolled in PHC 274 will be divided into groups (4-6 students per group).
Details about the steps are provided below.
Student Name:
Students ID:
Submission date:
Group Number:
Instructor name:
….. out of 10
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College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Release Date: Sunday, 11 Feb 2024
Due Date: Saturday, 18 May 2024
Instructions for submission:

Final report must be submitted with properly filled cover sheet (Name, ID, CRN, Submission
date) in word document, Pdf is not accepted.
Text size 12-Times New Roman with 1.5-line spacing.
Heading should be Bold
The text color should be Black
Do proper paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism with proper references.
References must be in APA format
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College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Group Project Plan
Project Sequence:
Due Date
Week 4
Step two: Develop Team
Groups will develop the survey from the
questions provided and share the survey
link with instructors (one link per group) (2
Step Two Due: 172–2024
Step three: Data
Each student will receive a link to a survey
to fill out.
Step Three Due:
Week 9 (20-42024)
Module 4
Week 5
Module 5
Week 10
Each student submits the confirmation page
appears after submitting the assigned
survey (2 points)
Step four: Data Entry
Step five: Review and
Module 12
Groups submit their data entry sheets (one
link per group) (2 points)
– Groups gather to review the collected
Step Five Due: 115-2024
– Groups consolidate data in ONE REPORT
per CRN (2 points)
Module 10
Week 13
Step Four Due: 274-2024
Designate a data manager within each team
for data entry.
Module 9
Week 11
Groups use an Excel File to input and
organize the gathered data.
Step six: Build and Submit
-Groups work on organizing a Community
Action Plan based on the data collected and
submit this consolidated plan. (One plan per
CRN) (2 points)
Step Six Due: 18-52024
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College of Health Sciences
Department of Public Health
Graded Activities
Step 2: Teams will develop the
survey and share the survey link
with instructors.
Step 4: -Teams submit their data
entry sheets
Step 5: Teams consolidate data in
one report per CRN
Step 6: Teams work on organizing a
Community Action Plan based on the
data collected and submit this
consolidated plan
Step three: Each student submits the
confirmation page appears after
submitting the survey
2 points
Assigned to
Groups, hence graded once per
group when link is created
2 points
2 points
2 points
2 points
To individuals (each student will be
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Student Survey: Community Needs Assessment
In this activity, your group will be creating a survey to evaluate the needs and preferences of your school
peers. Follow the instructions mentioned below to create the survey using Microsoft Forms.
Once completed, share the link with your instructors.
Creating the Survey:
– Use Microsoft Forms to create a survey with three sections: Demographic Information, Community
Needs Assessment, and Suggestions/Comments.
– Include the questions provided below in each section, making sure to format them as multiple-choice
or rating questions.
Sharing the Link:
– Once the survey is created, copy the shareable link provided by Microsoft Forms.
– Share the link with your instructors via Blackboard. Please note that it is going to be one link per group.
Completing the Survey:
– Please do not fill out the survey until your instructors provide you with the assigned per student.
Data Analysis:
– After collecting responses, analyze the survey data to identify trends, preferences, and areas for
improvement within our school community.
– Submit the data collected to your instructor.
– Review and consolidate all data collected by your group and other groups in your CRN in one Excel
Building a Report:
– Based on the consolidated data from all groups, create one community action plan.
Survey Questions
You can start the survey by an introduction as the example below:
Dear Peers,
Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your input is crucial in helping us understand the needs
and preferences of students enrolled in this course. This survey is designed to gather anonymous feedback to
better plan and develop future community services in the College of Health Science. The survey will take from 510 minutes. Your honest feedback will guide us in identifying areas where additional support, resources, or
services may be beneficial to enhance your learning experience and overall well-being.
Your peers in Group 1 JF
Demographic Information:
1. School Branch: Which branch of the school do you attend?
– Riyadh
– Dammam
– Jeddah
– Madinah
– Qasim
– Abha
– Tabuk
– Jazan
– Alahsa
– Najran
– Hail
– Aljubail
– Yanbu
2. Gender:
– Male
– Female
3. Age Group:
– 18-24 years old
– 25-29 years old
– 30 years or older
4. Marital Status:
– Single
– Married
– Divorced
– Widowed
5. Number of Children:
– None
– 3 or more
6. Employment Status:
– Employed full-time
– Employed part-time
– Unemployed
– Other (please specify) __________
Community Needs Assessment:
1. Physical Environment and Infrastructures:
How would you rate the following aspects of our school’s physical environment and
Not sure
– a. Playground and recreational
– b. Classroom spaces and
learning environments
– c. Restrooms and hygiene
– d. Safety and security measures
2. Academic Life and Social Activities:
Which of the following academic and social activities would you like to see more of in our
Interested Neutral Not very
at all
– a. Tutoring and academic
support programs
– b. Sports teams and physical
education classes
– c. Art, music, and creative
expression activities
– d. Clubs and extracurricular
– e. social events and
community gatherings
3. Awareness about Health Topics:
A. How much do you know about the following health topics?
A lot
– a. Road injuries and safety precautions
– b. Substance abuse and its effects
Nothing at
– c. Obesity and healthy eating habits
– d. Chronic diseases like diabetes and
– e. ischemic heart disease
– f. Stroke
– g. Lower respiratory infections
– h. Cancers
– i. Alzheimer’s disease
B. Preferred Health Awareness Activities:
Rate the following health awareness activities from the most interesting to the least
interesting for you:
Cooking classes and nutrition education sessions
Fitness challenges and exercise programs
C. Would love to participate in Extracurricular Activities?
Might participate
Not sure
Probably won’t participate
Definitely won’t participate
D. Preferred Timing for Extracurricular Activities:
When would you prefer extracurricular activities to be scheduled?
– a. Early morning
– b. Afternoon, before classes
– c. No preference
E. Preferred Days for Extracurricular Activities:
– a. On weekends
– b. On weekends
– c. No preference
F. Preferred Format of Activities:
How would you prefer extracurricular activities to be conducted?
– On-site (in-person)
– Virtual (online)
– No preference
Suggestions and Comments:
Is there anything else you would like to share or suggest to improve our school community
and activities offered by the community service committee?
[Open-ended text box]
Thank you for your participation! Your input is valuable to us.

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