Translational & Theoretical Framework


Topic: Improving Medication Adherence and Health Outcome in African American Adults with Hypertension using the Hill-Bone ScaleTranslational Framework:
Identify the translational framework you used during your project
planning, implementation and evaluation. Be sure to explain how this
framework was applied to your DNP Scholarly project process of
implementation and evaluation. RE-AIM translation framework Theoretical Framework: Identify the theoretical framework
(preferably a nursing theory) that supports your DNP Scholarly Project.
It is helpful to have a diagram of the framework here with its
connection to your project. Be sure to explain how this framework
relates to your project.Write up this section which will become part of Chapter 2, and be
sure to cite evidence appropriately, both in text and in any Figures. References: APA style including in-text citations. References have to be within the past five years.

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