Case study 3


Ms. Rei wants to ensure her students are fully engaged during instruction. Watch the following scenario as Ms. Rei considers how she can use the information from student surveys to motivate and engage them:

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EDU620: Week 4 Analyze the Case Study TranscriptLinks to an external site.

Then, based on your first letter of your last name, you will provide recommendations to Ms. Rei for applying the Multiple Means of Engagement principle.

A-E – Provide recommendations for Tamika
F-J – Provide recommendations for Rebecca
K-O – Provide recommendations for Tyler
P-T – Provide recommendations for Damien
U-Z – Provide recommendations for Elena

Complete the following as you analyze this scenario using the Engaging Case Study OutlineLinks to an external site. to help guide your writing:

Identify what Ms. Rei learned about your assigned student based on the student survey.
Read the UDL Guidelines ChecklistLinks to an external site.. Select at least two different guidelines (recruiting interest, sustaining effort and persistence, and self-regulation) related to Multiple Means of Engagement. For each guideline selected, choose one checkpoint to develop a specific instructional strategy to support your assigned student.
Describe each guideline and associated checkpoint in your own words.
Create at least two instructional strategies based on your selected guidelines and checkpoints. This resource may help you think about some ideas: Engagement: Universal Design for Learning PrincipleLinks to an external site..
Explain how each of your instructional strategies aligns with your guidelines and checkpoints of Multiple Means of Engagement and how your instructional strategies will provide greater accessibility for your assigned student.
Identify how you are personally motivated and engaged in learning. Explain which guideline and checkpoint of Multiple Means of Engagement would best align with how you are motivated and engaged in learning.

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Week 4 Discussion: Engagement Case Study Outline
Use the following outline to guide your response to your Week 4 discussion. In this discussion,
you will conduct a case study analysis helping Ms. Rei with ways she can better integrate the
Multiple Means of Engagement Principle of UDL. Feel free to copy and paste this outline when
posting your response but be sure to remove any of the guiding verbiage in the outline.
Student: List your assigned student for this case study.
Learning Barriers: Identify the learning barriers for your assigned student.
UDL Guideline and Checkpoint #1: Using the UDL Guidelines Checklist, under Principle III –
Provide Multiple Means of Engagement, select and identify one of the guidelines and one
checkpoint that falls under that same guideline that you feel would support your assigned
UDL Guideline and Checkpoint:
Guideline 7: Provide options for recruiting interest
Checkpoint 7.1: Optimize individual choice and autonomy.
Description: Describe the guideline and checkpoint you selected above in your own words.
Teaching Strategy and Explanation:
• Create a teaching strategy that you would use for your assigned student that is aligned to
the UDL guideline and checkpoint you selected above.
• Explain how this teaching strategy is aligned to the selected guideline and checkpoint
above for UDL Guideline and Checkpoint #1.
• Additionally, explain how this teaching strategy will provide greater accessibility for
your assigned student.
Copyright 2023 by University of Arizona- Global Campus. All rights Reserved.
UDL Guideline and Checkpoint #2: Using the UDL Guidelines Checklist, under Principle III –
Provide Multiple Means of Engagement, select and identify one of the guidelines and one
checkpoint that falls under that same guideline that you feel would support your assigned student
UDL Guideline and Checkpoint:
Guideline 8: Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence
Checkpoint 8.4: Increase mastery-oriented feedback
Description: Describe the guideline and checkpoint you selected above in your own words.
Teaching Strategy and Explanation:
• Create and describe a teaching strategy that you would use for your assigned student that
is aligned to the UDL guideline and checkpoint you selected above.
• Explain how this teaching strategy is aligned to the selected guideline and checkpoint
above for UDL Guideline and Checkpoint #2.
• Additionally, explain how this teaching strategy will provide greater accessibility for
your assigned student.
Personal Motivation:
• Identify how you are personally motivated and engaged in learning.
• Explain which guideline and checkpoint of Multiple Means of Engagement it would best
align to as it relates to the way you are motivated and engaged in learning.
Copyright 2023 by University of Arizona- Global Campus. All rights Reserved.

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