SOC 489 First Draft



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Follow the instructions below:

By this time, you should have selected a sociological topic that you will focus on. In this short paper, tell us what the topic is and why you have chosen this topic.
Find two additional academic sources on this topic to add to the four that you submitted in Module 4. In total, you should now have six academic sources for the project. You can add non-academic sources such as newspaper articles or other forms of media, but are still required to have at least six academic sources from books or journal articles.

Short Paper Format

First Paragraph: Introduction to the social problem and it’s sociological relevance.
Second Paragraph: Why is this topic important to you?
Third Paragraph: Who is the public audience that your project aims to reach?
Fourth Paragraph: Body of Scientific Evidence from your sources. Provide at least tenevidence-based facts that come from the six academic articles you have selected. What have the experts said about the topic? You can list these 1 through 10 or in bullet points. It does not need to be written like a paper, but the facts must be clearly written and cited.
Fifth Paragraph: Share the public sociology platform you have chosen for your final project and provide a short description of how you plan to implement this project. You can select from platforms such as short documentary film, podcast, website, social media creation, blog, public exhibit, op-ed written piece, or other. The final passion project can not be a standard powerpoint or prezi presentation.
All of the Passion Projects will be placed in a Shared Folder and shared with the Sociology Department after completion of the course.
Grading Criteria

This assignment is worth 100 points.

Make sure you cite at least six articles with evidence on this topic.

My topic is “Income Inequality”

I have attached my assignment #1

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Income Inequality
Yuki Moriyama
SOC 489
Passion Project #1
Income Inequality
The topic selected is income inequality. The main significance of income inequality is
its profound impact on the structure and functioning of the society. According to Peterson
(2017), the main argument noted in the science of sociology concerning income inequality
revolves around its impact on social stratification, public health, and overall well-being.
Research by Peterson (2017) further indicates that income inequality can easily enhance the
creation and perpetuation of social classes with people at a lower end of the income spectrum,
and they may end up experiencing limited opportunities for advancement and social mobility.
The above can further entrench social divisions, thus hindering the principles of equal
opportunities and meritocracy. Equally, as noted by Jenkins (2017), income inequality has
been highly associated with negative health outcomes, such as higher rates of chronic
diseases and mental health issues among those in lower income brackets. Equally, in
education, income inequality has been limiting access to quality schooling and resources,
which perpetuates a cycle of disadvantage for future generations.
Public Audience who can benefit from learning the Topic
The topic can be beneficial to different groups of people, such as policymakers,
community leaders, educators, and the general public. By having a better knowledge of the
social implications of income inequality, they can work towards the implementation of
evidence-based solutions with the aim of addressing the issue. For instance, policymakers can
enhance the creation of support policies that can assist in minimizing income disparities
(Reardon & Bischoff, 2011). On the other hand, educators can enhance the development of
strategies for mitigating the impact of income inequality on educational outcomes.
On the issue of power and privilege, income inequality is perpetuated by systems and
structures that have been favoring those who are already privileged. Based on a report by
CNBC, people who hold positions of power, such as corporate leaders and policy makers,
have highly benefitted from the perpetuation of income inequality (Harwood, 2019). The
above has been creating a cycle where the privileged maintain and widen the gap between
themselves and those with lower income. Having better knowledge of the power of dynamics
at play in income inequality is essential in the development of interventions that can
effectively address the root causes of such social problems.
In summary, income inequality is a sociologically important issue due to its farreaching implications for the entire community. Through engagement in evidence-based
research and public sociology efforts, it is possible to work towards the creation of a more
equitable and just society for all. The above topic is important to different stakeholders, and
by addressing power dynamics and privilege, we can enhance the development of
comprehensive solutions for mitigating the impact of income inequality.
Harwood, J. (2019, June 5). Five Reasons why Income Inequality has become a major
Political Issue. CNBC.
Jenkins, S. (2017). The measurement of income inequality. In Economic inequality and
poverty (pp. 3-38). Routledge.
Peterson, E. W. F. (2017). Is economic inequality really a problem? A review of the
arguments. Social Sciences, 6(4), 147.
Reardon, S. F., & Bischoff, K. (2011). Income inequality and income segregation. American
journal of sociology, 116(4), 1092-1153.

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