An area/topic in business that is of interest to the student


An area/topic in business that is of interest to the student. Each paper is a minimum of 3-4 pages. Use a Chicago-style footnote to annotate any research/source of information. Footnote information can be found at:;

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An area/topic in business that is of interest to the student
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The paper format is:

I. Problem Statement (1-2 sentences defining the problem/topic/issue the student selects)

Then the students write on how the problem/topic/issue impacts each of the 5 criteria:

a. Employees

b. Legal (Which Laws/ Regulations apply) (use

c. Financial (1-3 sentences on each: Revenues, Costs, Profits)

d. Competition

e. Customers

II. Solution (Many sentences describing/defining what your Solution is to your Problem


a. Steps in your solution (Describe at least 5 steps in the development and

implementation of your Solution)




b. Impact of your Solution on each of the 5 criteria

1. Employees

2. Legal (Which Laws/Regulations apply) (use

3. Financial (1-3 sentences on each: Revenues, Costs, Profits)

4. Competition

5. Customers

The outline format Must be used in writing each individual paper. If you do not use this Outline format, your paper will be returned to you for a re-write. Scholarly Research, with proper footnotes, is required to improve the quality of your Individual Paper.