Project: Nursing


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Professional Role Transition
Revised Critical Thinking Clinical Activity
The Critical Thinking Clinical Activity allows the Role Transition student to present a clinical case utilizing the nursing process to their clinical faculty
and peers. The student will incorporate particular categories/subcategories from the NCLEX-RN test plan, as well as emphasize target interventions. The
student will provide a written reflection on their experiences in clinical relating to their transition to practice.
Select one patient on which to complete the Critical Thinking Clinical Activity. You will present to your clinical group and individual faculty via
prearranged Zoom meeting. The clinical faculty will assess student work and provide feedback. See separate grading rubric for this activity.
1. Complete information on your patient to provide your classmates and faculty with some context.
a. Background: age, sex, ethnicity, allergies, significant med/surg history
b. Reason for visit or hospitalization
c. Social history
2. Utilize the SOAP format to critically think through the nursing process related to the top priorities you have identified for this patient. Be sure
that the content in the assessment and plan sections correspond to the information in the subjective and objective sections.
a. SUBJECTIVE is only what the patient tells you (statements or questions, complaints or concerns)
b. OBJECTIVE includes physical assessment data, interval test data, lab or blood work, other objective data, current orders, current
c. ASSESSMENT includes the interpretation of information in the previous two sections. This is your “summary” which includes
medical/nursing diagnoses. Prioritize your patient’s problems or diagnoses. Clearly identify nursing priorities. Identify treatment goals
for each problem or diagnosis.
d. PLAN includes the interventions which were/are/will be implemented. Be sure and establish priorities for the interventions. (You may
notate them as #1, #2, #3, etc.). Provide a brief explanation as to why you have prioritized them this way.
Rev. JD/2.28.21
NUR 4642: Professional Role Transition
Critical Thinking Clinical Activity
Student name:
(Refer to instructions and grading rubric when completing this activity.)
Patient initials:
• Age:
• Sex:
• Ethnicity:
• Allergy:
• Med/surg history:
• Other:
Reason for visit or hospitalization:
Date of care:
Pertinent social history, including living situation, for discharge planning or case management purposes:
S: what the patient tells you (statements or questions; complaints or concerns)
O: physical assessment data, interval test data, lab or blood work, other objective data, current orders, current medications
Current Medication
Current orders
Physical assessment
Interval Test data
Lab work
Rev. JD/2.28.21
A: This is your “summary” which includes medical/nursing diagnoses. Prioritize your patient’s problems or diagnoses. Clearly identify nursing
priorities. Identify treatment goals for each problem or diagnosis.
medical diagnosis:
P: includes the interventions which were/are/will be implemented. Be sure and establish priorities for the interventions. (You may notate them as #1,
#2, #3, etc.). Provide a brief explanation as to why you have prioritized them this way.
Case management or discharge planning needs
Patient education needs
Psychosocial, spiritual, and/or family support needs

Reflection: Provide your reflective responses to the following questions. Write a well-composed paragraph (approximately 4-6 sentences) for each set of
questions. (Three paragraphs total.)
1. How do you feel about the experiences you are encountering in clinical? What are your strengths of performance and areas needing growth?
2. How have you integrated in the healthcare team? Provide examples. Describe the partnership/relationship you share with those preceptors /nurses
with whom you work.
Rev. JD/2.28.21
3. How would you characterize your transitioning to the role of professional nurse? What is helping or hindering your transition? What is your plan
to continue to progress forward?
Rev. JD/2.28.21
Professional Role Transition
Revised Critical Thinking Clinical Activity
The Critical Thinking Clinical Activity allows the Role Transition student to present a clinical case utilizing the nursing process to their clinical faculty
and peers. The student will incorporate particular categories/subcategories from the NCLEX-RN test plan, as well as emphasize target interventions. The
student will provide a written reflection on their experiences in clinical relating to their transition to practice.
Select one patient on which to complete the Critical Thinking Clinical Activity. You will present to your clinical group and individual faculty via
prearranged Zoom meeting. The clinical faculty will assess student work and provide feedback. See separate grading rubric for this activity.
1. Complete information on your patient to provide your classmates and faculty with some context.
a. Background: age, sex, ethnicity, allergies, significant med/surg history
b. Reason for visit or hospitalization
c. Social history
2. Utilize the SOAP format to critically think through the nursing process related to the top priorities you have identified for this patient. Be sure
that the content in the assessment and plan sections correspond to the information in the subjective and objective sections.
a. SUBJECTIVE is only what the patient tells you (statements or questions; complaints or concerns)
b. OBJECTIVE includes physical assessment data, interval test data, lab or blood work, other objective data, current orders, current
c. ASSESSMENT includes the interpretation of information in the previous two sections. This is your “summary” which includes
medical/nursing diagnoses. Prioritize your patient’s problems or diagnoses. Clearly identify nursing priorities. Identify treatment goals
for each problem or diagnosis.
d. PLAN includes the interventions which were/are/will be implemented. Be sure and establish priorities for the interventions. (You may
notate them as #1, #2, #3, etc.). Provide a brief explanation as to why you have prioritized them this way.
e. Identify the following patient needs and provide specific information about each need:
i. Case management or discharge planning
ii. Patient education
iii. Psychosocial, spiritual, and/or family support
3. Complete the reflection at the end. (This is just for the clinical instructor and is not presented to the group during oral presentation.)
4. Students will present their SOAP activity (#1-2 above) orally to fellow clinical students and clinical faculty instructor. This is a graded activity,
and successful completion is a requirement of Role Transition clinical.
Rev. JD/2.28.21
NUR 4642: Professional Role Transition
Critical Thinking Clinical Activity
Student name:
(Refer to instructions and grading rubric when completing this activity.)
Patient initials:
Date of care:
Reason for visit or hospitalization:
Pertinent social history, including living situation, for discharge planning or case management purposes:
Case management or discharge planning needs
Patient education needs
Rev. JD/2.28.21
Psychosocial, spiritual, and/or family support needs
Reflection: Provide your reflective responses to the following questions. Write a well-composed paragraph (approximately 4-6 sentences) for each set of
questions. (Three paragraphs total.)
1. How do you feel about the experiences you are encountering in clinical? What are your strengths of performance and areas needing growth?
2. How have you integrated in the healthcare team? Provide examples. Describe the partnership/relationship you share with those preceptors /nurses
with whom you work.
3. How would you characterize your transitioning to the role of professional nurse? What is helping or hindering your transition? What is your plan
to continue to progress forward?
Rev. JD/2.28.21
Professional Role Transition
Critical Thinking Clinical Activity Rubric
Instructor has the right to assign 0 points for any category that is not addressed at all.
Criteria for Assessment
• Background
• Reason for visit or hospitalization
• Social history
• Patient-provided data:
o Statements or questions
o Complaints or concerns
• Physical assessment data
• Interval test data
• Lab or blood work data
• Other objective data
• Current orders, including medications
• Interprets information from previous S
and O sections:
o Primary Medical diagnosis and
three nursing diagnoses
o Nursing diagnoses are
o Treatment goals for each
nursing diagnosis are
• Summarizes nursing treatment plan
• Prioritizes nursing interventions and
provides explanation for priority order
10 points
Includes all criteria
Complete; includes all pertinent
subjective information
9 points
Missing or incomplete data for
one criterion
Needs Improvement
8 point
Missing or incomplete data for
two or more criteria
Partial summary of pertinent
subjective information
Poorly organized and/or limited
summary of pertinent subjective
Complete; includes wellIncludes a mostly complete
organized summary of pertinent summary of pertinent objective
objective data
data; may be missing one data
point and/or may be lacking in
Poorly organized and/or limited
summary of pertinent objective

Interprets most information
from S and O sections
accurately; generates a
mostly complete list of
nursing diagnoses; most are
appropriately prioritized
Identifies appropriate
treatment goals for most
nursing diagnoses

Summarizes overall
treatment plan
Lists interventions but may
not accurately prioritize or
explain priority order
Lists interventions but may
be missing 1 or 2 pertinent
ones; may not include
complete medication

Accurately interprets
information from S and O
Lists four nursing diagnoses
with appropriate
Identifies appropriate
treatment goals for each
nursing diagnosis

Summarizes overall nursing
treatment plan clearly and
Prioritizes specific
interventions and explains
priority order
Includes a complete list of
all pertinent interventions
with all relevant
information, including

Does not accurately
interpret information from S
and O sections; incomplete
list of nursing diagnoses; is
not prioritized appropriately
May not identify
appropriate goals for
Incomplete summary of
treatment plan
Incomplete list of
interventions; lack of
prioritization or explanation
of priority order
Missing 3 or more pertinent
Identifies patient needs and provides
specific information about each:
• Case management or discharge
• Patient education
• Psychosocial, spiritual, and/or family
• Feelings about experiences in clinical;
strengths and areas for growth
• Integration into healthcare team with
examples; relationship with clinical
partners or preceptors
• Characterizes transitioning experience;
helping/hindering transition; plan for
forward progress
Patient Information, Subjective, Objective,
Assessment, Plan, Patient Needs
complete medication
information, if applicable
Adequately addresses specific
patient needs related to case
management or discharge
planning; patient education;
psychosocial, spiritual, and/or
family support
Addresses all but one specific
patient needs
Missing two or more specific
patient needs
Addresses all prompts
thoroughly and completely;
provides specific examples and
Addresses all prompts but may
be missing a specific example
or description
Clear writing and organization;
no more than two spelling or
grammatical errors
10 points
Addresses each section in a
concise and knowledgeable
manner; can answer questions
succinctly if appropriate
5 points
Excellent oral presentation
skills: professional and clear
speech; appropriate volume and
pace of speaking
Adequate writing and
Writing lacks clear organization
organization; no more than three and/or more than four
spelling or grammatical errors
spelling/grammatical errors
Needs Improvement
9 points
8 points
Addresses most sections; may be Missing complete information
missing complete information in in 3 or more areas
1 or 2 areas
5 points
10 minutes or less
Does not address all prompts
and/or missing specific
examples or descriptions
4 points
Adequate oral presentation
skills; may need to be reminded
to speak clearly, increase
volume, or slow down
4 points
More than 10 but less than 12
3 points
Oral presentation skills need
improvement; may be lacking
in professionalism; speech may
be difficult to hear or
3 points
More than 12 minutes

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