Active Learning Reflections -Fact not Fiction: During & After Pregnancy


Read: Ch. 5 (Read sections 5.1,5.2, 5.4, 5.5)
Each week only the sections that are assigned for the week will be listed in parentheses.
Watch: Life’s Greatest Miracle (Time: 53:56)
This video traces human development from embryo to newborn.
Please note that the end of this video shows the delivery process and may contain a scene that some viewers may find disturbing.

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Active Learning Reflections -Fact not Fiction: During & After Pregnancy
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This week we will explore the immense changes that occur during pregnancy. This includes learning about the three stages of prenatal development: 1) the germinal stage, 2) embryonic stage, and 3) fetal stage. We will also watch a video that provides a detailed illustration of one couples journey through each of these stages and the labor and delivery of their first child. We will also learn about various environmental agents, or teratogens, and other maternal factors, including poor nutrition and emotional stress, that can damage the developing organism. By the end of this discussion you will understand and be able to explain why early and sustained prenatal health care is vital to ensure the health of mothers and babies. You will also learn how new parents cope with the transition to parenthood.

Activity Overview: This week we learned about the various environmental agents, or teratogens, and other maternal factors, including poor nutrition and emotional stress, that can damage the developing organism. We also learned about some issues and risks that can happen to the newborn after their arrival and how new parents begin to cope with parenthood transition. This week you will have the opportunity to imagine you are developing a flyer or infographic for new moms and dads and sharing some of the important facts and information you learned this week. More detailed instructions can be found below. Please note, this week’s active learning activity is not found in our textbook and is slightly different from previous reflections, so please read the instructions carefully. Here is the textbook link:…


Step 1 – Complete the following tasks:

The first part of this assignment will be to determine which section of the textbook you will be using for this activity. You can select one of the three main sections/questions to gather facts for this activity. Please only choose one of the questions to answer using your infographic. The sections are listed below:
Section 5.2 – What are some health issues and risks that can affect a pregnancy?
Section. 5.4 What are some of the risks to the newborn’s well-being?
Section 5.5. How do new parents cope with the transition to parenthood.
After selecting a section/question above, revisit your section of the reading and select ONE interesting topic to share with new moms or dads (or soon to be parents). This topic should be directly related to your section’s main question (e.g., Section 5.4 What are some of the risks to the newborn’s well-being? You can focus on SIDS). In this activity, you will create a brief and creative (visually pleasing) infographic that shares the following information on your topic:
Describes or defines your topic. You only need to select one topic from your section (e.g., SIDS).
Shares important research or facts related to this topic that can be found in our reading (e.g., factors that increase the chances of the risk and/or issue). Be sure to place this information in your own words and cite our textbook.
Use the Internet to research one organization, service, support or intervention program related to this topic that would be available to new parents or newborns. For example, what type of support would be available to new parents living in your community? Be sure to provide the contact information just in case this information may be helpful to one of your classmates or someone they know.
Create a brief infographic that includes items 1-3 above.
Infographics can be made using any program you like (e.g, Microsoft Word or PowerPoint).
If you would like to try a free infographic maker, try
An example infographic has been provided in the image above; however please note that this infographic was not designed for this class and does not include all the elements of this assignment.

As you can see, this active learning reflection will be slightly different than our previous reflections. This activity aims to communicate the vital information you have learned to parents in a way that gives them useful information and recommendations based on empirical research and that they could use right away. This activity also encourages you to visually display and apply the knowledge you have learned in class similar to in Week 4.

Be creative and catch parents’ attention (see example infographic at the beginning of this assignment from Zero to Three)
Zero to three, which launched in 1977 as the National Center for Clinical Infant Programs also focuses on “turning the science of early development into helpful resources, practical tools and responsive policies for millions of parents, professionals, and policymakers.”
Note, your infographic does not have to be perfect (I understand we are not all artists or designers), but be sure to address each component of this activity and remember your audience.
As usual, be sure to clearly explain key concepts, ideas, or facts that you learned about this week.

The rubric for this activity will be the similar as all active learning reflections; however, instead of incorporating personal connections, you will be graded on your creativity in designing your infographic and clearly communicating your topic to new parents. Example infographic is here.