action plan analysis


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action plan analysis
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“Team Performance Enhancement Action Plan Analysis Report”

• Goal: Improve team collaboration and productivity through training and process optimization.

• Tasks:

• Assess current team dynamics and identify areas for improvement.

• Provide team-building workshops or training sessions to enhance communication and collaboration skills.

• Implement project management tools to streamline workflows and track progress.

• Responsible Parties:

• Human Resources Department: Coordinates training sessions and workshops.

• Team Leaders/Managers: Facilitate team-building activities and ensure adoption of new tools.

• Deadlines:

• Assessment completed within 1 month.

• Training sessions/workshops conducted within 3 months.

• Resources: Budget for training sessions, time allocation for workshops, and software tools.

• Progress Measures: Team satisfaction surveys, project completion rates, feedback from team members.

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Master of Strategic Leadership
Leading and Building High Performance Teams
Our Action Plan:
“Team Performance Enhancement Action Plan Analysis Report”

Goal: Improve team collaboration and productivity through
training and process optimization.


Assess current team dynamics and identify areas for

Provide team-building workshops or training sessions to
enhance communication and collaboration skills.

Implement project management tools to streamline
workflows and track progress.

Responsible Parties:

Human Resources Department: Coordinates training sessions
and workshops.

Team Leaders/Managers: Facilitate team-building activities
and ensure adoption of new tools.


Assessment completed within 1 month.

Training sessions/workshops conducted within 3 months.

Resources: Budget for training sessions, time allocation for
workshops, and software tools.

Progress Measures: Team satisfaction surveys, project
completion rates, feedback from team members.
Assignment Description
Each group (3-4 students) requires to write a team action plan that identifies stakeholder interest
and measures and compares project improvement. The team action plan analysis report should
be (20-25 pages, 4000-4500 words) excluding the title page, table of contents and references.
Academic assessment will be based on the quality of presentation and team action plan that
addresses team obstacles, real organizational issues, quality of data collection and analysis and
insights expressed in recommended solutions. For privacy and ethical concerns, do not disclose
in the report the real name of the selected company. The structure of the written report should be
as follows:

A well-defined description of the goal to be achieved

Tasks/ steps that need to be carried out to reach the goal

People who will be in charge of carrying out each task

When will these tasks be completed (deadlines and milestones)

Resources needed to complete the tasks

Measures to evaluate progress
The assessment weight for the written report is 20 marks, while 10 marks will be allocated for
the individual oral presentation. Marking rubrics of both group project report and oral
presentation are provided at end of this document.
The submission of the assignment will be through the blackboard. Each group needs to submit
two files: the group project written report and PowerPoint presentation slides. The group report
and oral presentation will be due on 14/04/2024 as stated in the blackboard and no late
submission will be accepted.
The assignment needs to be typed, in the following format:
Font size 12 point, spacing 1.5, margins set at normal. The pages need to be numerated. In the
content list page, numbers are to be given under the different sub-headlines. New paragraphs are
to be marked by skipping a line, it is not to be marked by indentation. Headlines are to be
written from the left margin, not centred.
Group Project Report Rubric
Course Code: MSL502
Instructor: Dr. Marwan Al Qur’an
CLO Assessed: CLO3
Assessment Weight: 20%
Exceeds Standards
Application of
Meets Standards
Below Standards
85 % or above
70% to 84%
Less than 70%
A wide range of
sophisticated and
relevant theories and
concepts are found and
synthesized to give a
coherent and new
analytical frame.
Appropriate theories
and concepts are
identified. Work in this
demonstrates solid
understanding and
well-developed skills
in synthesizing
literatures relevant to
the topic.
There has been no
effort to identify
related theories and
Critical analysis
Evidence base
The conclusion is welldeveloped and
demonstrates attention
for and relevance to
practice in general.
Effectively uses an
academic style and has
no errors related to
organization, or use of
APA citation
Overall writing
and structure
(10 %)
Excellent application
of relevant
theory/concepts in the
work. The insights and
critical thoughts
obtained from the
theories are of
excellent quality. The
discussion synthesizes
complicated concepts
and ideas.
Work in this
categorization displays
a vast body of data to
back up the analysis.
The evidence is quite
relevant and directly
connects to the themes
identified by the
frameworks offered in
the theoretical part.
There are strong
connections between
the results, theoretical
frameworks, and
evidence base.
Work displays
effective integration of
theory/concepts. The
theories provide useful
insights as well as
some critical
Is unclear, and the
literature review fails
to give the necessary
theories and concepts.
The selection and
application of facts to
support the analysis is
reasonable. The
evidence base provides
a sound platform for
understanding the
There is no evidence
of an attempt to
critically review and
reflect on the problem
This essay makes a
good attempt to
connect conclusions to
theoretical frameworks
and the empirical
Conclusion is welldeveloped,
demonstrating some
thought and
applicability to practice
in general
Uses an academic style
and has minimal errors
related to organization,
or use of APA citation
There is no
identification or use
of facts to support the
examination of the
Conclusion is simple
and struggles to
demonstrate thought
and applicability to
Uses an incoherent
style and there are
major errors related to
organization, or use of
APA citation
Group Project Presentation Rubric
Course Code: MSL502
Instructor: Dr. Marwan Al Qur’an
CLOs Assessed: CLO3
Assessment Weight: 10% of total grade
& Content
Exceeds Standards
Meets Standards
85 % or more
Information is presented in
logical, interesting, and
flowing sequence from
70% to 84%
Logical sequence of
information allows the
audience to follow
Below Standards
less than 70%
Audience has difficulty
following the
introduction through
conclusion. The content depth
supports assertions and
presentation from
introduction to the
unsupported assertions
or illogical conclusions.
Presenter demonstrates
good subject
knowledge, is at ease
with material, answers
questions thoroughly,
solid research and
analysis with cited
Basic knowledge of
subject is demonstrated,
and elaboration is
minimal or presenter
fails to answer questions
with limited references
and research.
Presenter demonstrates an indepth subject knowledge
expertise in subject through
clear and concise explanation,
elaboration, question and
answer, and key points
delivery. Credible, in-depth,
and accurate research and
analysis with cited references
that support presentation.
Visual Aids
Clear and creative visual aids
enhance the presentation,
reinforce key points, and
engage the audience.
Presentation has
relevant visual aids that
provide evidence to
support assertions and
Presenter clearly and
effectively communicates
ideas; concise highlighting of
key points is engaging; and
excellent timekeeping.
Presenter clearly and
communicates key
ideas, speaking and
pace comfortable for
audience; and good
Limited visual aids
support presentation.
Presenter’s pace is too
slow or fast, jumps
around, voice is low or
unclear, multiple
interjections distract
audience, or fails to
elaborate on key
findings; and poor

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