2 lab reports


Title of Report

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2 lab reports
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Introduction or Abstract

In your own words, the introduction or abstract will summarize why the experiment was conducted, how it was conducted, what outcome was expected, and was the results were. These things will be described in 1-2 sentences each. Sometimes it is easier to write all of the other sections before writing this one! A nice way to enhance an introduction is to create a scheme or drawing that encapsulates the central idea or investigation of the lab.

Procedure with Materials

In more rigorous reports the experimental procedure is so long and involved that it often makes it into a separate document called the “Supporting Information”. The supporting information also includes a huge amount of data with results described. In the case of our Procedure sections we will simply write out the experimental procedure in paragraph format, while referencing the materials and equipment used to complete each step. A great way to enhance the procedure section is to include pictures of equipment, or the set-up of a particular step in the experiment.

Data & Calculations

The Data and Calculation section is the portion of the report that will be most highly scrutinized. Your job is to take the lab packet, along with any notes about the experiment, and create improved data tables that represents the results of the experiment. Each item will be labelled and numbered such as “Data Table 1” and referred to as such in subsequent sections. At least one sample calculation will be shown, using the “Equations” function within Microsoft Word followed by appropriate formatting related to the actual calculations.

Results & Discussion

The Results and Discussion will present new figures, scheme, and graphs that correspond to data previously presented. You need only use items that are related to the experimental data and results. Figures and Graphs will be named correctly, such as “Figure 1” or “Graph 1”. Additionally, the graphs and figured will have attributes described in the Canvas Page entitled “How to Make Great Graphs”. You will then describe the portions of the experiments qualitatively and quantitatively. An error analysis is typically appropriate towards the end of the results and discussion. Finally you will indicate if any hypothesis or expectations were correct or realized. The Discussion will address any Pre/Post-Lab Questions and incorporate your answers into this write-up.


Your references and citations will be APA style. The in-text citation will be simply utilizing the number scheme you use for each reference below, in order of appearance. Usually only the Introduction and Discussion will have references. You must reference the textbook (an appropriate figure, image, or section), a scientific citation from a Wikipedia article, and one historical/contextual citation from any source that is academically appropriate.

Report Rubric


Meets Expectations


Needs Improvement


Does not meet expectation


No points


A. Length (20 points)

Report is 4-6 pages double spaced with appropriate font excluding reference page(s).

Report is 3-4 pages or has incorrect font

Report is less than 3 pages with incorrect font

Report is less than 2 pages

B. Formatting (10 points)

Report has proper use of paragraphs and included equations and diagrams that are properly labelled. In text citations are included.

Report has poorly formatted equations and diagrams with missing labels with in text citations.

Report does not have equations and/or diagrams. In text citations are incorrectly used or are sometimes missing.

Report is missing citations and equations and diagrams.

C. Content sections (25 points)

-Report contains introduction with background and history with famous experiments and discoveries included

-relevant equation and diagrams sections

Report is lacking in several areas or is missing one section completely

Report is missing one section and has very short other sections

Report is missing two or more sections

D. Content quality (25 points)

Each section has well written components with appropriate elaboration on details and concepts and equations.

1 or 2 sections are lacking in quality by not describing certain statements or not backing them up with references

2 or 3 sections are lacking

3 or more sections are lacking

E. Graph/Table quality (10 points)

Data tables and/or graphs are well organized, contain units as needed, and are labelled.

Data tables are disorganized. Graphs are lacking formatting details.

Some data is missing. Graph is missing many small details


F. Grammar and level of writing and references (10 points)

1 grammar mistake per pages on average with appropriate voice used and a college level writing style is attempted.

the textbook must be referenced once.

more than 1 grammar mistake per page, some incorrect usage of voice, and lower examples of writing used

the textbook is not mentioned

2 or more grammar mistakes many examples of lower level writing style with incorrect voice

many mistakes

margins are 1”. Appropriate fonts are Arial, Times new Roman, or Calibri. size 12 font. Lines are double spaced but paragraphs have one indentations with no extra line between paragraphs.
An equation or diagram will be given a name, a separate space for the image, and a one sentence description of the image, The image can then be referred to in text in the following way:

-Paragraph sentence or end of paragraph-

Equation 1.

Equation 1 is the quadratic equations where each variable represents a certain aspect of a cubic polynomial.

-paragraph continues or a new paragraph is started (Equation 1).-

*notice that the equation 1 is referred to in text and is at the end of a sentence in parenthesis. The equation can be further explained and described in subsequent paragraphs.

Sections. These are not one paragraph sections. Some may require multiple paragraphs to execute.
Introduction of device with historical background, famous discoveries, and similar context. Describing the experiments would be a good paragraph to include.
Details about the properties of the device alongside any relevant equations.
Cutting edge examples of the device with examples from the past decade or more recent.
Limitations of the technology and utilization in future discoveries.
The quality section is highly subjective. In general the writing style should be professional and academic language should be used. Third person passive voice should be used.
Spelling, syntax, appropriate vocabulary, and citation style will be checked. Preferably APA style citations will be used.

Textbook citations information (you still need to convert this into APA):

Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs

Publisher/website: OpenStax; Book title: College Physics; Publication date: Jun 21, 2012

Location: Houston, Texas

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Title of Report
Name(s) // Course // Date
Introduction or Abstract
In your own words, the introduction or abstract will summarize why the experiment was conducted,
how it was conducted, what outcome was expected, and was the results were. These things will be
described in 1-2 sentences each. Sometimes it is easier to write all of the other sections before writing
this one! A nice way to enhance an introduction is to create a scheme or drawing that encapsulates the
central idea or investigation of the lab.
Procedure with Materials
In more rigorous reports the experimental procedure is so long and involved that it often makes it into a
separate document called the “Supporting Information”. The supporting information also includes a
huge amount of data with results described. In the case of our Procedure sections we will simply write
out the experimental procedure in paragraph format, while referencing the materials and equipment
used to complete each step. A great way to enhance the procedure section is to include pictures of
equipment, or the set-up of a particular step in the experiment.
Data & Calculations
The Data and Calculation section is the portion of the report that will be most highly scrutinized. Your
job is to take the lab packet, along with any notes about the experiment, and create improved data
tables that represents the results of the experiment. Each item will be labelled and numbered such as
“Data Table 1” and referred to as such in subsequent sections. At least one sample calculation will be
shown, using the “Equations” function within Microsoft Word followed by appropriate formatting
related to the actual calculations.
Results & Discussion
The Results and Discussion will present new figures, scheme, and graphs that correspond to data
previously presented. You need only use items that are related to the experimental data and results.
Figures and Graphs will be named correctly, such as “Figure 1” or “Graph 1”. Additionally, the graphs
and figured will have attributes described in the Canvas Page entitled “How to Make Great Graphs”. You
will then describe the portions of the experiments qualitatively and quantitatively. An error analysis is
typically appropriate towards the end of the results and discussion. Finally you will indicate if any
hypothesis or expectations were correct or realized. The Discussion will address any Pre/Post-Lab
Questions and incorporate your answers into this write-up.
Your references and citations will be APA style. The in-text citation will be simply utilizing the number
scheme you use for each reference below, in order of appearance. Usually only the Introduction and
Discussion will have references. You must reference the textbook (an appropriate figure, image, or
section), a scientific citation from a Wikipedia article, and one historical/contextual citation from any
source that is academically appropriate.
Report Rubric
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
A. Length (20
Report is 4-6 pages
double spaced with
appropriate font
excluding reference
Report has proper use
of paragraphs and
included equations
and diagrams that are
properly labelled. In
text citations are
Report is 3-4 pages or
has incorrect font
-Report contains
introduction with
background and
history with famous
experiments and
discoveries included
-relevant equation and
diagrams sections
Each section has well
written components
with appropriate
elaboration on details
and concepts and
Data tables and/or
graphs are well
organized, contain
units as needed, and
are labelled.
Report is lacking in
several areas or is
missing one section
B. Formatting (10
C. Content
sections (25
D. Content quality
(25 points)
E. Graph/Table
quality (10 points)
F. Grammar and
level of writing
and references
(10 points)
Does not meet
Report is less
than 3 pages with
incorrect font
No points
Report does not
have equations
and/or diagrams.
In text citations
are incorrectly
used or are
Report is missing
one section and
has very short
other sections
Report is
1 or 2 sections are
lacking in quality by
not describing certain
statements or not
backing them up with
Data tables are
disorganized. Graphs
are lacking formatting
2 or 3 sections
are lacking
3 or more
Some data is
missing. Graph is
missing many
small details
1 grammar mistake
per pages on average
with appropriate voice
used and a college
level writing style is
more than 1 grammar
mistake per page,
some incorrect usage
of voice, and lower
examples of writing
2 or more
mistakes many
examples of
lower level
writing style with
incorrect voice
the textbook must be
referenced once.
the textbook is not
Report has poorly
formatted equations
and diagrams with
missing labels with in
text citations.
Report is
less than
2 pages
Report is
two or
A. margins are 1”. Appropriate fonts are Arial, Times new Roman, or Calibri. size 12 font. Lines are
double spaced but paragraphs have one indentations with no extra line between paragraphs.
B. An equation or diagram will be given a name, a separate space for the image, and a one sentence
description of the image, The image can then be referred to in text in the following way:
-Paragraph sentence or end of paragraphEquation 1.
− ± √ 2 − 4
Equation 1 is the quadratic equations where each variable represents a certain aspect of a cubic
-paragraph continues or a new paragraph is started (Equation 1).*notice that the equation 1 is referred to in text and is at the end of a sentence in parenthesis. The
equation can be further explained and described in subsequent paragraphs.
C. Sections. These are not one paragraph sections. Some may require multiple paragraphs to execute.
1. Introduction of device with historical background, famous discoveries, and similar context.
Describing the experiments would be a good paragraph to include.
2. Details about the properties of the device alongside any relevant equations.
3. Cutting edge examples of the device with examples from the past decade or more recent.
4. Limitations of the technology and utilization in future discoveries.
5. Conclusions
D. The quality section is highly subjective. In general the writing style should be professional and
academic language should be used. Third person passive voice should be used.
E. Spelling, syntax, appropriate vocabulary, and citation style will be checked. Preferably APA style
citations will be used.
Textbook citations information (you still need to convert this into APA):
Authors: Paul Peter Urone, Roger Hinrichs
Publisher/website: OpenStax; Book title: College Physics; Publication date: Jun 21, 2012
Location: Houston, Texas
Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-physics/pages/1-introduction-to-science-and-the-realmof-physics-physical-quantities-and-units
Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/college-physics/pages/preface

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