Music Copyright


Copyright infringement or the creative process at work? You make the call. Keep in mind two elements needed to prove infringement:

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Music Copyright
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– Access to the copyrighted work
-Use of that access to copy

Watch and listen. Then answer the questions that follow:

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1. The CNN commentator shares the views of some in the creative community fear that decisions like the one handed down on the Blurred Lines case will stifle creativity. Do you agree? Why or why not?

2. Considering the test used to determine copyright infringement — i.e., defendant’s access to the copyrighted work, and using that access to copy — did Avril Levine, in your opinion, infringe on the copyright in the second video? Why or why not?

3. Using the above test, do you believe that Sam Smith infringed copyright in video 3? Why or why not?

4. Reply to another student’s response.