Web Marketing (Short)


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Table of Contents
Non-profit Overview …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Pre-Campaign Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Market and Target Audience Analysis …………………………………………………………………………… 3
Current Marketing Analysis ………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Grants Account Performance Metrics and Goals ………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Science Fuse Marketing SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………. 6
Science Fuse AdWords Campaign …………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Post-Campaign Summary Report ………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Exec summary ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Campaign overview………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Performance analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
Optimising campaigns …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Key results …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Future online marketing recommendations …………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
The Campaign ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Learning Outcomes …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 11
Non-profit Overview
Science Fuse Welfare Organisation is a non-governmental organisation located in Lahore,
Pakistan. The organisation works to promote science education to young people, especially
girls. Their goal is to make science a fun and exciting experience, providing skills and tools
that enhance their lives and future. Science Fuse wants to make sure that all children in
Pakistan have access to science education, excluding gender and socioeconomic
background. They have been active for around 11 years. Through this decade, their projects
have positively impacted 45,000 children, nearly 1000 teachers have been trained, and more
than 250 schools were engaged.
Besides the educational programs for children, families, students and teachers, Science Fuse
started a podcast titled “Incredible questions of science by Science Fuse” in 2020 which talks
about their STEM programs. Their social media channels comprise Instagram, with nearly 10k
followers, and it is updated every week with reels, carousels, pictures, and infographics;
Facebook, with nearly 20k followers, continuously updated with events, pictures and videos;
and X, which is updated very frequently with the most recent news about their programs and
The organisation offers the following programs:

Educational programs for organisations (students, schools, teachers, employees)

Educational programs for families/caregivers

Teaching fellowship
Their website is a key source of support through donations and their shop. Science Fuse
publishes books to sell them, as well as posters and badges. The incomes from these products
are used to keep on developing their educational programs.
The organisation staff is comprised of 7 people, there is 1 person taking care of the digital
marketing and the website, and there are freelancers to help with their activities.
Pre-Campaign Analysis
Market and Target Audience Analysis
Diving into Science Fuse’s online presence, insights from Google Analytics 4 reveal a
predominantly young audience, with a balanced gender distribution. Focused on Lahore,
Islamabad, and Rawalpindi, Science Fuse attracts users globally, particularly from Pakistan,
the US, the UK, India, Canada, China, and Germany. Their Google Ads Grant Account
resonates well, especially with 25-34-year-old males. Operating a dynamic marketing strategy
encompassing both online and offline channels, Science Fuse works in areas like social
media, web marketing, SEO, and Google Ads. While Impressions and Clicks shine, the current
emphasis is on boosting Conversion Rates for a more impactful advertising impact.
Below, is a detailed breakdown of Science Fuse’s website audience based on Google
Analytics 4:

Science Fuse’s audience is young. Most web visitors are between 18 to 24 years-old,
followed by 25 to 34.

Females and males visit the website evenly. However, males comprise 50.8% of the
visits and females 49.2%.

Most visitors use or speak English.

Most users can be traced back to Lahore, Islamabad, and Rawalpindi. This makes
sense as Science Fuse operates mainly in Lahore and nearby communities.

Users are interested in technology, media and entertainment, and news and politics.

The main countries where users visit from are:
The US
A few visitors come from India, Canada, China and Germany.
Their Google Ads Grant Account is active, and the audience engaging with their ads in
January 2024, is mostly in Pakistan, 25–34-year-old males, followed by males aged 35-44,
and then males aged 18-24 years old.
Current Marketing Analysis
Science Fuse’s current marketing has both an online and offline approach:
→ Online – including social media marketing, web marketing, SEO marketing, and Paid
advertising (Google Ads).
→ Offline – including events, books, and publications.
Across 2023, they got a total of 23,880 website page views from 11,932 unique users.
In January 2024, Science Fuse’s Google Ads campaign witnessed a notable upswing in
performance compared to its typical metrics. The campaign secured 529 clicks and an
impressive 3,150 impressions, boasting a Click Through Rate (CTR) of 16.79%. Despite a
relatively higher Cost Per Click (CPC) average at £7.24, the campaign incurred a total
expenditure of £3,831, aiming to broaden its reach and impact. This resulted in one
conversion, equating to a 0.19% conversion rate. While these statistics indicate a positive
deviation in January, Science Fuse recognises the inherent ambition within their campaigns
and aspires to benchmark future results against this robust performance, laying the foundation
for sustained growth and optimisation.
The work with Science Fuse focused on optimising their Google Ads Account Performance.
When our joint project started, their campaigns had a fair number of Impressions, but not
enough click-throughs or conversions. From the outset Science Fuse communicated they
would like to boost their Conversion Rate.
Grants Account Performance Metrics and Goals
Science Fuse opened their Grants account on the 8th of May 2023. Throughout 2023, their
performance was as follows:

2,242 impressions

89 clicks with a CTR of 3.9%

4 conversions – each costing $226

Optimisation level of 90.8%

Most shown ad is “Donate”
In 2023, the Science Fuse website obtained a total of 687,000 conversions and had 350
users. Those conversions included form submission and online registrations.
Most of those conversions came through Organic Social, Direct, and Organic Search. Paid
Search ranked much lower as per the total conversion from the Grants account outlined
Science Fuse Marketing SWOT Analysis
A SWOT analysis of Science Fuse’s marketing is crucial for creating a strategic assessment
that provides insights into what works well and where improvements are needed, guiding
future decisions for effective growth.
Young demographics – who are online!
Conversion rate challenges
Diverse digital programs
Higher CPC average on Google Ads
Well-known nonprofit in Pakistan
Strategic digital footprint expansion
Competitive online landscape
Content optimisation – including paid and
organic SEO and keyword strategy
Science Fuse AdWords Campaign
Science Fuse’s main goal is to reach more parents, teachers and students interested in
science education, and to reach potential donors to continue to fund their programs. For their
Ads Campaigns’ objectives, they aimed to generate leads and donate conversions.
For this reason, we carried out an extensive keyword research1 that would ensure high-quality
ads and ranking. This informed both our keyword selection and the wording on each ad.
Finally, over the course of three days, our team helped Science Fuse to conduct a strategic
A/B experiment within their Google Ads account, delving into the efficacy of different
headlines, keywords, and the hypothesis that having more ads within an ad group would help
the campaign perform better. The aim was to test whether specific adjustments could amplify
impressions and, subsequently, enhance the overall performance of the campaign. We
focused the test on the Teachers Training campaign to see how we could obtain the best
Due to the limited time the test results were inconclusive, as we were unable to retrieve enough
data to fully analyse the potential of each ad and the campaign overall. For this reason, we
have highlighted that in future projects, we would ensure to incorporate a better timeline to
secure valuable results. However, we are confident that if the test had run for longer, the
results would have yielded positive results due to the quality of the campaign planning.
1 Guzman, A., Hashimoto I., Zalzadeh, T. (2024) Science Fuse Keywords.
Post-Campaign Summary Report
Exec summary
Over the past few weeks, our collaborative efforts with Science Fuse, a nonprofit organisation,
aimed at enhancing brand awareness and driving traffic to their website, have proven both
educational and challenging. Three targeted campaigns – Teachers Training, Shop (merch),
and Donate – were crafted to generate leads, conversions, and lay foundations for heightened
brand awareness.
Campaign overview

We presented three distinct campaigns: Teachers Training, Shop (merch), and

Primary objectives included generating leads, conversions, and cultivating brand

Acknowledgement of challenges in communication with the nonprofit slowed down
positive results.
Performance analysis

Utilising LookerStudio facilitated real-time tracking of key metrics – Impressions,
Clicks, CTR, Conversions, and Cost.

Notable metrics analysis included:

Impressions: 1,288 across all campaigns.

Clicks: The Shop campaign showed the highest click count, indicating interest
in merchandise.

CTR: The Shop campaign had the highest CTR, suggesting compelling

Conversions: Challenges in achieving conversions emphasised the need for a
logical user funnel.
Optimising campaigns

The focus remained on continuous optimisation through tailored ad copy, fine-tuning
ad groups, and keyword adjustments.

Challenges with Google Ads suggestions were addressed with careful consideration
of their relevance to Science Fuse’s goals.
Key results

Efforts have yielded promising results, with improvements in Science Fuse’s account
and analytics.

Despite communication challenges, the team focused on high-quality, tailored
campaigns with long-term benefits for Science Fuse.

The LookerStudio board stands as an evergreen reporting tool for future monitoring.

The overall collaboration has been a rich learning experience, shaping the
understanding of Google Ads campaigns, particularly within the context of Grants for
Future online marketing recommendations

Building on the current success, future campaigns should focus on refining the user
funnel to improve conversion rates.

Continued emphasis on maintaining flexible communication channels to ensure
seamless collaboration.

Consideration of user behaviour insights to further optimise campaigns and enhance
overall online marketing strategies.
The Campaign
In the collaborative journey with Science Fuse, the evolution of the campaign strategy unfolded
dynamically, centred around three primary campaigns: Teachers Training, Shop (merch), and
Donate. The strategic focus aimed at not only generating leads and conversions but also
fostering brand awareness.
The initial strategy formulation involved meticulous planning of ad groups, keywords, and
compelling ad copies tailored to Science Fuse’s objectives. Recognising the challenges in
obtaining conversions, the approach was refined to create a logical user funnel, guiding
potential supporters from awareness to desired actions.
Communicating with a small nonprofit organisation can be challenging and was a key factor
in slowing down our work. However, we were able to create high-quality tailored campaigns
that Science Fuse will be able to use and see the benefits in the future.
As part of our efforts to enhance Science Fuse’s Google Ads strategy, we conducted a
strategic A/B experiment within their Google Ads account, focusing on the Teachers Training
campaign. Over three days, our team tested the efficacy of different headlines, keywords, and
the hypothesis that having more ads within an ad group would improve campaign
performance. Despite initial challenges in setting up the test due to an unorganised Ads
account, we successfully created test ad groups within the Teacher Training Campaign.
Our hypothesis revolved around the impact of headline variations, keywords, and the number
of ads within an ad group on impressions. We believed that tweaking these elements could
potentially attract a larger and more targeted audience. For instance, considering the potential
pitfalls of broad terms, we tested headlines with more precise keywords to not only garner a
higher number of impressions but also increase the click-through rate (CTR). Simultaneously,
we explored whether having a variety of ads within an ad group could contribute to a more
dynamic and engaging campaign.
During the three-day test, we ran three different ads – exact and broad match – exploring
different combinations of keywords, headlines, and descriptions. However, the limited duration
of the experiment posed challenges in retrieving comprehensive data for informed decisionmaking. Our daily monitoring highlighted the need for a more extended timeline for future
experiments to yield more conclusive results.
The real-time monitoring provided by LookerStudio played a pivotal role in tracking key
metrics. Impressions across all campaigns reached 1,288, showcasing substantial visibility.
Notably, the Shop campaign garnered the highest click count, affirming an audience interest
in Science Fuse’s merchandise. The CTR analysis underscored the compelling nature of the
Shop campaign, as it exhibited the highest CTR, resonating effectively with the target
The critical examination of conversions showed the inherent challenge within the nonprofit
sector. Understanding that immediate donations might not be the primary user action post-ad
exposure, the strategy pivoted towards creating a progressive engagement funnel. Despite
challenges, the campaigns showcased promising results, with ongoing optimisations
addressing issues identified through in-depth analyses of ad copy, ad groups, keywords, and
landing pages.
In conclusion, the collaboration with Science Fuse provided valuable insights into the
intricacies of digital marketing for nonprofits. The campaign strategy evolved to balance
immediate objectives with the long-term goal of sustained brand awareness. Key results
highlighted the effectiveness of the Shop campaign in engaging the audience, while
challenges with conversions reinforced the need for a nuanced approach in the nonprofit
sector. As the collaboration concludes, the lessons learned will shape future marketing
strategies, ensuring Science Fuse’s continued growth in the digital landscape.
Learning Outcomes
Our partnership with Science Fuse has been a diverse and enriching experience, touching
upon different aspects of digital marketing and client engagement. Acquiring practical
knowledge in devising and shaping an advertising strategy, especially centred around Google
AdWords, has stood out as a fundamental aspect of our educational journey. Formulating
campaigns that align with Science Fuse’s objectives provided us with a deep dive into the
complexities of impactful advertising and strategic development, striving to achieve a balance
between enhancing brand recognition and driving conversions.
The exploration of the Google Ads platforms provided a comprehensive understanding of its
functionalities. From creating ads to optimising campaigns, we navigated the nuances of the
platform, honing our skills in leveraging its features for maximum impact. Learning to set up
A/B experiments within Google Ads became an invaluable skill, allowing us to test variations
in headlines, keywords, and the number of ads within an ad group.
This experimentation provided nuanced insights, guiding informed decisions based on data
rather than assumptions. Despite the initial challenges in organising the Ads account, we
successfully executed a three-day A/B experiment focused on the Teachers Training
campaign, revealing the potential impact of headline variations, keywords, and the number of
ads on impressions and overall campaign performance.
Keyword research and SEO practices became second nature as we continued to optimise
Science Fuse’s digital presence. Diving into the world of keywords and implementing
strategies to enhance organic search visibility contributed to a holistic understanding of the
interconnectedness between content and search engine algorithms.
We efficiently utilised Looker Studio from scratch, whichc added another layer to our skill set.
Creating a dynamic reporting tool to monitor and extract insights from campaign performance
became an essential aspect of our strategic approach, providing real-time data for informed
decision-making. The experience of observing and analysing data to optimise campaign
performance became particularly evident during an A/B experiment, where we tested the
impact of headline variations and keywords on impressions and click-through rates.
Beyond advertising, we extended our assistance to Science Fuse by conducting a website
audit. Identifying areas for improvement by using tools such as PageSpeed Insights2, we
2 PageSpeed insights. (n.d.). Web.dev. Retrieved March 11, 2024, from https://pagespeed.web.dev/
contributed valuable insights to enhance the user experience and overall functionality of their
online platform.
In our efforts to help Science Fuse understand their Google Ads metrics, we created a Looker
Studio dashboard3. This not only provided clarity on campaign performance but empowered
the non-profit to navigate and interpret their metrics independently, fostering a sense of
ownership and understanding.
Navigating the client-provider relationship, we encountered both successes and challenges.
While effective communication and collaboration were integral to our successes, we also faced
communication challenges with the non-profit. These challenges underscored the importance
of clear and timely communication in achieving optimal results.
Learning about the dynamics of the client-provider relationship, we gained insights into
tailoring our approach to meet the unique needs of a non-profit organisation. Providing
Science Fuse with a wealth of information and tools for their future digital marketing
endeavours, we aimed not only for immediate impact but also for sustainable growth and
success in their online initiatives.

Easily build custom reports and dashboards – Looker Studio.
(n.d.). https://lookerstudio.google.com/reporting/28a93fc2-b17a-46c2-85a8720bd614a5ec/page/p_jv3y2k3ued?pli=1
3 Science Fuse Looker Studio. (March 2024), from

PageSpeed Insights. (n.d.). PageSpeed Insights. https://pagespeed.web.dev/

Redirecting. (n.d.). https://globalbusinessschoomy.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/personal/ana_guzman_student_gbsb_global/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?s

Science Fuse. (2023, May 5). Home – Sparking science education with amazing fun activities
– Science Fuse. https://sciencefuse.com/

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