AEE4014: control systems


control systems

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AEE4014 – HW3
Your submission must be a single PDF file. Include all the relevant screenshots of your code, diagrams, and
scans of handwritten work. Do not copy/paste the code as it can be difficult to read/grade. Do not submit
MATLAB/Simulink files, but feel free to use them for validation or plotting purposes.
1. [50 pts] Consider the following dynamic system
( ) =
! + 1.5 + 0.5
a) You are given the following closed-loop performance specifications:
• = 12 %
• ” = 2 [ ] (4% criteria)
What type of compensator would you recommend using to achieve these specifications? Explain
your answer.
b) By hand, design the compensator you proposed in the previous item.
c) Use MATLAB to show the following plots (place markers to show relevant data):
• Root locus for the uncompensated system (rlocus or rltool command)
• Root locus for the compensated system (rlocus or rltool command)
• Poles and zeros of the final (compensated) closed-loop system (pzmap command)
• Step response of the final (compensated) closed-loop system (step and stepinfo commands)
Did your compensated closed-loop system satisfy the required performance (allow for some
tolerance)? Explain why.
2. [ 50 pts ] Consider the following dynamic system
( ) =
! + 2 + 0.35
a) You are given the following closed-loop performance specifications:
• Desired poles at: −1.5 ± 1.0488
• “” = 0.05
What type of compensator(s) would you recommend using to achieve these specifications? Explain
your answer.
b) By hand, design the compensator(s) you proposed in the previous item.
c) Use MATLAB to show the following plots (place markers to show relevant data):

Poles and zeros of the final (compensated) closed-loop system.
Step response of the initial (uncompensated) and final (compensated) closed-loop system.
Did your compensated closed-loop system satisfy the required performance (allow for some
tolerance)? Explain Why.

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