E-commerce PowerPoint


Your Final Project will be split up into 3 parts:

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E-commerce PowerPoint
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● Homepage (HP)
● About Us (AU)
● Product Detail Page (PDP)

You have already designed your Homepage and About Us page. Now it’s time to get external feedback and also for you to take a step back and make notes of what you’d like to update. You will also be designing a new page – the Product Detail Page. This should be a total of 5 files.

Having no changes will not be accepted. There is always room for improvement and even if you love what you’ve created, it’s always great to have a second design option. Types of changes can be, but are not limited to: updating layouts, swapping out images/graphics, making text, images, white space larger/smaller, adding more/less color, spacing and content/text, updating navigation and footer, changing fonts, CTAs, color palette, adding missing links.

Homepage (75 points)

Before (HP v1 notes)
Based on my feedback, your own thoughts, and peer feedback, digitally mark up notes directly onto your Homepage v1 file. Clearly point out (arrows, circles, highlights) the areas of your homepage you are referencing and make note of comments and what you plan on changing.
Minimum of 5 notes/call-outs
Could be both positive and negative. You are the final filter on what you decide to update. If there is a critique that you don’t agree with, make note of it.
After (HP v2)
Based on the feedback and your editing choices, make adjustments to your design.

About Us (75 points)

Before (AU v1 notes)
Based on my feedback, your own thoughts, and peer feedback, digitally mark up notes directly onto your About Us v1 file. Clearly point out (arrows, circles, highlights) the areas of the About Us page you are referencing and make note of comments and what you plan on changing.
Minimum of 5 notes/call-outs
This is the opportunity to update layout, images used, your story flow, and update/add more keywords.

After (AU v2)
Based on the feedback and your editing choices, make adjustments to your design and text.

Product Detail Page (100 points)

This is a new page you will designing. Just like your Homepage About Us page, the header, navigation, and footer should remain intact across pages so the “template” of your PDP mockup should look like your Homepage and About Us. I recommend you review Module 5 again to go over the parts of a product detail page.
Make sure to include these elements (at minimum):
Product Name
Size/Color Options
Images (Main + additional views)
Product Description (at least one sentence in brand voice)
Product Specs (Measurements)
Additional elements to consider: Breadcrumbs, Sorts/Filters, Up-sell/Cross-Sell, Reviews, Videos, User Generated Content (images from customers), Social Media share buttons

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Business Name &
GourmetRoots – Exotic
Food Marketplace
● Spices: A premium selection of rare
and authentic spices from different
regions of the world.
● Sauces: An assortment of artisanal
sauces, each offering a distinct flavor
profile from various global cuisines.
● Ready-to-Cook Meal Kits: Carefully
curated meal kits that provide an easy
and enjoyable cooking experience,
enabling customers to explore exotic
cuisines right from their kitchens.
Target Demographic
& Psychographic
● Age Group: 25-55 years
● Interests: Passionate about culinary
exploration and experiencing global
● Behavioral Traits: Values the
convenience of home cooking to explore
diverse flavors.
● Lifestyle: Enjoys experimenting with new
recipes and ingredients, and appreciates
high-quality, authentic food experiences.
● Income Level: Middle to high-income
Thrive Market
Meal Kits,
Culinary Blog
1. Color Palette: Earthy tones deep green,
rich brown, and vibrant spice color
2. Imagery: Crisp, high-resolution images
of exotic foods and ingredients,
evocative of their origin, showcasing
their freshness and quality.
3. Layout: Clean, uncluttered with a focus
on easy navigation. Emphasis on visual
elements to guide the user through the
culinary journey.
4. Typography: Elegant, clean fonts for
easy readability
5. Interactive Elements: Interactive recipe
suggestions based on user preferences
Regions SpicesSnack
Meal Kits
Success Factors
• Unique Product Selection
• Community Engagement
• Educational Content:
Culinary Blog and
Recipes sections
• Customer-Centric
Experience: A userfriendly website with rich
and inviting colors
• Diverse Range: culinary
adventures by offering a
wide range of spices,
sauces and meal kits from
different regions around
the world.
Exotic Food Marketplace
GourmetRoots caters to an elite exotic food market for
aficionados of carefully crafted artisanal products. The
company boasts a diversity of its product assortment,
which ranges from an array of skillfully chosen spices
representing every corner of the earth, artisanal sauces
that capture the highlights of international cuisines, to
Ready to Cook Meal Kits that only make the job simpler
in putting together the gourmet dishes back at home
Evaluation of Competitor – Thrive Market
Thrive Market positions itself as a formidable
competitor to GourmetRoots. Known for its
strong mission in providing wholesale priced
groceries, which include organically and nonGMO oriented items, Thrive Market delivers
goods directly to its members’ doorsteps, with a
model often described as “Costco meets Whole
Foods,” focused on accessing quality, healthy
food products in the hands of members right at
their doors. With a focus on organic and
sustainable offerings, members of Thrive Market
can access the website to purchase a wide
array of food and products reflective of several
dietary and lifestyle proclivities. This approach is
fitting with an increasing demand by consumers
for convenience, quality, and health-conscious
shopping options, thereby making Thrive Market
a strong competitor in the online marketplace,
and establishing this as the exception
Why Are We
GourmetRoots and Thrive Market are similar in striving
to ensure that, when it comes to quality and healthconscious products, customers are able to procure the
finest. Here are both companies, equally reaching out
to impeccable tastes of consumers by offering product
lines that revolve around diversity of options, which
only enhance home culinary experiences. This
company stands out with a special focus on the exotic
and global flavors within offering rare spices, artisan
sauces, and Ready-to-Cook Meal Kits that transport
consumers to foreign lands through taste. In contrast,
Thrive Market positioned its offering as that of a big
box with a health-centric offer across the spectrum of
health-conscientious consumers through membership.
GourmetRoots is unique in the sense that, although it
might have the same kind of dedicated quality to food
and health, it stands as a well-crafted and exciting
culinary experience that adds an identity other than just
being a food company but more like an entryway
towards cultural experiences with food
Thrive Market has been a major hit on the
market because it targets health-conscious,
environment-conscious, and convenienceseeking lives. Most of its typical customers are
more of an environmentally conscious
population with a tendency towards health
enthusiasts and busy professionals who care for
organic and non-GMO products. Some of the
aspects appealing to this group which the
marketer seems to be eyeing are those of being
eco-friendly, being inclusive of diet, and being
cost-effective via membership. The brand of
Thrive Market is also communicated in both its
website and social media consistently, through
clean, green, and wholesome pictures which
articulate the messages of the brand about
being healthy and green.
The Thrive Market website feels calm and
welcoming; it shows in the simplicity of
design and the color palette utilizing mainly
green, white, and brown. It totally
represents the spirit of nature and health, in
line with the company’s commitment to
organic and sustainable living. In other
words, it is high-resolution footage on the
brand’s commitment to quality and
sustainability. It pays attention to the
content, including comprehensive
descriptions of products, their benefits in
respect to health, and origin details right on
the same page. This way, it adds
educational and fulfilling experiences to
shopping. On the whole, the room is set in
a way that feels welcoming and
comfortable, a hint of trust and belonging to
health-conscious shoppers.
Website Functionality and
Content Review
The website structure is intuitive, with
well-organized categories and powerful
search functions. It will be easy to
navigate and find products. Besides
detailed information about the product,
the inclusion of user reviews and ratings
helps make informed decisions, which
consequently adds to customer
satisfaction. The website also offers a
range of features like Autoship for
convenient repeat orders, an extensive
selection of lifestyle and dietary filters
catering to diverse consumer needs.
Most customers may find the splitting up of
groceries, frozen items and wines into
different shipments an inconvenience, and
may want a single shopping experience. The
lack of cold packaging with refrigerated
items potentially leads to problems with
product integrity upon receipt in the summer
months. The membership seemed to be an
all-or-nothing thing, and the difficulty in
seeing a way out would not encourage
consumers who are apprehensive about a
Inspiration and
To develop a successful online marketplace reaching out to
the right target audience, GourmetRoots can look forward to
Thrive Market’s sharply targeted health-conscious consumer
approach and productive online marketplace. What is also
beneficial here is that platform play and purpose-driven model
of business that Thrive Market exhibits fits perfectly to the
vision GourmetRoots has set in place Integrating a similar
membership model might foster loyalty and a sense of
community among GourmetRoots’ clientele. On top of this, the
detailed product descriptions and explained sourcing by Thrive
Market in a transparent manner could also help GourmetRoots
in enhancing its user experience in terms of building trust and
educating the customers, why this exotic food items are
valuable for them.
Marketing Strategy Observations
Thrive Market has very notable marketing skills,
characterized by its consistent brand message that
leans on health, sustainability, and convenience. It
translated these values very strategically through its
social media posts and huge online presence into a
very persuasive brand narrative that captures every
single one of their audiences. Content marketing
strategy This strategy shall borrow insights from the
content marketing activities running at Thrive Market.
Through storytelling in their content, GourmetRoots
shall be in a position to capture their customer’s
feelings and grasp the unique place of origin of the
spices, sauces, and Such content would further
engage the target audience of GourmetRoots in
fostering a community around the joy of culinary
exploration. Emulating Thrive Market in the
commitment of the company towards customer
engagement and transparency would further place
GourmetRoots in an even better position in brand
loyalty and market positioning.
Final Thoughts –Reflecting on
Our Journey
The analysis of Thrive Market gave many insights to GourmetRoots
with respect to e-commerce strategies, mainly within the healthconscious and eco-friendly food retailing niche. Understanding
aspects like great information about products, community-centered
approach, and strategic marketing initiatives in the Thrive Market
model can drive GourmetRoots ahead in the wake of a competitive
market. This has been an introspective journey and it really did
reinforce the fact that business strategies should be aligned with the
core values and every step should actually resonate in line with brand
identity and customer expectations. We want to thank the audience
for being engaged and supportive of us. We look forward to an
exciting future rich in innovation, growth, and the celebration of global
culinary treasures at our company.
15% promotions on items bought above $200
Regions|Spices|Sauces|Meal Kits |Recipes |Shop Now
Delight your palate with GourmetRoots: where every bite is
a journey back to the essence of flavor and tradition.
Customer Service
$34.95- $155.65
Meal Kits
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About Us: GourmetRoots
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About Us: GourmetRoots
GourmetRoots – The name itself evokes adventure, curiosity, and a level of passion that
surpasses the curiosity level of unusual flavors that this world has to offer. We are not just a
business; we are a journey: a story that started from a profound love for exotic cuisines and the
magic they bring into our lives. We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and ethical
Our spices and ingredients are sourced with due consideration for the environment and
communities involved in farming them. All our items undergo quality checks through
engagement with small-scale farmers and artisans to ensure that every product showcased in our
marketplace provides a taste sensation that supports fair trade practices. Our packaging is ecofriendly and at one with our ethos of minimalism on the carbon footprint. When you purchase
from GourmetRoots, you are not just eating exotic gourmet flavors but also ensuring that you
support systems for food and livelihood that are sustainable and just.
Our Spice Odyssey: The Genesis
Our journey began at the busy markets in distant lands, where the aroma of exotic spices
and the dazzling colors of locally made sauces stole our hearts. We were born to let it into our
homes. Right in the epicenter of many cuisines, we are proud to be called the ultimate market at
the exotic food marketplace.
Mission: Culinary Exploration for All
Our mission is clear – to make the world of exotic flavors available to everyone. We
believe in the power of food in bringing people together, telling stories, and creating
unforgettable experiences. Whether it’s through our handpicked premium spices, our unique
artisan sauces, and blends, or our ready-to-cook meal kits, our intent is to transport you around
the world without leaving your very own kitchen.
Our Offerings: A Taste of the World
GourmetRoots enables us to bring you more than products; we offer experiences. From
the rarest of saffrons to the most aromatic cardamom, we bring spices from their place of origin.
Sauces in our collection carry with them a legacy, like tangy tamarind sourced from India or
fiery habanero from Mexico.
Ready-to-Cook Meal Kits: For the urban culinary explorer, our meal kits are put together
to make it a convenient and enjoyable plunge into the abyss of exotic cuisines.
Engage, Learn, and Savor: Our Community
As wide as the possibilities in having an amazingly diverse range of products, so is our
target. We are reaching out to foodie consumers: open-minded culinary enthusiasts who are
constantly adventurous with unique foods and explore intriguing recipes. On this website, they
would be entertained by a culinary blog, interactive recipes suggested, and the sharing of food
Join Us on This Flavorful Journey
When it all comes down to it, at GourmetRoots, we’re not selling food products—we’re
selling stories and experiences. And a ticket for the utmost culinary experience there is out in this
world. So, come for an adventure, explore the unexplored, and let your palate dive deep into the
rich tapestries of global cuisines. Welcome to GourmetRoots, where every bite tells a story.
Student’s Name
GourmetRoots –
Exotic Food Marketplace
It’s a global business brand that offers a wide range of spices, sauces and meal kits
from different regions around the world. We have a premium selection of rare and
authentic spices from different regions of the world. Our best sellers include an
assortment of artisanal sauces, each offering a distinct flavor profile from various
global cuisines.
We also offer carefully curetted meal kits that provide an easy and enjoyable
cooking experience, enabling customers to explore exotic cuisines right from their
kitchens. Our products are specifically designed for an age group of 20 -55, that
are passionate about culinary exploration and experiencing global cuisines.
Our success factors include Unique Product Selection, Community Engagement,
and publishing of Educational Content like Culinary Blog and Recipes through its
user-friendly website with rich and inviting colors
GourmetRoots – Sitemap

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