807 – The Impact of Psychological Safety on Team Performance


Please follow APA format and make it about 6-8 pages not including the title page and references. Please let me know if you have any questions

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PAPER: Each team will submit a final research paper. The cumulative research paper will synthesize,
analyze, and evaluate aspects learned from working collaboratively as a team, the steps and activities
performed to develop a graduate-level course, and any obstacles encountered. This research paper
must include a thesis statement and evidence that supports, refutes, confirms, and affirms the thesis
statement and experiential team learning.
The paper should be:
APA Format, typed, double-spaced
One-inch margins on all sides, Font – 12 pt., Times New Roman
Page numbers 6-8 pages (not including references)
ACCEPTABLE: Conforms to Final Paper Rubric and is turned in early (see schedule).
ADVANCED: Less than 5 typos or grammatical errors, less than 3 APA errors, title includes team name
and names of team members, abstract submitted as part of paper, annotated bibliography is included,
and paper is submitted early (see calendar).
A Note about Research:
The use of Wikipedia or other online encyclopedias for graduate-level papers is inappropriate as these
sources present information that is “already digested.” Essentially, you are obtaining analyses done by
someone else. Use of such sources limits graduate students’ ability to reason, synthesis, analyze and
evaluate firsthand the information presented. Therefore, it is imperative that graduate students explore
and search academically oriented literature and synthesize, analyze, reason, and evaluate information
—6-8 pages (not including title page and bibliography)
—Research Topic: Teams Working Collaboratively re: Current Research on Teamwork
—Title Page
—Literature Review – 12 sources?
—Body (describe aspects of our team experience that affirms or contradicts the research).
—Conclusion (brief)
—Bibliography – 8 cited sources?
Topic: The Impact of Psychological Safety on Team Performance
Recent research on teamwork highlights psychological safety as a critical component of enhancing team
performance and fostering innovation. Our essay explores the concept of psychological safety, its
significance in team dynamics, the factors influencing psychological safety, and practical strategies for
cultivating psychological safety in group project teams.

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