8 slide PowerPoint psychology in a law enforcement career


create a PowerPoint® presentation (Template is attached) that illustrates the connection between current psychology research and your leadership role in a career field you find interesting, (Law enforcement) . Consider this presentation training for future colleagues on how psychology relates to your career field. You will present a psychology research article that relates to this career field and what can be learned from it. Identify a topic to search for that connects psychology with a career field you are interested in. For example: A future addictions counselor may select the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy. A future business professional may select ways of improving work morale. An early childhood development professional may select behavior modification techniques to improve classroom behavior. You will then use the information you have gathered in a presentation that is at least 8 slides long (not including the title and reference slides). Identify the career field and article you selected. Describe the highlights of the research study. Discuss how the research ties to your career field of interest. Consider ways that the following cognitive concepts might impact your work: event schemas, intelligence, sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.

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8 slide PowerPoint psychology in a law enforcement career
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Provide a title for your presentation
[Delete this red font as it serves as your guide in this
template. Replace it with your own information.]
PS124-Section Number – Unit 7 Assignment
Instructor name
Career Field and Research Article
Identify the career field and article you selected.
Research Study Highlights
Describe the highlights of the research study.
Career Field Link to Research
Discuss how the research ties to you career field of interest.
Cognitive Concepts: Event Schemas
How might event schemas impact your work?
Cognitive Concepts: Intelligence
How might intelligence impact your work?
Cognitive Concepts: Sensory Memory
How might sensory memory impact your work?
Cognitive Concepts: Short-Term Memory
How might short-term memory impact your work?
Cognitive Concepts: Long-Term Memory
How might long-term memory impact your work?
List all references in APA format.

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