6 short answer questions


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While this image is your textbook, please respond in your own words. Plagiarism will not
be tolerated, and you cannot simply change a couple words from the text. You also may
not run this image through AI to get more information on it. I am asking you to think
critically here. Any outside research will be flagged, and thus you will receive a 0. I know
this text inside and out, and I wrote all my lectures… thus, doing outside research on
this will be easily recognized.
For the image, please provide the following information:
1. Who would have produced this image?
2. What is it depicting? (min two sentences)
3. What was the historical context of this image? What was happening at this
moment in time? (min three sentences)
4. What is the significance of the image/what does it reveal? (min three
sentences, creative answers encouraged!)
5. When (approximately) was this image produced, and who [would have*]
produced this image? *Note: If there is a specific author you can identify using ONLY
the text and/or my lectures, include it! Otherwise, please review the study guide for
clarity on what to do if there is NO specific author listed.
6. What is the image depicting? (AKA describe the image! Your answer must be
a minimum of two sentences!
7. What is the historical context of this image? What was happening at this
moment in time? (Hint: go beyond the confines of the small text under the image in your
textbook. Consider what sort of social, cultural, political, or economic
changes/evolutions/ideas were happening at this moment and describe them in your
own words!). Your response must be a minimum of three sentences!
8. What is the significance of the image/what does it reveal? (Creative answers
encouraged!) Your response must be a minimum of three sentences!
Identify three specific events that occurred during the Early Middle Ages. For each
instance, explain the significance of each event (specifically, how that particular event
shaped the modern world in which we live today). Your total response must be at
minimum 5-10 sentences long. As a reminder (and I absolutely hate that I have to say
this), please ensure that your responses are complete, accurate, and derived from
either the text(s) or my lectures (*HINT, I’D LOOK AT CH 8).
Why was Muhammad so successful? What reasonings can you identify to support your
contention(s)? Provide at least 2 specific examples either from the text or the lecture to
support your claim(s). Your total response must be at minimum 5-8 sentences
long.please ensure that your responses are complete, accurate, and derived from
either the text(s) or my lectures (*HINT, I’D LOOK AT CH 9).
Discuss three figures from Chapter 11 of your textbook/my lectures that you
found most profound/influential to Western culture/the world. Explain the
significance for each figure in your response. Your total response must be
between 5-10 sentences long.
What did the Renaissance achieve? Provide at least 2 specific examples from the
text/my lectures to back your claim(s) and explain the significance of each
example. Your total response must be between 5-10 sentences long.
*Hint: It’s probably a good idea to focus on any influential figures or profound
innovations/events during this time period (but you are not limited to these
What role did religion play in scientific advancement (or lack thereof) during the
Scientific Revolution? Provide at least two specific examples to support your
claim and explain the significance of each. (*HINT, LOOK AT CH 13) Your total
response must be between 5-10 sentences long.

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