6 peer replies


Applied Statistics for Health Care Professionals

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I need to post 6 comments to my peers. Responses to peers or faculty should be 150 min words and include one reference.

Comment 1:

Epidemiological data plays a crucial role in shaping and guiding changes in health practices. The field of epidemiology focuses on studying the prevalence and causes of illnesses and other health-related occurrences in communities. Public health workers may improve health outcomes by examining trends and patterns in this data to find risk factors, measure the efficacy of treatments, and make educated choices (Bragazzi et al., 2023). Think of a town where a certain contagious illness is on the rise, for instance. Groups of people who are most likely to be impacted, typical ways of transmission, and concentrated areas of infection may all be uncovered by analyzing epidemiological data. Healthcare professionals and public health authorities may use this data to better understand how to restrict the spread of the disease via measures including targeted vaccination programs, improved hygiene practices, and behavioral modification recommendations.

Several crucial pieces of information are required to modify health behaviors based on epidemiological data. The most important thing is that we have current and accurate statistics on how common the health problem is. Factors that may increase vulnerability, as well as the number of people impacted and where they live, are all part of this report. Effective treatments can only be designed with a thorough knowledge of the transmission method and possible exposure sources (James, 2020). If, for example, there is evidence of a food poisoning epidemic, it is critical to determine which foods were involved and where they came from in order to stop the spread of the disease. In addition, data on the practicality and efficacy of possible actions is required to ascertain the best move to make. To make decisions based on evidence and to make sure that health practice improvements are efficient, focused, and responsive to the needs of the community, it is essential to collect thorough and trustworthy epidemiological data.

Comment 2:

Epidemiological data plays a crucial role in shaping health practices and policies. Epidemiology studies the distribution and determinants of health and disease in populations. It provides critical information on the incidence, prevalence, and risk factors of diseases, which is essential in identifying public health issues and developing interventions to mitigate them. Epidemiological data can help identify trends in health outcomes, identify risk factors for particular diseases, and measure the effectiveness of interventions.

One example of how epidemiological data have influenced health practices is the management of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Epidemiological studies have shown that CVDs are the leading cause of mortality worldwide, with over 17 million deaths each year. This data has led to the development of various prevention and treatment strategies, such as lifestyle modifications, medication, and surgical interventions.

To make changes in practice, it is essential to have reliable epidemiological data representative of the population of interest. For example, to make changes in the management of CVDs, data on the incidence and prevalence of CVDs in the population, risk factors, and the effectiveness of interventions would be necessary. This data would help identify the most effective interventions, target high-risk populations, and evaluate the impact of interventions on the population’s health outcomes.

Comment 3:

Epidemiologists analyze disease incidence patterns, which help public health authorities to plan, evaluate, and organize health services for illness prevention, control, and treatment. During emergencies, epidemiology provides reliable methods to assess the effects of treatments and risk factors on population health through questionnaires, observation, pre-programmed data processing, and quick analyses. “Epidemiologic data are paramount to targeting and implementing evidence-based control measures to protect the public’s health and safety. Nowhere are data more important than during a field epidemiologic investigation to identify the cause of an urgent public health problem that requires immediate intervention” (Collecting Data | Epidemic Intelligence Service | CDC, n.d.). Since the start of the pandemic, there has been extensive research into the epidemiology of COVID-19 as it relates to pregnancy. “Several studies have estimated the risk of COVID-19 diagnosis during pregnancy. In an international cohort comparing 706 pregnant patients with COVID-19 diagnoses to 1424 pregnant women without COVID-19 diagnoses, those with COVID-19 carried a 5.04 fold increased risk of ICU admission, a 22.3 fold relative risk (RR) of maternal mortality, as well as increased RR of preeclampsia (RR: 1.76), preterm birth (RR: 1.34), and severe neonatal morbidity (RR: 2.66)” (The Epidemiology of COVID-19 in Pregnancy, 2021). Epidemiological data have highlighted that preventive measures such as vaccination, wearing masks, physical distancing, maintaining hand hygiene, and avoiding unnecessary activities in high-risk environments are necessary to protect pregnant women from COVID-19.

Comment 4:

Ethical guidelines in data collection are crucial because they ensure that research respects the dignity, rights, and well-being of participants. Without these guidelines, there’s a risk of exploitation, harm, or invasion of privacy. In my Article Analysis 2 assignment, I reviewed the “Attitudes of Nursing Students Towards Euthanasia Legalization, End-of-Life Planning, and Spiritual Dimensions,” and there are ethical considerations. As a Christian, I believe in treating others with compassion and respect, mirroring the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. (Matthew 7:12 ESV – “So Whatever You Wish That. . . | Biblia, n.d.)” Therefore, any research involving sensitive topics like euthanasia should prioritize informed consent, confidentiality, and protection of participants’ rights.

Drawing from a Christian worldview perspective, ethical considerations in the article are paramount. As Christians, we are called to value every human life as sacred and to approach end-of-life issues with compassion and reverence. The Bible verse Proverbs 31:8-9 emphasizes the Christian responsibility to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and to defend the rights of the needy (Staff, n.d.). Therefore, in researching sensitive topics like euthanasia and end-of-life care, it’s essential to ensure that participants are treated with utmost respect and dignity. Ethical lapses in sampling, data collection, analysis, or publication could include coercing participants into sharing their views, breaching confidentiality, or manipulating data to fit preconceived notions. For example, sampling bias could occur if randomization is not properly applied during data collection (Kangralkar, 2023). Upholding ethical standards not only honors the dignity of participants but also reflects the Christian principles of love, compassion, and justice.

Comment 5:

Ethical guidelines in data collection are crucial in every step of research including sampling , data collection, data analysis , and publishing results. They ensure the integrity of the research process and protect the rights and welfare of participants. Ethical guidelines promote honesty and transparency in data collection, analysis and reporting which contributes to the accuracy and reliability of result. My Article Analysis 1 :- Health Social Networks of Black Women With Hypertension Nursing Research. The participants are were fully informed about the purpose of the study, any potential risks and benefits, and the selection of participants are based on research objectives not a convenience or manipulability. Data collection include respecting participants’ privacy and keeping their data confidential by anonymizing data and securely storing it (National Institute of Health, 2016) The participants were not deceive about the nature of the study. The result of the finding were accurately reported and resources used were properly cited. Only those who made a significant contribution to the research were listed as the authors.

In the context of Christian world view, these ethical guidelines align with the values of honesty, respect for others and responsibility. They reflect the biblical principles of speaking the truth in love (Ephesian 4:15) and do unto others as you would have them do unto you ( Matthew 7:12).

Comment 6:

Most of society is concerned for their health and well being. Many social media outlets, including television and newspapers spread information about health and disease process but scientific research is more accessible to the general public. Epidemiology is the branch of medical science that investigates all the factors that determine the presence or absence of diseases and disorders. Epidemiological research helps us to understand how many people have a disease or disorder, if those numbers are changing, and how the disorder affects our society and our economy (CDC, 2018). When epidemiological data is collected and shared it can offer further insight into who diseases are spread and how they can be prevented. An example of this is the effects of a new medication on a disease process, such as a new antibiotic to treat bacterial infections for patients who have antimicrobial resistance. Researchers would want to find positive results for treatment and collect data on the new medication. If positive results were found, then this patient could be treated for their bacterial infection (Reygaert, 2018). Continued increases in antimicrobial resistance have led to fewer treatment options for patients, and an associated increase in morbidity and mortality (CDC, 2018).