400 words discussing greek Archaeology


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400 words discussing greek Archaeology
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Classics 50: Classical Archaeology
Essay Topics
(1) Trace the development of Greek temples from Dark Age Age Greece to 400BC (including
the 3 types of columns and friezes/pediments).
(2) Discuss the origin and evolution of Greek sculpture.
(3) Describe changing Greek pottery styles from Mycenaean times down to the end of the Red
Figure era.
(4) Describe the temples, statues, pediments/friezes, and columns on the Athenian acropolis.
(5) Create a topic of your own choosing or reformulate one of the essay topics listed above.
Upload your essay. It must be typed, single-spaced, and at least 400 words in length. Please do
not add a title page or bibliography. Put your name in the upper right-hand corner and in the
upper left-hand corner the title of your essay. You will be graded on a scale of ten points: seven
points for content, and I will take off up to three points for misspelled words, typos, improper
English usage, and other grammar mistakes. It is always a good idea to have someone proof
your paper before you hand it in. Points lost on your essay will usually be due to not following
directions or some errors noted below. You don’t need to use outside books nor consult the
internet. Please do not send your essay to me via email.
Organizing Criteria (to be exhibited in your essay):
You must have a thesis sentence at the beginning of the essay.
Think of the three, four, or five paragraph essay format, with an introductory thesis paragraph,
supporting paragraphs, and a brief concluding paragraph. (Remember: In an essay you are
arguing a point, trying to prove a point, or elucidating a point. Your thesis statement states what
the point is.)
Make sure your sentences make sense. Clumsy phrases and incorrectly used words will cost you
Keep to the same verb tense.
Stylistic Points (I will not mark off for style, but keep the following in mind):
Avoid split infinitives.
Avoid passives.
Avoid wordiness; make your statements direct.
Vary your sentence structure: a simple sentence, a compound sentence, a sentence with
subordinate clauses, etc.
Common Errors to avoid:
Iliad or Iliad, not Iliad: underline or italicize titles of books. Titles of articles are enclosed by
quotation marks.
it’s = it is
its = possession
their = possessive vs. there
punctuation: “…store.” “…store,” “…store”; “…store”: (Single punctuation marks are placed
within the quotations, while double punctuation marks are placed outside.)
Avoid run-on sentences: He wanted to go home as soon as he finished, however he stayed
behind. A complete sentence ends with a period or semi-colon, except when you string several
very short sentences in a row: I came, I saw, I conquered.
Avoid fragmentary sentences: Since he lived in the South for over ten years during the 1960s
and experienced many facets of country living in those years.
Use commas properly. End a subordinate clause beginning with such words (called
subordinating conjunctions) as “when,” “since,” “although,” “as long as,” “while,” “as” with a
comma. When he finished the assignment, he handed it in. “But” usually has a comma before it
as in: I went home, but no one was there. Words or phrases in apposition have a comma before
and after. Similarly, such words as “however” in the middle of a sentence has a comma before
and after.
Capitalize proper nouns and adjectives: Greeks. Do not capitalize the word ancient: ancient
Greece, not Ancient Greece
Do not use contractions.

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