4 file Ct and 2 dis.


Module 05: Critical Thinking Assignment

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Memo for Public Health Emergency (100 points)

For this Memo, research the COVID-19 Pandemic and indicate any international advice provided for mass gatherings during the pandemic.

Imagine you have been asked to draft a memo to help the country to safely proceed with Hajj

• Indicate the advice provided by the World Health Organization in safely engaging in a mass gathering in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during a pandemic.

• Analyze the ethical implications of this advice.

• Detail how this advice was prescribed into law or practice in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

• Indicate the healthcare organization or other entities that heed this advice; and

• Examine the outcomes of these requirements

Your memo should meet the following structural requirements:

• Two to three pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page.

• Formatted according to APA 7thedition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards

• Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references

dis 2 file

Managing Performance Discussion : For this discussion forum, consider a circumstance where poor employee performance was observed in the workplace (or you are familiar, via research, where this occurred in an organization). An example could be the poor performance of a co-worker, excessive absenteeism in the workplace, or disrespect exhibited between/among employees..

Briefly discuss the situation you experienced above and present 2 strategies a manager should use to address the poor performance of the employee.

Discuss how you would specifically evaluate the success and/or failure of these recommendations. What tools or models to determine the success/failure of these strategies.


Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if appropriate.

Your initial post should address all components of the question with a 500 word limit.