4.2 Discussion Board:Dream Jobs


Remember post your first response by Friday, to give your classmates an opportunity to respond by the Sunday, midnight deadline.

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4.2 Discussion Board:Dream Jobs
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For this posting, you are required to post your answer to my question and respond to others according to the specific directions. Please complete steps #1 and #2 to receive the full 10 points for this week’s Discussion Board. In order for this exercise to work properly, I need everyone to follow the directions.

Step #1: Here is what I would like you to post for this week:

Please describe three dream jobs you would like to perform. They can be any job in the world – realistic or unrealistic. For example, I would say my three dream jobs would be a Stay at Home Mom, a Disneyland Princess, and a Community College Counselor. Your description needs to include details about your daily tasks, what you enjoy most about the job, and why you chose that particular job. The more information you provide the better the outcome of this exercise. Try to list at least 6-12 items for each job. You do not need to write in complete sentences. I want you to list as much information possible about your three dream jobs. Have fun!

Step #2: Here is how you will need to respond to others:

After reading each posting, think about what you think their personal values may be. From the description they gave of each job, I want you to pull out as many values or characteristics of the person you can think of. For example, if a person’s description included taking care of children, I would think that his/her values may be family, nurturing, love, etc.

In the end, this exercise shows how career choices are an expression of who you are. The jobs that you choose to perform tell the world about your personality, interests, and values.

This posting will be graded. Remember it is worth 10 points – 5 points for your answer to the instructor’s question and 5 points for responding to at least one classmate.