3000 words


644 Remediation

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Due Date: November 24, 2023, at 11:59 PM No late submission will be accepted TOTAL POINTS: 20 POINTS

In a 12-page paper: Minimum of 3000 words Answer the following questions.

1. Compare and contrast the different philosophical orientations of foundational theories in psychiatry. 2 pts.

2. How do philosophical orientations of foundational theories influence each other? 2 pts

3. How do you choose a philosophical orientation of foundational theories in your practice as

a PMHNP? 2pts

4. Identify one behavioral risk factor. Describe the chosen behavioral risk factor. Discuss the

magnitude and determinants of the behavioral risk selected factor-3 pts.

5. Create a visual or graphical representation of the Transtheoretical Model of Change in

your chosen behavioral risk factors. Explain the graphical representation. 6 pts.

6. Is Motivational interviewing useful in your chosen behavioral risk factor? Explain your

answer. 2pts

7. Summarize the concepts of issues in prescribing in children and adolescents.2 pts.

8. References- minimum of 10 references- 1 point.

You will have a total of 12 pages, including:

1. Page 1-Cover page,

2. Page 2-11-Body of the paper,

3. Page 12 – Reference Page.


Page 1 of 2

Rubric Guidelines (NUR 644 Remediation)

Excellent Acceptable Poor


Assignment follows APA guidelines.

Points: 16

Assignment contains few APA errors.

Points: 13

Assignment does not follow APA guidelines or contains several errors in APA. Points: 5


Assignment is free of grammar, punctuation, and

spelling errors.

Points: 16

Assignments contain few grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors.

Points: 13

Assignment contains several errors in grammar, punctuation,

and/or spelling.

Points: 5


Excellent organization and structure are evident throughout the assignment. The assignment contains appropriate topic sentences, transitions, and conclusions. Introduction of the topic, content, and conclusions are organized.

Points: 16

Acceptable organization and structure throughout the assignment. Areas of needed improvement noted in one of the following areas (e.g., topic

sentences, transitions, conclusions, overall organization of assignment). Points: 13

Assignments do not meet organizational standards of doctoral-level writing. Several areas of improvement were noted in more than one of the following areas (e.g., topic sentences, transitions, conclusions, overall organization of assignment).

Points: 5


Excellent presentation of research and information related to the topic. The writer used appropriate and current peer-reviewed evidence-based research. Clinical discussion of the content demonstrates knowledge and application of principles related to the assigned topic.

Points: 16

Acceptable presentation of research and information related to the topic. The writer used appropriate peer-reviewed evidence- based research most of the time. Clinical discussion of the content demonstrates acceptable knowledge and application of principles related to the assigned topic; however, areas of improvement were noted.

Points: 13

Assignment does not adequately address the assigned topic. The writer did not use current peer-reviewed evidence- based research.

Points: 5

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NUR 644 Remediation
Due Date: November 24, 2023, at 11:59 PM
No late submission will be accepted
In a 12-page paper: Minimum of 3000 words
Answer the following questions.
1. Compare and contrast the different philosophical orientations of foundational theories in
psychiatry. 2 pts.
2. How do philosophical orientations of foundational theories influence each other? 2 pts
3. How do you choose a philosophical orientation of foundational theories in your practice as
a PMHNP? 2pts
4. Identify one behavioral risk factor. Describe the chosen behavioral risk factor. Discuss the
magnitude and determinants of the behavioral risk selected factor-3 pts.
5. Create a visual or graphical representation of the Transtheoretical Model of Change in
your chosen behavioral risk factors. Explain the graphical representation. 6 pts.
6. Is Motivational interviewing useful in your chosen behavioral risk factor? Explain your
answer. 2pts
7. Summarize the concepts of issues in prescribing in children and adolescents.2 pts.
8. References- minimum of 10 references- 1 point.
You will have a total of 12 pages, including:
1. Page 1-Cover page,
2. Page 2-11-Body of the paper,
3. Page 12 – Reference Page.
Page 1 of 2
Rubric Guidelines (NUR 644 Remediation)
Assignment follows APA
Assignment contains few
APA errors.
Points: 16
Assignment is free of
grammar, punctuation, and
spelling errors.
Points: 16
Excellent organization and
structure are evident
throughout the assignment.
The assignment contains
appropriate topic sentences,
transitions, and conclusions.
Introduction of the topic,
content, and conclusions are
Points: 16
Excellent presentation of
research and information
related to the topic. The
writer used appropriate and
current peer-reviewed
evidence-based research.
Clinical discussion of the
content demonstrates
knowledge and application
of principles related to the
assigned topic.
Points: 16
Page 2 of 2
Assignment does not follow
APA guidelines or contains
several errors in APA.
Points: 13
Points: 5
Assignments contain few
Assignment contains several
grammatical, punctuation, errors in grammar, punctuation,
and/or spelling errors.
and/or spelling.
Points: 13
Points: 5
Assignments do not meet
Acceptable organization
and structure throughout
organizational standards of
the assignment. Areas of
doctoral-level writing. Several
needed improvement noted areas of improvement were
in one of the following
noted in more than one of the
areas (e.g., topic
following areas (e.g., topic
sentences, transitions,
sentences, transitions,
conclusions, overall
conclusions, overall
organization of
organization of assignment).
assignment). Points: 13
Points: 5
Acceptable presentation of Assignment does not
research and information
adequately address the assigned
related to the topic. The
topic. The writer did not use
writer used appropriate
current peer-reviewed evidencepeer-reviewed evidencebased research.
based research most of the
time. Clinical discussion
of the content
demonstrates acceptable
knowledge and application
of principles related to the
assigned topic; however,
areas of improvement
were noted.
Points: 5
Points: 13

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