300 words each term the total is 600 words only please no more


Pick one from each group the total is two term each of them is 300 words (the two term should be from the )

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300 words each term the total is 600 words only please no more
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For example,{one from the first group and one from the third group}


Group 1: nation-state, stateless nation, nation-building, state-building, national identity, ethnic identity

Group 2: “ethnosymbolism,” national myths, modernity

Group 3: “print capitalism,” “imagined communities,” Wilsonian liberalism

Group 4: essentialism, institutionalism, constructivism, instrumentalism, structuralism


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Prepare to give the essential meaning and significance of prompts. The essential meaning
includes a definition. The significance requires tying the concept to the content of the
course. (Explain how the concept or theme is relevant to the course.) You must draw on
the readings in your answers.
You have to use two of the identification prompts. I will *aim* to read and give feedback
on your answers prior to Wednesday’s quiz. I’m removing the word count requirement for
this Reading Journal assignment (you can answer two prompts in fewer than 300 words).
Note: Be strategic in your selection of prompts. Clearly indicate which prompts you are
Group 1: nation-state, stateless nation, nation-building, state-building, national identity,
ethnic identity
Group 2: “ethnosymbolism,” national myths, modernity
Group 3: “print capitalism,” “imagined communities,” Wilsonian liberalism.
Group 4: essentialism, institutionalism, constructivism, instrumentalism, structuralism
Reading Journal Rubric
Reading Journal Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome300-500 words, clear and proofread prose
The response includes 300-500 words of clear, proofread prose. The answer doesn’t rely
heavily on quoted excerpts without engaging in discussion of these. The response does not
rely heavily on repetition.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComprehension
The response shows understanding of the readings. Short of full understanding, there is
evidence of thoughtful consideration of the materials.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of discussion
The discussion offers more than a summary. There is a clear attempt to answer the question at
least one of the questions that were posed. Excellent answers will engage debates, offer
critique, and/or offer thoughtful discussion.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScores
9-10 = Good work, meeting or exceeding expectations;
7-8 = Appropriate submission length and prose, but with issues regarding comprehension
and/or discussion;
5-6 = More substantial issues regarding comprehension and discussion and/or failure to
follow directions;
1-4 = Lowest score range;
0 = No submission; plagiarism; and/or academic dishonesty (refer to Syllabus)

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