300 word discussion Biochemistry


Instructions: Please watch the 8-minute video “The Inner Life of the Cell” at https://youtu.be/QplXd76lAYQ. It is one of the best illustrations of cellular processes ever made. I do have some problems with certain elements of this video, such as the lack of stochasticity (randomness), but it’s still a stunning video and well worth watching. You can watch the original version, at double the speed and without narration, at http://www.xvivo.net/animation/the-inner-life-of-the-cell/ It’s a good background at parties. (Well, at the types of parties I enjoy at least!)Choose one MOLECULE represented in the video, read about it (cite your sources!), and write a post describing something you learned about its BIOCHEMISTRY that goes beyond the scope of the video. Make sure you choose a SPECIFIC molecule – for example, “kinesin”, not just “a motor protein” (sorry – you can’t use that one!). It might be helpful to turn on closed captions while watching the video to identify your molecule. It doesn’t have to be a molecule specifically mentioned in the video, but should be one that is pictured (like components of the cytoskeleton or proteins on the surface of an intracellular vesicle).

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