3 Separate Discussion Boards


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3 Separate Discussion Boards
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Evidence-based practice is the process by which nurses make clinical decisions based on their
ability to combine the appropriate research findings with patient preferences.
1. In your discussion response, please describe the relationship between research and the
development of evidence-based practice for nursing.
Please be sure to adhere to APA guidelines when citing sources. Also, as part of the discussion
participation requirements, please be sure to respond to at least two peers each week.
Identify a clinical issue in your organization, or an issue you are interested in. Develop a PICOT
question for that issue. Refer to your readings for developing a PICOT – formatted question.
P = Patient, Population or Problem
I = Intervention
C = Comparison
O = Outcome
T = Time
This discussion activity aligns with:
Course Outcome 1. Demonstrate progressive skills in evaluating and incorporating evidencebased practice findings related to clinical environments.
AACN BSN Essential II. 6: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and
outcome measures to identify clinical questions and describe the process of changing current
AACN BSN Essential III.5: Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of
evidence in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient
Visit the library and perform a search for the topic you presented in your PICOT question. In the
discussion response for this week, please address each of the following prompts:
Provide the clinical question in PICOT format; and,
Provide a justification for selecting your topic. Support your response with at least
two scholarly sources.
Please be sure to adhere to APA guidelines when citing sources. Also, as part of the discussion
participation requirements, please be sure to respond to at least two peers each week.
This discussion activity aligns with:
Course Outcome 1. Demonstrate progressive skills in evaluating and incorporating evidencebased practice findings related to clinical environments.
AACN BSN Essential II. 6: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and
outcome measures to identify clinical questions and describe the process of changing current
AACN BSN Essential III.5: Participate in the process of retrieval, appraisal, and synthesis of
evidence in collaboration with other members of the healthcare team to improve patient

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